1,928 research outputs found

    The issue of universality in the populist theory: In defense of a democratic populism

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    El debate entre redistribución y reconocimiento que protagonizaron Nancy Fraser y Judith Butler permite reabrir una discusión de la teoría del populismo, a saber: ¿cómo construir la universalidad de la política en un contexto de demandas socioeconómicas irresueltas y de luchas de reconocimiento ascendentes? Tres modelos están en juego, los cuales adquieren particular relevancia en el contexto latinoamericano actual de ascenso de las derechas. El de Fraser, donde prima la igualdad y la supeditación de las diferencias. El de Laclau-Mouffe, donde la universalidad es una relación hegemónica. Y el de Butler, en donde la única universalidad posible es la que mantiene el conflicto de modos políticamente productivos. Al final, se argumenta que el giro de las izquierdas en favor de las luchas culturales no ha sido el culpable de la emergencia de los neofascismos tipo Bolsonaro y se postula una defensa de la universalidad del populismo democrático.The debate upon redistribution and recognition lead by Nancy Fraser and Judith Butler allows reopening a dormant discussion in the populist theory: how to construct a universality of politics in a context of unresolved socioeconomic demands and recognition struggles in ascent? Three models appear to be at stake, all of which acquire a particular relevance in the current context at Latin America and its rise of the right wing. Fraser’s answer, in which equality is preferred. Laclau-Mouffe’s answer, in which this universality is a hegemonic relationship. And Butler’s, in which the only possible universality is that which holds the conflict in politically productive ways. We will recover this debate seeking to clarify a substantial misunderstanding: that the turn of left wing politics towards cultural struggles is to blame for the rise of Bolsonaro-like neofascisms and we suggest a defence of a democratic populist universality

    Lo Social desde el Concepto de Ilusión en Platón, Aristóteles, Machiavelo y Bacon

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    La tradición epistemológica inaugurada por Platón ha sido permanentemente leída como una ‘forma he hacer filosofía’ en donde los dualismos: realidad versus ilusión, por una parte, e individuo versus lo social, por otra, se presentarían no sólo en abierta e inconmensurable oposición a concepciones modernas que postulan la superación de tales distinciones, sino además como un bloque monolítico en donde todo lo agregado parece no ser más que un “pie de nota” a lo ya ofrecido por el filósofo griego. El presente trabajo, ofreciendo una relectura de la noción de ilusión en algunos autores de dicha tradición (Platón, Aristóteles, Machiavelo, Francis Bacon), lejos de reafirmar la “lectura principal”, sugiere que es en la propia égida de Platón en donde el dualismo Platónico comienza a resquebrajarse a causa de la permanente presencia de lo ‘social’

    Del “Crecimiento con Equidad” al “Sistema de Protección Social”: La matriz ideológica del Chile actual (1990-2007)

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    This paper proposes a revisiting of the modernization project of Growth with Equity,currently operating in Chile (1990-2007). Following the triple meaning given to the notion of ideology by Žižek (1994, 9) this work suggests that it is useful to analyze suc a project as an ideological matrix, which shows peculiarities at the level of the doctrinarian paradigm that configures it, the modernizing formula proposed, the principles and logics of actuation that guide the political elites as well as in the “tactical adjustment” registered during the first decade of the twenty first century. This has given rise to a matrix of high hegemonic effectiveness, based on the perpetuation of the status given to the factor of equity within the hegemonic formula (C-->E)-->D. Equity becomes an explanandum, which is excluded from the exercise of the political imagination of citizens.Este artículo propone una relectura del proyecto de modernizacipón del Crecimiento con Equidad vigente en el Chile actual (1990-2007). Siguiendo el triple sentido otorgado a la noción de ideología por Žižek (1994, 9) se sugiere que es útil observar dicho proyecto como una matriz ideológica, la que presenta particularidades tanto a nivel del paradigma doctrinario que la constituye, la fórmula modernizadora propuesta, los principios y lógicas de actuación que guían a las elites políticas, asi como en su "ajuste táctico" observado a partir de la primera década siglo veintiuno. Todo ello, ha dado lugar a una matriz de alta potencia hegemónica, asentada en la perpetuación del estatus otorgado al factor equidad en la fórmula modernizadora (C-->E)-->D. La equidad deviene así en un explanandum, la que es marginada de la imaginación política de los ciudadanos

