73 research outputs found

    New Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Accesions Obtained at V.R.D.S. Buzau

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    Introduction: Climatic conditions are favourable for cultivation of this species throughout our country. Pea entered Europe in its southeast regions and progressed into its interior via Danube.( Ljuština, Marija, 2010) Concerns for growing this species at V.R.D.S.Buzau existed since the establishment (1957). The assortment of varieties has been recently enriched with a new patented variety named Getica.  Pea (Pisum sativum L.) was the original model organism used in Mendel’s discovery (1866) of the laws of inheritance, making it the foundation of modern plant genetics. (Smýkal, 2012). Pulses, including peas, have long been important components of the human diet due to their content of starch, protein and other nutrients. (Wendy J. Dahl, 2011).Aims: Assortment enriching with new valuable varieties in this species, with high yield capacity and high quality, with different periods of maturation in order to reschedule over a long period of time.Materials and Methods: Researches started with collecting germplasm in this species which currently contains 31 genotypes. As genotype control variant in evaluating and sorting the material used for variety improvement was used the well-known variety Getica. After evaluating this collection four genotypes were retained. Breeding method used was especially recurrent individual selection.Results: The researches finalised with the achievement of four new accessions which show different maturity ages; the earliest was L1 that reached technical maturity on June 1 and the late was L4 that reached technical maturity in June 25. The control variant matured in June 5. In terms of plant height, the most vigorous was L4 with 105 cm height and L3 showed a dwarf port with an average height of 56 cm.Conclusion: It has conducted and evaluated a valuable germplasm collection that can be harnessed to improve future research work, also were obtained four new varieties with distinct characteristics, different ripening periods that will  be proposed for patenting. The results received after promoting new creations among farmers by distributing promotional biological material (seeds) are very positive.References Ljuština, Marija, and Aleksandar Mikić. "A Brief Review on the Early Distribution of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in Europe." Field & Vegetable Crops Research/Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo 47.2 (2010).Smýkal, Petr, et al. "Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in the genomic era." Agronomy 2.2 (2012): 74-115.Wendy J. Dahl, Lauren M. Foster and Robert T. Tyler (2012). Review of the health benefits of peas (Pisum sativum L.). British Journal of Nutrition, 108, pp S3-S10. doi:10.1017/S0007114512000852. 13 December 2011

    New Genotypes of Leaf Mustard (Brassica juncea), Bred and Acclimatized at Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau

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    Since 1996, Brassica juncea has been studied in the Breeding Laboratory of Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau. The aim of this study was to obtain genotypes with distinct phenotypic expressivity, suitable to be grown in protected spaces and field, adapted to the pedoclimatic conditions of our country. The genetic potential of the germplasm collection was evaluated and the seven obtained families were measured biometrically and phenologically. G1 has been registered since 2017 at The State Institute for Testing and Registration of Varieties Bucharest for approval under the temporary name ‘Aroma’

    New Genotypes of Sweetleaf (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Acclimatized and Bred at Buzau

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    In Romania, during the 1980s, this species was studied in addition to other sweetener plants, such as Jerusalem artichoke, sweet sorghum, sweet iris, etc. After 1996, the researches were restarted intensively at Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau by the Breeding and Biodiversity Conservation Laboratory. A valuable germplasm collection has been made for this species and the new genotypes will be proposed for approval

    Diagnosis and management of pericardial effusion

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    Pericardial effusion is a common pathology in clinical practice. The etiology of pericardial effusion is diverse, from infectious diseases, malignancies, autoimmune diseases, chronic renal failure, to drug-related or after an invasive cardiac intervention. Clinical presentation of pericardial effusion is variable, depending on the volume of the fluid and the rate of accumulation. Clinical manifestations are dramatic if the pericardial fluid accumulates rapidly. Classical symptoms in pericardial effusion include pleuritic chest pain associated with dyspnea. In case of cardiac tamponade, orthopnea, jugular venous distension, pulsus paradoxus, hypotension, and shock appear. Transthoracic echocardiography is the gold standard investigation for the diagnosis of pericardial effusions. The echocardiographic signs of cardiac tamponade are represented by the collapse of the right atrium and right ventricle, respiratory alteration of mitral and tricuspid flow, and changes of the inferior vena cava. Management of pericardial effusion is guided by several factors, including hemodynamic impact and etiology. Pericardiocentesis guided by echocardiography is a life-saving procedure in cases of large pericardial effusions and cardiac tamponade. This is a review of the diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion

    New Hybrids of Eggplants (Solanum melongena) Created at Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau

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    At present, the Romanian market is dominated by foreign eggplant cultivars, the most widely used being the ‘Aragon’ and ‘Mirval’ hybrids. Taking into acount this major deficiency in this Solanum species regarding the autochthonous genotypes since 1996, Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau Breeding Laboratory started an intensive breeding program for eggplants, finalised until now with the establishment of a valuable germplasm collection consisting of 208 genotypes structured by their genetic stability

    Pheochromocytoma – clinical manifestations, diagnosis and current perioperative management

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    Pheochromocytoma is a neuroendocrine tumor characterized by the excessive production of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine). The diagnosis is suspected due to hypertensive paroxysms, associated with vegetative phenomena, due to the catecholaminergic hypersecretion. Diagnosis involves biochemical tests that reveal elevated levels of catecholamine metabolites (metanephrine and normetanephrine). Functional imaging, such as 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy (123I-MIBG), has increased specificity in identifying the catecholamine-producing tumor and its metastases. The gold-standard treatment for patients with pheochromocytoma is represented by the surgical removal of the tumor. Before surgical resection, it is important to optimize blood pressure and intravascular volume in order to avoid negative hemodynamic events

    Research on the acclimatization and breeding of Sideritis hyssopifolia L. in Romania

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    Sideritis hyssopifolia L., perennial plant of the genus Sideritis, is also known as hyssop-leaved mountain ironwort. In its area of origin in northwestern Europe, it is valued as an aromatic and medicinal plant and used in the prevention and treatment of digestive ailments. It has been studied at Plant Genetic Resources Bank Buzău since 2019, being the subject of intensive acclimatization and improvement works with the purpose of obtaining new creations with distinct genotypic and biochemical characteristics. The genetic material used was from the centers of origin: Spain, Portugal, Madeira and Canary Islands, and the breeding methods were repeated individual selection followed by negative mass selection. In order to prevent the biological contamination of genotypes with foreign pollen, insulators with textile material were used. Cultivar G5, superior in terms of acclimation and genetic stability, also exhibited distinct phenotypic expressivity. At the same time, specific culture technology was developed with the aim of promoting it among farmers
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