975 research outputs found

    Modelización, implementación y análisis de un algoritmo local de navegación en entornos dinámicos

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    Depto. de Análisis Matemático y Matemática AplicadaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    Fast social-like learning of complex behaviors based on motor motifs

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    Social learning is widely observed in many species. Less experienced agents copy successful behaviors, exhibited by more experienced individuals. Nevertheless, the dynamical mechanisms behind this process remain largely unknown. Here we assume that a complex behavior can be decomposed into a sequence of nn motor motifs. Then a neural network capable of activating motor motifs in a given sequence can drive an agent. To account for (n1)!(n-1)! possible sequences of motifs in a neural network, we employ the winner-less competition approach. We then consider a teacher-learner situation: one agent exhibits a complex movement, while another one aims at mimicking the teacher's behavior. Despite the huge variety of possible motif sequences we show that the learner, equipped with the provided learning model, can rewire ``on the fly'' its synaptic couplings in no more than (n1)(n-1) learning cycles and converge exponentially to the durations of the teacher's motifs. We validate the learning model on mobile robots. Experimental results show that indeed the learner is capable of copying the teacher's behavior composed of six motor motifs in a few learning cycles. The reported mechanism of learning is general and can be used for replicating different functions, including, for example, sound patterns or speech

    Prediction-for-CompAction: navigation in social environments using generalized cognitive maps

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    The ultimate navigation efficiency of mobile robots in human environments will depend on how we will appraise them: merely as impersonal machines or as human-like agents. In the latter case, an agent may take advantage of the cooperative collision avoidance, given that it possesses recursive cognition, i.e.,the agent's decisions depend on the decisions made by humans that in turn depend on the agent's decisions. To deal with this high-level cognitive skill, we propose a neural network architecture implementing Prediction-for-CompAction paradigm. The network predicts possible human-agent collisions and compacts the time dimension by projecting a given dynamic situation into a static map. Thereby emerging compact cognitive map can be readily used as a "dynamic GPS" for planning actions or mental evaluation of the convenience of cooperation in a given context. We provide numerical evidence that cooperation yields additional room for more efficient navigation in cluttered pedestrian flows, and the agent can choose path to the target significantly shorter than a robot treated by humans as a functional machine. Moreover, the navigation safety, i.e., the chances to avoid accidental collisions, increases under cooperation. Remarkably, these benefits yield no additional load to the mean society effort. Thus, the proposed strategy is socially compliant, and the humanoid agent can behave as "one of us"

    Prácticas de observaciones astronómicas remotas con telescopios profesionales a través de internet

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    Este proyecto se resume como un intento de implementar unas prácticas de laboratorio que permitan llevar a cabo observaciones astronómicas de calidad científica mediante el uso remoto a través de Internet de telescopios profesionales situados en un gran observatorio astronómico

    Regulatory Pathway for Licensing Biotherapeutics in Mexico

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    Biotherapeutic products which are derived from living organisms using recombinant DNA technology significantly contribute to the progress in the treatment of life-threatening and chronic diseases. The worldwide sale of biological drugs in 2016 was near US 263,700million.InLatinAmerica,wheremonoclonalantibodiesmarketwasworthUS263,700 million. In Latin America, where monoclonal antibodies market was worth US 7000 million, being Mexico the second largest market. Approval is one of the key aspects which influences the market of medicinal products, thus it is responsibility of the regulatory authority to establish a regulatory framework that ensure safety and efficacy of the products, and it is responsibility of the applicants to provide a high quality dossier in accordance with the registration requirements of the country. The applicants submitting registration requests in Mexico need to be aware of the requirements. Similar to many other countries, Mexico has adopted the Common Technical Document (CTD) structure for organizing dossier of the medicinal product for submission into main modules (i.e., quality, non-clinical, and clinical). This facilitates the submission process of medicinal products following a logical sequence aligned to the International Council on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines. Moreover, this structure improves the transparency and clarity of the dossier in process of evaluation of medicinal products. In Mexico, the Ministry of Health has published a regulation, NOM-257-SSA1-2014, which established the general requirements to be followed by applicants to complete the registration of biotherapeutics. This regulation stipulates that the evaluation process is supported by a regulatory framework involving Good Manufacturing Practices, labeling, stability, clinical trials, biocomparability studies, pharmacovigilance, and a technical evaluation performed by a multidisciplinary team of experts in biotherapeutics development. Additionally, the Mexican regulatory agency, COFEPRIS, has published specific guidelines to facilitate the application process. Despite the availability of this information, the scope is limited to regulatory and administrative purposes, rather than technical-scientific supporting knowledge. The aim of this article is to provide concise information to improve and promote communication between industry and regulatory agencies. Herein, we describe the current process of COFEPRIS in regulating biotherapeutics in Mexico. This process explains the basis for the organization and structure of the technical-scientific information of biotherapeutics required for registration application