    Characterization of extreme sea level events in Santos and their correspondence with the NCEP model reanalysis in the southwest of the South Atlantic

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a influência atmosférica em escala sinótica sobre o oceano, para eventos extremos de maré meteorológica na costa sudeste brasileira. Para isso foram utilizados dados de elevação do nível do mar do Porto de Santos-SP, campos de vento e pressão em superfície das reanálises do modelo do NCEP abrangendo o Atlântico Sul, no período de 1951 a 1990. Foi possível identificar a variabilidade sazonal e o padrão de evolução dos sistemas atmosféricos associados aos eventos extremos, de grande relevância para aplicações em prognósticos e alertas a autoridades. O outono e inverno apresentaram a maior ocorrência de extremos positivos (40,2 % e 30,8 % respectivamente), enquanto a primavera e o inverno foram as estações com maior número de extremos negativos (47,2 % e 32,3 % respectivamente). Os resultados mostram que os casos mais importantes de sobre-elevação do nível do mar ocorrem com a evolução e persistência de sistemas de baixa pressão sobre o oceano, com ventos de sudoeste acima de 8 m/s, juntamente com o anticiclone da retaguarda posicionado sobre o continente.This work aims to identify the synoptic scale atmospheric influence over the ocean for extreme events of storm surges events in the Southeastern Brazilian coast. Time series of sea surface height at the Port of Santos as well as wind and surface pressure from the NCEP reanalysis model enclosing the South Atlantic, for period 1951-1990, were used. Seasonal variability and typical evolution of atmospheric systems were found to be associated with extreme events, very relevant for applications on prognostics and warnings to authorities. Autumn and winter are seasons with the highest occurrence of positive extreme events (40.2 % and 30.8 % respectively) and the spring and winter are the ones with negative extreme events (47.2 % and 32.3 % respectively). The results show that the storm surges events depend on low pressure systems development and persistence over the ocean, with southwesterly winds over 8 m/s, together with a continental anticyclone presence

    Intermingled basins in coupled Lorenz systems

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    We consider a system of two identical linearly coupled Lorenz oscillators, presenting synchro- nization of chaotic motion for a specified range of the coupling strength. We verify the existence of global synchronization and antisynchronization attractors with intermingled basins of attraction, such that the basin of one attractor is riddled with holes belonging to the basin of the other attractor and vice versa. We investigated this phenomenon by verifying the fulfillment of the mathematical requirements for intermingled basins, and also obtained scaling laws that characterize quantitatively the riddling of both basins for this system

    Home country institutions and outward fdi: An exploratory analysis in emerging economies

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    Although the internationalization of economies is driven by specific industry conditions or business-specific differences, the institutions that exist as background conditions directly determine firms’ strategies and interactions in the international environment. This paper contributes to the discussion on the relationship between institutional quality and outward FDI (OFDI). We used 30 indicators in 48 emerging economies in the period 2007–2017; we collected the indicators from alternative secondary sources. After we applied Factor Analysis, six factors were retained. We named the components as follows: “Transparency of government” (F1), “Research, development and innovation, R&D+I” (F2), “Inequality” (F3), “Rules on inward FDI (IFDI)” (F4), “Education and training” (F5), and “Financial market” (F6). The panel data model outcomes suggest that Factor 2, Research, development and innovation, has a significant and positive effect on OFDI. Factor 6, the Financial market, has a significant and negative effect on OFDI. When we include lagged values of OFDI stocks the results also show that the government measures transparency positively and significantly affects OFDI stocks. These findings imply that the institutional environment creates two streams of OFDI: leverage and escapism

    Proteomic profile of seminal plasma in adolescents and adults with treated and untreated varicocele

