3,531 research outputs found

    La Economía Civil y el Solidarismo: Modelos Alternativos para Lograr el bien Común

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    The Civil Economy is a socio-economic approach that refers to economic activity carried out by non-governmental and non-profit organizations, such as associations, cooperatives, and foundations. These organizations seek to create social and economic value while meeting the needs of their members and the wider community. Since the 1980s, Solidarism has been an important social and economic movement in Costa Rica. It is based on the idea that companies should be partly owned by their workers and managed in a participatory way fostering cooperation between owners and workers. Solidarism also promotes solidarity among workers, cooperation, and mutual support. The connection between civil economy and solidarism lies in their shared promotion of active worker participation and cooperation. Cooperatives, for example, are a form of civil economy that is based on the democratic ownership and control of its members. These organizations are often focused on meeting the needs of their members and the community and can be involved in a wide range of economic activities. Furthermore, many cooperatives and other Civil Economy organizations in Costa Rica have adopted solidarist principles in their structure and operation. These principles include democratic decision-making, equitable distribution of benefits, and solidarity among members. Therefore, Civil Economy and Solidarism share similar values and principles and can work together to promote a more just and sustainable economy in Costa Rica and beyond. Active worker participation and cooperation can contribute to creating more efficient and productive companies while meeting the needs of their members and the wider community.La Economía Civil, es un pensamiento socio-económico que se refiere a la actividad económica llevada a cabo por organizaciones no gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro, como asociaciones, cooperativas y fundaciones. Estas organizaciones buscan crear valor social y económico al tiempo que satisfacen las necesidades de sus miembros y de la comunidad en general. El Solidarismo ha sido un movimiento social y económico importante ya a partir del 1980 en Costa Rica. Se basa en la idea de que las empresas deben tener participación en la propiedad por parte de sus trabajadores y gestionadas de manera participativa buscando la cooperación entre patronos y trabajadores. Además, el solidarismo promueve la solidaridad entre los trabajadores, la cooperación y el apoyo mutuo. La conexión entre la Economía Civil y el Solidarismo radica en que ambas promueven la participación activa de los trabajadores y la cooperación entre ellos. Las cooperativas, por ejemplo, son una forma de Economía Civil que se basa en la propiedad y el control democrático de sus miembros. Estas organizaciones suelen estar enfocadas en satisfacer las necesidades de sus miembros y de la comunidad, y pueden estar involucradas en una amplia gama de actividades económicas. Además, muchas cooperativas y otras organizaciones de Economía Civil en Costa Rica han adoptado principios solidaristas en su estructura y funcionamiento. Estos principios incluyen la toma de decisiones democrática, la distribución equitativa de los beneficios y la solidaridad entre los miembros. Por lo tanto, la Economía Civil y el Solidarismo comparten valores y principios similares, y pueden trabajar juntos para promover una economía más justa y sostenible en Costa Rica y afuera del país. La participación activa de los trabajadores y la cooperación entre ellos pueden contribuir a crear empresas más eficientes y productivas, al tiempo que satisfacen las necesidades de sus miembros y de la comunidad en genera

    Lie algebroids, Lie groupoids and TFT

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    We construct the moduli spaces associated to the solutions of equations of motion (modulo gauge transformations) of the Poisson sigma model with target being an integrable Poisson manifold. The construction can be easily extended to a case of a generic integrable Lie algebroid. Indeed for any Lie algebroid one can associate a BF-like topological field theory which localizes on the space of algebroid morphisms, that can be seen as a generalization of flat connections to the groupoid case. We discuss the finite gauge transformations and discuss the corresponding moduli spaces. We consider the theories both without and with boundaries.Comment: 21 page

