11 research outputs found

    Detecting Real Earthquakes Using Artificial Earthquakes: On the Use of Synthetic Waveforms in Matched-Filter Earthquake Detection

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    ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Matched-filters are an increasingly popular tool for earthquake detection, but their reliance on a priori knowledge of the targets of interest limits their application to regions with previously documented seismicity. We explore an extension to the matched-filter method to detect earthquakes and low-frequency earthquakes on local to regional scales. We show that it is possible to increase the number of detections compared with standard energy-based methods, with low false-detection rates, using suites of synthetic waveforms as templates. We apply this to a microearthquake swarm and an aftershock sequence, and to detect low-frequency earthquakes. We also explore the sensitivity of detections to the synthetic source's location and focal mechanism. Source-receiver geometry has a first-order control on how sensitive matched-filter detectors are to variations in source location and focal mechanism, and this likely applies to detections made using both synthetic and real templates

    RT-EQcorrscan: Near-real-time matched-filtering for rapid development of dense earthquake catalogs

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    Matched-filtering (template-matching) is an effective method for detecting clustered seismicity such as aftershocks, low-frequency earthquakes, repeating earthquakes, and tectonic and volcanic swarms. Several groups have developed efficient codes implementing matched-filter methods and demonstrated that earthquake catalogs can be substantially expanded using these methods. Here, we present a near-real-time implementation of the matched-filter method, designed to be used in response to ongoing seismicity. Its near-real-time capabilities enable dense catalogs of seismicity to be constructed rapidly, providing input into real-time seismic hazard and forecasting and thus informing the earthquake response and scientific understanding. Such rapid development of detailed earthquake catalogs has similar application in volcano monitoring, monitoring of induced seismicity, and for online construction of slow-earthquake catalogs. Our software package, RT-EQcorrscan, is an open-source extension of the EQcorrscan Python package. The package can either be deployed to apply near-realtime matched-filters to a specific geographic region or sequence on a continuous basis, or configured to respond to large earthquakes or high-rate sequences by automatically starting a matched-filter run in response to these events. The system relies on, and maintains, a constantly updated template database of waveforms and event metadata, which is then queried for the specific target region. This template database can be updated while the matched-filter is running to enable the set of templates to expand in response to previous results. Multiple region-specific matched-filters can be run in parallel, allowing the system to respond to distinct trigger events

    Low-frequency earthquakes reveal punctuated slow slip on the deep extent of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand

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    We present the first evidence of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) associated with the deep extension of the transpressional Alpine Fault beneath the central Southern Alps of New Zealand. Our database comprises a temporally continuous 36 month-long catalog of 8760 LFEs within 14 families. To generate this catalog, we first identify 14 primary template LFEs within known periods of seismic tremor and use these templates to detect similar events in an iterative stacking and cross-correlation routine. The hypocentres of 12 of the 14 LFE families lie within 10 km of the inferred location of the Alpine Fault at depths of approximately 20-30 km, in a zone of high P-wave attenuation, low P-wave speeds, and high seismic reflectivity. The LFE catalog consists of persistent, discrete events punctuated by swarm-like bursts of activity associated with previously and newly identified tremor periods. The magnitudes of the LFEs range between ML - 0.8 and ML 1.8, with an average of M L 0.5. We find that the frequency-magnitude distribution of the LFE catalog both as a whole and within individual families is not consistent with a power law, but that individual families' frequency-amplitude distributions approximate an exponential relationship, suggestive of a characteristic length-scale of failure. We interpret this LFE activity to represent quasi-continuous slip on the deep extent of the Alpine Fault, with LFEs highlighting asperities within an otherwise steadily creeping region of the fault. © 2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    A Repeating Earthquake Catalog From 2003 to 2020 for the Raukumara Peninsula, Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand

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    Repeating earthquakes provide a novel way of monitoring how stresses load faults between large earthquakes. To date, however, and despite the availability of long-duration, high-quality seismological datasets, little attention has been paid to tectonic repeating earthquakes in New Zealand. We develop a workflow and composite criterion for identifying repeating earthquakes in New Zealand, using data from the GeoNet permanent seismic network, and present New Zealand’s first decadal-scale repeating earthquake catalog. For events to be identified as repeating in this study, two or more events must have a normalized cross-correlation of at least 0.95 at two or more seismic stations, when calculated for 75% of the earthquake coda. By applying our composite criterion to seismicity around the Raukumara Peninsula, northern Hikurangi subduction margin, we have identified 61 repeating earthquake families occurring between 2003 and 2020, consisting of 347 individual earthquakes. These families have a magnitude range of ML 1.7–5.2 and recurrence intervals of < 1 to ∼7 yrs. Repeating earthquakes in 9 of the 11 regional groups identified in this study coincide spatiotemporally with previously identified slow-slip events and tremor. However, the responses shown to slow-slip are not consistent within families or within regional groups

    Parametric Testing of EQTransformer’s Performance against a High-Quality, Manually Picked Catalog for Reliable and Accurate Seismic Phase Picking

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    This study evaluates EQTransformer, a deep learning model, for earthquake detection and phase picking using seismic data from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Using a robust, independent dataset containing more than 85,000 manual picks from 13 stations spanning almost nine years, we assess EQTransformer’s performance and limitations in a practical application scenario. We investigate key parameters such as overlap and probability threshold and their influences on detection consistency and false positives, respec-tively. EQTransformer’s probability outputs show a limited correlation with pick accuracy, emphasizing the need for careful interpretation. Our analysis of illustrative signals from three seismic networks highlights challenges of consistently picking first arrivals when reflected or refracted phases are present. We find that an overlap length of 55 s balances detection consistency and computational efficiency, and that a probability threshold of 0.1 balances detection rate and false positives. Our study thus offers insights into EQTransformer’s capabilities and limitations, highlighting the importance of parameter selection for optimal results