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    Varicocele, the most important treatable cause of male infertility, is present in 15% of adult males, 35% of men with primary infertility, and 80% of men with secondary infertility. On the other hand, 80% of these men will not present infertility. Therefore, there is a need to differentiate a varicocele that is exerting a deleterious effect that is treatable from a "silent" varicocele. Despite the growing evidence of the cellular effects of varicocele, its underlying molecular mechanisms are still eluding. Proteomics has become a promising area to determine the reproductive biology of semen as well as to improve diagnosis of male infertility. This review aims to discuss the state-of-art in seminal plasma proteomics in patients with varicocele to discuss the challenges in undertaking these studies, as well as the future outlook derived from the growing body of evidence on the seminal proteome.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Div Urol, Human Reprod Sect, Dept Surg, R Embau 231, BR-04039060 Sao Paulo, BrazilSao Paulo Hosp, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Div Urol, Human Reprod Sect, Dept Surg, R Embau 231, BR-04039060 Sao Paulo, BrazilSao Paulo Hosp, Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2012/15039-7FAPESP: 2014/11493-0FAPESP: 2014/17185-6CNPq: 306616/2013-0Web of Scienc

    Para una crítica de la violencia (divina): notas sobre una (re)inscripción política

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    Siguiendo la reflexión a la que nos invita Walter Benjamin en su texto “Para una Crítica de la Violencia”, este artículo presenta un conjunto de notas sobre una cuestión siempre difícil y compleja de explorar como la violencia. Más aún, en una época en que su inscripción original parece invisibilizada a través de su apabullante exposición criminalizada en la media, que la opone en una distancia inconmensurable a la justicia y el derecho. Donde hay derecho -se nos dice- deja ya de haber violencia. Y hace, por tanto, contra intuitivo pensarla (a la violencia), en una relación incestuosa con el derecho, menos aún concebirla, en los tiempos que corren, en algún sentido político y no meramente delincuencial, al margen del derecho, como intentaré explorar acá. Para ello, las lecturas formuladas del texto de Benjamin por Carl Schmitt, Giorgio Agamben y Slavoj Žižek me permitirán volver a replantear una pregunta hoy excluida, a saber ¿en qué sentido la violencia puede ser considerada política? La respuesta sugerirá la aserción de una biopolítica afirmativa que se desplaza más allá de Foucault.Following the analaysis to which Walter Benjamin invites us in his text “For a critique of Violence”, this article presents a set of notes on an always ticklish and difficult question to explore, as is that of violence, even more on a time when the original inscription of violence seems to be hidden across its resounding criminalized exhibition in the media, which shows it in an immeasurable distance to justice and law. Where there is law, it is said to us, violence ceases to exist. And it makes, therefore, very anti-intuitive to think about it (violence), in an incestuous relation with law, less still to conceive it, in current times, in a political sense and not merely as a criminal issue, on the margins of the law, as I will try to explore here. For this, the formulated readings of Benjamin’s text by Carl Schmitt, Giorgio Agamben and Slavoj Žižek will allow me to restate a question today excluded, as is: in what specific sense can violence be considered to be a political issue? The answer will suggest the affirmation of a positive biopolitics that goes beyond Foucault.Na sequência da reflexão que nos convida Walter Benjamin em seu texto Para uma crítica da violência, este artigo apresenta um conjunto de notas sobre uma questão sempre difícil e complexa para explorar como é a violência. Além disso, numa epoca em que sua inscrição original parece invisível através de sua esmagadora exposição criminalizada na midia, que opõe-a a uma distância incomensurável da justiça e o direito. Onde existe o direito, nos é dito, deixa de existir a violência. E, portanto, é contraditório pensar (à violência), numa relação incestuosa com o direito, muito menos conceber-a, nestes tempos, em algum sentido político e não meramente criminal, fora da lei, como vou tentar explorar aqui. Para fazer isso, as leituras do texto de Benjamin formuladas por Carl Schmitt, Slavoj Zizek e Giorgio Agamben permitiram-me voltar a repensar uma questão hoje excluída, ou seja, em que sentido a violência pode ser considerada política? A resposta irá sugerir a afirmação de uma biopolítica afirmativa que se move para além Foucault