    The Alfv\'enic nature of chromospheric swirls

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    We investigate the evolution and origin of small-scale chromospheric swirls by analyzing numerical simulations of the quiet solar atmosphere, using the radiative magnetohydrodynamic code CO55BOLD. We are interested in finding their relation with magnetic field perturbations and in the processes driving their evolution. For the analysis, the swirling strength criterion and its evolution equation are applied in order to identify vortical motions and to study their dynamics. We introduce a new criterion, the magnetic swirling strength, which allows us to recognize torsional perturbations in the magnetic field. We find a strong correlation between swirling strength and magnetic swirling strength, in particular in intense magnetic flux concentrations, which suggests a tight relation between vortical motions and torsional magnetic field perturbations. Furthermore, we find that swirls propagate upward with the local Alfv\'en speed as unidirectional swirls, in the form of pulses, driven by magnetic tension forces alone. In the photosphere and low chromosphere, the rotation of the plasma co-occurs with a twist in the upwardly directed magnetic field that is in the opposite direction of the plasma flow. All together, these are characteristics of torsional Alfv\'en waves. We also find indications of an imbalance between the hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic baroclinic effects being at the origin of the swirls. At the base of the chromosphere, we find a net upwardly directed Poynting flux, which is mostly associated with large and complex swirling structures that we interpret as the superposition of various small-scale vortices. We conclude that the ubiquitous swirling events observed in simulations are tightly correlated with perturbations of the magnetic field. At photospheric and chromospheric levels, they form Alfv\'en pulses that propagate upward and may contribute to chromospheric heating.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, 1 movie, ready for the production stage in A&

    Poisson sigma model over group manifolds

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    We study the Poisson sigma model which can be viewed as a topological string theory. Mainly we concentrate our attention on the Poisson sigma model over a group manifold G with a Poisson-Lie structure. In this case the flat connection conditions arise naturally. The boundary conditions (D-branes) are studied in this model. It turns out that the D-branes are labelled by the coisotropic subgroups of G. We give a description of the moduli space of classical solutions over Riemann surfaces both without and with boundaries. Finally we comment briefly on the duality properties of the model.Comment: 30 pages, Late

    Analysis of Thermal Sensitivity of Human Cytomegalovirus Assayed in the Conventional Conditions of a Human Milk Bank

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    One of the main concerns in human milk banks (HMB) is the transmission of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) that could be present in the milk of infected women. There are consistent data showing that this virus is destroyed by Holder pasteurization (62.5°C for 30 min), but there is a lack of information about the response of the virus to the treatment at lower temperatures in strict HMB conditions. In order to analyze the effectiveness of different temperatures of pasteurization to eliminate HCMV in human milk, a preliminary assay was performed incubating HCMV-spiked raw milk samples from donor mothers at tested temperatures in a PCR thermocycler and the viral infectivity was assayed on cell cultures. No signs of viral replication were observed after treatments at temperatures equal or >53°C for 30, 20, and 10 min, 58°C for 5 min, 59°C for 2 min, and 60°C for 1 min. These data were confirmed in a pasteurizer-like model introducing HCMV-spiked milk in disposable baby bottles. No viral infectivity was detected on cell cultures after heating treatment of milk for 30 min at temperatures from 56 to 60°C. Thus, our results show that by using conventional pasteurization conditions, temperatures in the range of 56–60°C are enough to inactivate HCMV. Consequently, we consider that, in order to provide a higher quality product, the current recommendation to pasteurize both mother's own milk and donated milk at 62.5°C must be re-evaluated

    Management of uncontrolled/recurrent epistaxis by ligation or cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery: a scoping review

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    Purpose The control of epistaxis has always posed a significant challenge for otolaryngologists. One of the most viable options to address refractory cases is the ligation or cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy, safety, and long-term outcomes of these interventions. Materials and methods Two independent otolaryngologists conducted a comprehensive search for studies dealing with management of uncontrolled/recurrent epistaxis by consulting the main scientific databases on the web, including PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, EMBASE, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library. The systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. The criteria for considering studies for the review were based on the population, intervention, comparison, outcome, timing and setting (PICOTS) framework. Results Sixteen studies were included in the systematic review, comprising a total of 454 patients. Among these, 289 individuals underwent ligation of the sphenopalatine artery, while 100 underwent cauterization of the same artery. Additionally, 56 patients underwent both ligation and cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery during the same surgery. The incidence of rebleeding and complications was respectively 12.1% (55/454) and 3% (14/454), resulting in relatively low rates in both cases. Conclusions Our review emphasizes the increasing importance of surgical approaches, specifically ligation or cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery, in addressing refractory cases. The low incidence of complications, predominantly temporary decreased lacrimation in patients undergoing ligation of the sphenopalatine artery, highlights the safety and feasibility of these interventions

    Monitoring Tacrolimus Concentrations in Whole Blood and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: Inter- and Intra-Patient Variability in a Cohort of Pediatric Patients

