1,793 research outputs found

    Generalized Jarzynski Equality under Nonequilibrium Feedback Control

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    The Jarzynski equality is generalized to situations in which nonequilibrium systems are subject to a feedback control. The new terms that arise as a consequence of the feedback describe the mutual information content obtained by measurement and the efficacy of the feedback control. Our results lead to a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem that reflects the readout information, and can be experimentally tested using small thermodynamic systems. We illustrate our general results by an introducing "information ratchet," which can transport a Brownian particle in one direction and extract a positive work from the particle

    Dissipative collapse of the adiabatic piston

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    An adiabatic piston, separating two granular gases prepared in the same macroscopic state, is found to eventually collapse to one of the sides. This new instability is explained by a simple macroscopic theory which is furthermore in qualitative agreement with hard disk molecular dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    AFM pulling and the folding of donor-acceptor oligorotaxanes: phenomenology and interpretation

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    The thermodynamic driving force in the self-assembly of the secondary structure of a class of donor-acceptor oligorotaxanes is elucidated by means of molecular dynamics simulations of equilibrium isometric single-molecule force spectroscopy AFM experiments. The oligorotaxanes consist of cyclobis(paraquat-\emph{p}-phenylene) rings threaded onto an oligomer of 1,5-dioxynaphthalenes linked by polyethers. The simulations are performed in a high dielectric medium using MM3 as the force field. The resulting force vs. extension isotherms show a mechanically unstable region in which the molecule unfolds and, for selected extensions, blinks in the force measurements between a high-force and a low-force regime. From the force vs. extension data the molecular potential of mean force is reconstructed using the weighted histogram analysis method and decomposed into energetic and entropic contributions. The simulations indicate that the folding of the oligorotaxanes is energetically favored but entropically penalized, with the energetic contributions overcoming the entropy penalty and effectively driving the self-assembly. In addition, an analogy between the single-molecule folding/unfolding events driven by the AFM tip and the thermodynamic theory of first-order phase transitions is discussed and general conditions, on the molecule and the cantilever, for the emergence of mechanical instabilities and blinks in the force measurements in equilibrium isometric pulling experiments are presented. In particular, it is shown that the mechanical stability properties observed during the extension are intimately related to the fluctuations in the force measurements.Comment: 42 pages, 17 figures, accepted to the Journal of Chemical Physic

    An Exact Solution to O(26) Sigma Model coupled to 2-D Gravity

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    By a mapping to the bosonic string theory, we present an exact solution to the O(26) sigma model coupled to 2-D quantum gravity. In particular, we obtain the exact gravitational dressing to the various matter operators classified by the irreducible representations of O(26). We also derive the exact form of the gravitationally modified beta function for the original coupling constant e2e^2. The relation between our exact solution and the asymptotic solution given in ref[3] is discussed in various aspects.Comment: 10 pages, pupt-144

    Bead, Hoop, and Spring as a Classical Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Problem

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    We describe a simple mechanical system that involves Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking. The system consists of two beads constrained to slide along a hoop and attached each other through a spring. When the hoop rotates about a fixed axis, the spring-beads system will change its equilibrium position as a function of the angular velocity. The system shows two different regions of symmetry separated by a critical point analogous to a second order transition. The competitive balance between the rotational diynamics and the interaction of the spring causes an Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking just as the balance between temperature and the spin interaction causes a transition in a ferromagnetic system. In addition, the gravitational potential act as an external force that causes explicit symmetry breaking and a feature of first-order transition. Near the transition point, the system exhibits a universal critical behavior where the changes of the parameter of order is described by the critical exponent beta =1/2 and the susceptibility by gamma =1. We also found a chaotic behavior near the critical point. Through a demostrative device we perform some qualitative observations that describe important features of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 30 figures, LaTeX2

    Magnetic properties and critical behavior of disordered Fe_{1-x}Ru_x alloys: a Monte Carlo approach

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    We study the critical behavior of a quenched random-exchange Ising model with competing interactions on a bcc lattice. This model was introduced in the study of the magnetic behavior of Fe_{1-x}Ru_x alloys for ruthenium concentrations x=0%, x=4%, x=6%, and x=8%. Our study is carried out within a Monte Carlo approach, with the aid of a re-weighting multiple histogram technique. By means of a finite-size scaling analysis of several thermodynamic quantities, taking into account up to the leading irrelevant scaling field term, we find estimates of the critical exponents \alpha, \beta, \gamma, and \nu, and of the critical temperatures of the model. Our results for x=0% are in excellent agreement with those for the three-dimensional pure Ising model in the literature. We also show that our critical exponent estimates for the disordered cases are consistent with those reported for the transition line between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases of both randomly dilute and ±J\pm J Ising models. We compare the behavior of the magnetization as a function of temperature with that obtained by Paduani and Branco (2008), qualitatively confirming the mean-field result. However, the comparison of the critical temperatures obtained in this work with experimental measurements suggest that the model (initially obtained in a mean-field approach) needs to be modified

    Effective Free Energy for Individual Dynamics

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    Physics and economics are two disciplines that share the common challenge of linking microscopic and macroscopic behaviors. However, while physics is based on collective dynamics, economics is based on individual choices. This conceptual difference is one of the main obstacles one has to overcome in order to characterize analytically economic models. In this paper, we build both on statistical mechanics and the game theory notion of Potential Function to introduce a rigorous generalization of the physicist's free energy, which includes individual dynamics. Our approach paves the way to analytical treatments of a wide range of socio-economic models and might bring new insights into them. As first examples, we derive solutions for a congestion model and a residential segregation model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, presented at the ECCS'10 conferenc

    Grand canonical ensemble in generalized thermostatistics

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    We study the grand-canonical ensemble with a fluctuating number of degrees of freedom in the context of generalized thermostatistics. Several choices of grand-canonical entropy functional are considered. The ideal gas is taken as an example.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Dissipative Particle Dynamics with Energy Conservation

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    The stochastic differential equations for a model of dissipative particle dynamics with both total energy and total momentum conservation in the particle-particle interactions are presented. The corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the evolution of the probability distribution for the system is deduced together with the corresponding fluctuation-dissipation theorems ensuring that the ab initio chosen equilibrium probability distribution for the relevant variables is a stationary solution. When energy conservation is included, the system can sustain temperature gradients and heat flow can be modeled.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Europhys. Let
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