839 research outputs found


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    The new spirit of business must be marked by efficient managerial communication. To build, to develop and to run business means, first of all, to communicate, to transmit information, opinions and decisions and, at the same time, to receive answers to such. In practice, the manager is required to have certain qualities that are indispensable for the managerial activity, and the ability to communicate efficiently is one of them. Under the pressure of the changes occurring in the business environments, of the ever-growing complexity of business and of the managers’ responsibilities, the topic of managerial communication is of large interest. The preoccupation for this topic can also be found in the sphere of analysis of the Romanian specialists, both in the academic community and in the business environment. A series of valuable theoretical studies have been published lately. They treat of the managerial communication and its implications in the company performance. Also special courses of business communication and negotiation have been introduced in universities. In the field of the scientific research, communication in business management is a topic of research and debate among the specialists in research facilities and universities. Many of the research projects run by the Romanian universities in partnership with the business community treat of this topic. In the context of such general interest, this study emphasizes the role of communication competence in the fulfilment of the manager’s complex tasks. The study debates on several approaches of the managerial communication and analyses their implications in the efficiency of the managerial act. The study insists on the necessity of developing the managerial communication abilities by means of grasping the modern communication techniques and psychological techniques that allow harmonizing the interpersonal communication relations in business.managerial communication; approaches of the managerial communication, communications abilities, communication techniques


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    The new spirit of business must be marked by efficient managerial communication. To build, to develop and to run business means, first of all, to communicate, to transmit information, opinions and decisions and, at the same time, to receive answers to such. In practice, the manager is required to have certain qualities that are indispensable for the managerial activity, and the ability to communicate efficiently is one of them. Under the pressure of the changes occurring in the business environments, of the ever-growing complexity of business and of the managers’ responsibilities, the topic of managerial communication is of large interest. The preoccupation for this topic can also be found in the sphere of analysis of the Romanian specialists, both in the academic community and in the business environment. A series of valuable theoretical studies have been published lately. They treat of the managerial communication and its implications in the company performance. Also special courses of business communication and negotiation have been introduced in universities. In the field of the scientific research, communication in business management is a topic of research and debate among the specialists in research facilities and universities. Many of the research projects run by the Romanian universities in partnership with the business community treat of this topic. In the context of such general interest, this study emphasizes the role of communication competence in the fulfilment of the manager’s complex tasks. The study debates on several approaches of the managerial communication and analyses their implications in the efficiency of the managerial act. The study insists on the necessity of developing the managerial communication abilities by means of grasping the modern communication techniques and psychological techniques that allow harmonizing the interpersonal communication relations in business.managerial communication; approaches of the managerial communication, communications abilities, communication techniques

    Synthesis of the PhD thesis "Anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing management"

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    As a whole, this PhD thesis follows three research lines, namely: (1) the conceptual line - concerns the definition of the money laundering and terrorism financing phenomenon, the processes, mechanisms, stages and instruments of the laundering of illegally obtained fund; (2) the estimative line aimed at measuring the size of money laundering phenomenon, the economic, social and security effects and consequences; (3) the line of an awareness of the need to prevent and fight against the effects arising from money laundering processes, the national and international efforts taken until present nation- and worldwide and the future measures required to diminish the consequences of this scourge

    Romanian Banks – Romanian SMEs: A Mutual Business Relationship

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    This paper analyzes the bank-SMEs partnership in terms of ICT collaboration. The data about ICT projects developed in the Romanian banks having SMEs as a technology provider is collected by web content mining. Then, the paper addresses two main perspectives. At first, we identify the features that characterize the successful SMEs that managed to develop business relationships with the Romanian Banks and we build an econometric model to express this dependency. On the other hand, the paper analyzes the problem from the Romanian banks’ perspective, identifying patterns in their IT investment decisions.SMEs; banking industry; IT investments; clustering; decision patterns.