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    Tacrolimus (TAC) is a first-choice immunosuppressant for solid organ transplantation, characterized by high potential for drug-drug interactions, significant inter- and intra-patient variability, and narrow therapeutic index. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of TAC concentrations in whole blood (WB) is capable of reducing the incidence of adverse events. Since TAC acts within lymphocytes, its monitoring in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) may represent a valid future alternative for TDM. Nevertheless, TAC intracellular concentrations and their variability are poorly described, particularly in the pediatric context. Therefore, our aim was describing TAC concentrations in WB and PBMC and their variability in a cohort of pediatric patients undergoing constant immunosuppressive maintenance therapy, after liver transplantation. TAC intra-PBMCs quantification was performed through a validated UHPLC–MS/MS assay over a period of 2–3 months. There were 27 patients included in this study. No significant TAC changes in intracellular concentrations were observed (p = 0.710), with a median percent change of −0.1% (IQR −22.4%–+46.9%) between timings: this intra-individual variability was similar to the one in WB, −2.9% (IQR −29.4–+42.1; p = 0.902). Among different patients, TAC weight-adjusted dose and age appeared to be significant predictors of TAC concentrations in WB and PBMC. Intra-individual seasonal variation of TAC concentrations in WB, but not in PBMC, have been observed. These data show that the intra-individual variability in TAC intracellular exposure is comparable to the one observed in WB. This opens the way for further studies aiming at the identification of therapeutic ranges for TAC intra-PBMC concentrations

    Cationic liposomal vectors incorporating a bolaamphiphile for oligonucleotide antimicrobials

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    Antibacterial resistance has become a serious crisis for world health over the last few decades, so that new therapeutic approaches are strongly needed to face the threat of resistant infections. Transcription factor decoys (TFD) are a promising new class of antimicrobial oligonucleotides with proven in vivo activity when combined with a bolaamphiphilic cationic molecule, 12-bis-THA. These two molecular species form stable nanoplexes which, however, present very scarce colloidal stability in physiological media, which poses the challenge of drug formulation and delivery. In this work, we reformulated the 12-bis-THA/TFD nanoplexes in a liposomal carrier, which retains the ability to protect the oligonucleotide therapeutic from degradation and deliver it across the bacterial cell wall. We performed a physical-chemical study to investigate how the incorporation of 12-bis-THA and TFD affects the structure of POPC- and POPC/DOPE liposomes. Analysis was performed using dynamic light scattering (DLS), ζ-potential measurements, small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy to better understand the structure of the liposomal formulations containing the 12-bis-THA/TFD complexes. Oligonucleotide delivery to model Escherichia coli bacteria was assessed by means of confocal scanning laser microscopy (CLSM), evidencing the requirement of a fusogenic helper lipid for transfection. Preliminary biological assessments suggested the necessity of further development by modulation of 12-bis-THA concentration in order to optimize its therapeutic index, i.e. the ratio of antibacterial activity to the observed cytotoxicity. In summary, POPC/DOPE/12-bis-THA liposomes appear as promising formulations for TFD delivery

    Cationic liposomal vectors incorporating a bolaamphiphile for oligonucleotide antimicrobials

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    Antibacterial resistance has become a serious crisis for world health over the last few decades, so that new therapeutic approaches are strongly needed to face the threat of resistant infections. Transcription factor decoys (TFD) are a promising new class of antimicrobial oligonucleotides with proven in vivo activity when combined with a bolaamphiphilic cationic molecule, 12-bis-THA. These two molecular species form stable nanoplexes which, however, present very scarce colloidal stability in physiological media, which poses the challenge of drug formulation and delivery. In this work, we reformulated the 12-bis-THA/TFD nanoplexes in a liposomal carrier, which retains the ability to protect the oligonucleotide therapeutic from degradation and deliver it across the bacterial cell wall. We performed a physical-chemical study to investigate how the incorporation of 12-bis-THA and TFD affects the structure of POPC- and POPC/DOPE liposomes. Analysis was performed using dynamic light scattering (DLS), ζ-potential measurements, small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy to better understand the structure of the liposomal formulations containing the 12-bis-THA/TFD complexes. Oligonucleotide delivery to model Escherichia coli bacteria was assessed by means of confocal scanning laser microscopy (CLSM), evidencing the requirement of a fusogenic helper lipid for transfection. Preliminary biological assessments suggested the necessity of further development by modulation of 12-bis-THA concentration in order to optimize its therapeutic index, i.e. the ratio of antibacterial activity to the observed cytotoxicity. In summary, POPC/DOPE/12-bis-THA liposomes appear as promising formulations for TFD delivery