    Variations in Seismogenic Thickness Along the Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand, Revealed by a Decade's Relocated Microseismicity

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    ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. The Alpine Fault is an oblique strike-slip fault that is known to fail in large magnitude (M7–8) earthquakes, yet it is currently seismically quiescent. We examine the low-magnitude earthquake activity occurring along the central portion of the Alpine Fault using seismic data from five temporary seismic networks deployed for various lengths of time between late 2008 and early 2017. Starting from continuous seismic data, we detect earthquake arrivals and construct the longest and most extensive microearthquake catalog for the central Alpine Fault region to date, containing 9,111 earthquakes. This enables us to study the distribution and characteristics of the seismicity in unprecedented detail. Earthquake locations are constrained by high-quality automatic and manual picks, and we perform relocations using waveform cross-correlation to better constrain hypocenters. We have derived a new local magnitude scale calibrated by M w values. Magnitudes range between M L −1.2 and 4.6, and our catalog is complete above M L 1.1. Earthquakes mainly occur southeast of the Alpine Fault (in the hanging wall) and exhibit low magnitudes. We observe a lack of seismicity beneath Aoraki/Mount Cook, which we associate with high uplift rates and high heat flow. Seismogenic cutoff depths vary along the strike of the Alpine Fault from 8 km, beneath the highest topography, to 20 km in the adjacent areas

    Heterogeneity in Microseismicity and Stress Near Rupture-Limiting Section Boundaries Along the Late-Interseismic Alpine Fault

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    Paleoseismic evidence from the late-interseismic Alpine Fault suggests key section boundaries conditionally inhibit rupture. We utilize a year of data from a two-part seismometer network (Dense Westland Arrays Researching Fault Segmentation) to characterize ∼7,500 earthquakes (−0.7 ≤ MLv ≤ 4.2) and ∼800 focal mechanisms, producing high-resolution structural images of these boundaries to study effects of material and structural heterogeneities on mode-switching rupture behavior. Lithologically-controlled frictional behavior and crustal strength appear to influence lateral and vertical on-fault seismicity distributions. Ultramafic hanging-wall serpentinite and serpentinite-related fault core minerals along the South Westland (SW) boundary, result in a locally shallow seismogenic cuttoff (∼8 km) and abundant on-fault seismicity. Maximum horizontal compressive stress rotations (14° anti-clockwise and 20° clockwise near the SW and North Westland (NW) boundaries, respectively, relative to the Central Section), coupled with spatially variable fault frictional properties, are more important than geometry alone in controlling Sections' relative frictional stability. Whereas the SW and Central Sections are well-oriented for failure, the NW Section is severely misoriented compared with favorably oriented faults of the Marlborough Fault Zone, which possibly facilitate a preferred rupture route. Geometrically, a 40° dip change at the SW boundary may be accommodated either by a single through-going fault plane - a difficult geometry across which to obtain multi-segment earthquakes when considering rupture dynamics - or by a deeper vertical fault strand truncated by a shallower listric plane. Our new observations have implications for Alpine Fault rupture scenarios and highlight the need to consider a range of spatially heterogeneous, interdependent physical factors when evaluating controls on rupture segmentation

    Illuminating the Pre-, Co-, and Post-Seismic Phases of the 2016 M7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake With 10 Years of Seismicity

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    The 2016 M7.8 Kaikōura earthquake is one of the most complex earthquakes in recorded history, with significant rupture of at least 21 crustal faults. Using a matched-filter detection routine, precise cross-correlation pick corrections, and accurate location and relocation techniques, we construct a catalog of 33,328 earthquakes between 2009 and 2020 on and adjacent to the faults that ruptured in the Kaikōura earthquake. We also compute focal mechanisms for 1,755 of the earthquakes used as templates. Using this catalog we reassess the rupture pathway of the Kaikōura earthquake. In particular we show that: (a) the earthquake nucleated on the Humps Fault; (b) there is a likely linking offshore reverse fault between the southern fault system and the Papatea Fault, which could explain the anomalously high slip on the Papatea Fault; (c) the faults that ruptured in the 2013 Cook Strait sequence were reactivated by the Kaikōura earthquake and may have played a role in the termination of the earthquake; and (d) no seismicity on an underlying subduction interface is observed beneath almost all of the ruptured region suggesting that if deformation did occur on the plate interface then it occurred aseismically and did not play a significant role in generating co-seismic ground motion

    Volcanic Unrest at Taupō Volcano in 2019: Causes, Mechanisms and Implications

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    Taupō volcano, New Zealand, is a large caldera volcano that has been highly active through the Holocene. It most recently erupted ∼1,800 years ago but there have been multiple periods of historic volcanic unrest. We use seismological and geodetic analysis to show that in 2019 Taupō underwent a period of unrest characterized by increased seismic activity through multiple swarms and was accompanied by ground deformation within the caldera. The earthquakes, which include non-double-couple events, serve to outline an aseismic zone beneath the most recent eruptive vents. This aseismic zone is coincident with an inflating source, based on forward modeling of ground deformation data. We infer that this aseismic and deforming region delineates the location of the present day magma reservoir that is ≥250 km3 in volume and has a melt fraction of >20%–30%, inhibiting seismic activity. Our analysis shows that the 2019 unrest at Taupō was volcanic in nature and origin, demonstrating that this is an active and potentially hazardous volcano, and that improving our monitoring and understanding of its behavior is important