    The Influence of Language on the Collective Perception of Alterity: A Study on the Image of Turks in the Greek Media and the Potential for Education

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    Abstract‘Eat your food, child, or else the Turk will come and take you away’. This is a common Greek stereotype about the Turks, illustrating them as bogeyman. But why Greeks have a bad image of their eastern neighbors? The present study has its source of inspiration in a wider research we are currently undergoing, related to the Greek-Turkish relations in the second half of the 20th century and the stereotypes about the Turkish people, promoted by the Greek media. In this paper we aim at remonstrating that the Greek press reinforces ethnic categorization and stereotypes during the bilateral crises, thus cultivating a negative image of the neighbor

    Non-financial measurements in banking industries of Sweden, Romania and Ukraine

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    Our study explored the use of non-financial measurements in financial services industries in Sweden, Romania and Ukraine. The countries were selected on grounds of the authors' nationality and the masters program. The analysis was focused on the use in practice of the latest theoretical developments, the non-financial indicators link with the banks’ strategies and the financial measurements and the differences in use between the three countries found at different economic development levels. The findings indicate that Swedish banks use a more mature and developed performance measurement system, which includes non-financial measurements besides financial ones. The study indicates that banks from the other two countries use a performance measurement system in its early development stages with strong influences from traditional accounting systems. The results also indicate a possible further development of the performance measurement system in Romania and Ukraine considering mainly the great influence of the foreign ownership, latest theoretical developments exposure and also the interest showed at declarative level for the non-financial dimensions


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    The new spirit of business must be marked by efficient managerial communication. To build, to develop and to run business means, first of all, to communicate, to transmit information, opinions and decisions and, at the same time, to receive answers to such. In practice, the manager is required to have certain qualities that are indispensable for the managerial activity, and the ability to communicate efficiently is one of them. Under the pressure of the changes occurring in the business environments, of the ever-growing complexity of business and of the managers’ responsibilities, the topic of managerial communication is of large interest. The preoccupation for this topic can also be found in the sphere of analysis of the Romanian specialists, both in the academic community and in the business environment. A series of valuable theoretical studies have been published lately. They treat of the managerial communication and its implications in the company performance. Also special courses of business communication and negotiation have been introduced in universities. In the field of the scientific research, communication in business management is a topic of research and debate among the specialists in research facilities and universities. Many of the research projects run by the Romanian universities in partnership with the business community treat of this topic. In the context of such general interest, this study emphasizes the role of communication competence in the fulfilment of the manager’s complex tasks. The study debates on several approaches of the managerial communication and analyses their implications in the efficiency of the managerial act. The study insists on the necessity of developing the managerial communication abilities by means of grasping the modern communication techniques and psychological techniques that allow harmonizing the interpersonal communication relations in business


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    Using a gauge theory of the gravitational field we build a metric with spherical symmetry. We use the theory based on the gravitational gauge group G to obtain a spherical symmetric solution of the field equations for the gravitational potentials. We define the gravitational gauge group G and then we introduce the gauge covariant derivative D . The strength tensor of the gravitational gauge field is obtained and a gauge invariant Lagrangian is then constructed. The field equations of the gauge potentials are written and a gravitational energy-momentum tensor (T g ) is determined. In such a theory the motion of a test particle may be assimilated with a spontaneous symmetry breaking field theory: the gauge field that mediates the gravitational interaction between the source field and the test particle spontaneously breaks the vacuum symmetry, generating a Reissner-Nordstrom type metric. All the calculations have been performed by GR Tensor II computer algebra package, running on the Maple 7 platform, along with several routines that we have written for our model. Pacs numbers: 11.30. Qc, 04.20.Cv


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    During the period 1983 – 1999, at INCDBH Stefanesti, the elite Mt. d´Adda 22 St. was selected and grown in contestplantations in order to be destined to the fresh grapevine consumption The identification of the biotypes(clones)having superior quality and production characteristics which manifest constantly, has been achieved through the studyof the elites chosen in comparative fields, using the method of repeated determinations in groups of years, underspecific vineyard conditions. Through repeated verification of the elites in the contest plots the elite Mt. d´Adda 22 St.stood out by superior quality, constant and sustained production of grapevines and the maintenance of the qualitycharacters. The elite was omologated in 2009. There had been identified and studied the clone elites which maintainedtheir productivity and quality characteristics during 2-3 years, which subsequently had been put to vegetativepropagation with a view to obtain the initial grafting material according to the intensive amelioration schemes

    A review of mental models research in child-computer interaction

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    AbstractResearch in cognitive science, science education, and developmental psychology has long investigating how children, based on their everyday experience, construct mental models of the world they live in. This paper provides a review of the research investigating the nature of mental models in the context of child-computer interaction, review elicitation techniques used within the field, and discusses its potential to further inform the design process. Exploring children's mental models of new technologies may bring about some further understanding in their cognitive and conceptual development, thus promting parents and teachers to guide them in exploring the new technological environment
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