77 research outputs found

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna: 106-109

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    Si descrivono: Orobanche denudata, Orobanche rigens, Crocus minimus, geofite, e Ptychotis sardoa, emicriptofita rosulata

    Un Parco naturale per il Gennargentu

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    Si analizza il territorio destinato al Parco del Gennargentu sotto l'aspetto ambientale e naturale

    Note su alberi e arbusti della Sardegna

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    Some ligneous plants, reported as indigenous in Sardinian flora, has been taken into consideration. Among them some have to be excluded from the list of Sardinian flora, others must to be considered introduced in Sardinia in recent times. Others plants, completely new, are reported

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna: 186

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    L'autore descrive il Rubus arrigonii, pianta endemica sarda

    Le Genre <i>Carlina</i> L. en Sardaigne: notes géobotaniques

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    Le genre Carlina L. en Sardaigne est répresenté par Carlina macrocephala Moris, endémique des hautes montagnes du centre-Sardaigne, de la Corse et des Apennins Toscans, C. corymbosa L. s.l. et C. lanata L., deux espèces sténo-méditerranéennes et par C. racemosa L., repandue dans le bassin occidentale de la Méditerranée. De chaque espèce on a donné quelques remarques de charactère systématique, biologique, écologique et son aire de répartition dans l'île

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna: 129

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    Si descrive il Berberis aetnensis, arbusto caducifoglio spinoso a ramificazione contorta, diffuso nelle alte montagne della Sardegna e della Corsica

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna: 91

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    Si descrive la Psoralea morisiana Pignatti et Metlesics, camefita cespitosa suffriticosa, pianta endemica diffusa in tutta la Sardegna

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna: 198

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    L'autore descrive il Colchicum corsicum Baker, geofita cormo-tuberosa, esclusiva dei dintorni di Bonifacio e nelle aree costiere del Golfo di Ventilegne e nell'Isola de La Maddalena

    Un Sistema di aree di interesse botanico per la salvaguardia della biodiversità floristica della Sardegna

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    This work focuses on environmental conservation studies realized in Sardinia within last thirty years, mainly concerning to botanical aspects. The study about botanically- sensitive areas, in the context of the planning of Regional Landscape Plans (Piani Paesistici), pointed out 135 biotopes of great floristic and vegetational concern. Consistency, specificity, rarity, use, institutional resource values as well as hazard rate of the areas (mapped 1:100,000) have been defined. Furthermore, a 20-criteria table has been drawn up for an objective definition of conservation-worth areas. Main botanical features and bibliography, if it does exsist, are mentioned for every biotope. Endemic species, rareties, phytogeographically important ones and principal vegetation types are mostly included in this systemlike frame that incorporates a significant part of Sardinian floristic districts and phytoclimatic areas. Thus, a wise conservation policy for these areas, representing about 10% of the total regional land, would guarantee the conservation in time of the most significant botanic resources

    Studi sulla flora e la vegetazione di capo Carbonara (Sardegna meridionale): 1. la flora

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    The flora of Cape Carbonara, which is made up of 320 native species. The scarsity of the endemic component and the distinct prevalence of Terophyte is made evident. The climate characterized by its great dryness due to the scarsity of rainfall, among lowest in the Mediterraneum, is taken into consideration
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