1,739 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Cognitive Interventions in Older Adults: A Review

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    Introduction: With older adults, cognitive intervention programs are most often used for preventing or reversing a decline in cognitive functions, but it has been recently noted that there are insufficient high-quality research studies that report the effects of cognitive intervention on the cognitive functioning of older adults. (2) Objective: To analyze the available evidence concerning the effect of cognitive interventions for improving or maintaining the general cognitive status of older adults who present different cognitive levels. (3) Method: a review of studies published between 2010 and 2019 using the following databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane, Google Scholar, ProQuest and Medline. (4) Results: We selected 13 systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses. The results showed that the cognitive intervention programs improved general cognitive functioning and specific cognitive functions regardless of the initial cognitive level; that cognitive decline was slowed in older persons with dementia; and there was improvement in activities of daily living. Regarding duration of the results, benefits were maintained for periods of 2 months to 5 years. (5) Conclusion: Cognitive interventions have proven effective for maintaining and/or improving cognitive functioning in older adults regardless of their initial cognitive status. Even so, there are few studies that follow up these results to see whether they are maintained in the long term and whether there is transfer to other skills of daily life. However, we were able to observe in the present review how the participants’ cognitive level varied according to sociodemographic differences, and to identify which components of cognitive programs make them more effective. Based on the results found, we highlight the importance of designing cognitive intervention programs that meet these effectiveness criteria, in order to maximize the positive effects of such programs when working with a population of older adults.Ministry of Education, Government of Spain FPU15/0396

    Caregiver training: Evidence of its effectiveness for cognitive and functional improvement in older adults

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    Aims and objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a car-egiver training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare the effects of this programme according to type of caregiver (professional vs. family caregiver).Background: Due to demographic changes that have resulted in an aging population, the role of caregiver of an older adult has become very important in recent years.Design and Methods: The sample was composed of 160 older adults: (a) 100 received care from caregivers who had taken the three- month training programme (treat-ment group), of which 60 were professional caregivers and 40 were family caregivers, and (b) 60 received care from caregivers who had not taken the programme (control group). In order to evaluate programme effects on cognitive and functional status, we used both direct measures answered by the older adults (MMSE, CAPE and EuroQol) and caregiver reports (Barthel and RMPBC). We used a quasi-experimental, pre- post design. We followed SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines for reporting.Results: The results showed that older adults who were cared for by caregivers that had participated in the training programme showed gains in quality of life and cog-nitive ability and maintenance of functional ability. Within the treatment group, al-though everyone significantly improved their scores, the older adults cared for by family caregivers improved in more of the cognitive sub-items than did their peers in the professional caregiver group.Conclusions: The data obtained show that a caregiver training programme based on cognitive stimulation produces cognitive, functional and health-related quality- of- life benefits in older adults. Furthermore, the caregivers reported increased satisfaction with their work.Relevance to clinical practice: The improvements obtained in the older adults and in caregivers show the relevance of this type of intervention when working in the clinical field of caregiving.Funding information This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education under Grant FPU15/03966. The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA

    Photogrammetric state of degradation assessment of decorative claddings: the plasterwork of the Maidens' Courtyard (The Royal Alcazar of Seville)

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    Highlights: • The photogrammetric survey demonstrates to be a potential tool in the preventive conservation of ancient plasterworks. • The high-precision 3D model allows the study and quantification of alterations (e.g. fissures, deformations, and loss of mass or polychromies). • The virtual model and the analysis performed with CloudCompare software provide fast, accurate and accessible results to experts in the field. Abstract: Previous studies and documentation about the state of conservation of architectural or decorative elements are crucial for heritage managers, technicians and researchers to succeed in the maintenance and preservation of the heritage. In this sense, hand tracings, digital drawings, or photographs have traditionally been the methods for alteration and sample mapping. In spite of their effectiveness, these methods have some disadvantages, such as the need for more precision in terms of location, dimensions, quantification and types of alterations. By contrast, high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) models allow us to analyse decorative ancient plasterworks with great precision, offering considerable advantages over traditional tools for heritage documentation. To facilitate stakeholders’ work and enhance the quality of data collected, this work proposes the use of photogrammetry as a tool for the documentation of polychromed ancient plasterworks, taking the upper frieze of the access door to the Charles V ceiling room in the Royal Alcazar of Seville as a case of study. Thus, the work methodology applied has shown several advantages over previous methods. On the one hand, it was possible to obtain a 2D planimetry from the 3D model; this is an essential step for those responsible for heritage, especially in reports prior to restoration interventions. On the other hand, the 3D model created enables present alterations identification, the location of fissures and cracks in their three dimensions (opening, length and depth), deformations measurement and control, the quantification of mass or polychrome loss, and the detached elements digital reconstruction. In this way, highprecision digital results are quickly obtained and accessible to all the experts involved in the heritage conservation and maintenance plan

    Incidence of the Augmented Reality on the teaching of history. An experience in third year class of primary education

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    In the following study, the integration of Augmented Reality is valued as an emerging technology with strong possibilities of application in the educational field. In our study, a teaching unit «Time and History» of the Social Science subject in the third course of Primary Education has been implemented. Using different historic 3d image from SketchUp software, specifically the models used have been taken from Warehouse as Augmented Reality scenes and have been visualized through the pc software Aumentaty Author. The sample includes 56 students attending a school in the province of Albacete (Spain). From a quasi-experimental design with a control and an experimental group two dimensions have been analysed: the academic performance and different motivational variables. This paper includes detailed information about the teaching unit, defining contents and time of each session. Unlike other similar studies, this work does not show significant improvement in the students’ academic performance or in their motivation. However, students do believe to have participated actively and that the tool facilitates the learning process making it easy and clear. Moreover, thanks to this method, students have had the chance to work in small groups, improving the cooperation and the social integration, as well as learning the interactive and virtual possibilities that this tool could offer and which help them to improve the digital competence and the searching and information selection skills.</p

    Social Matters: Hacia el aprendizaje colaborativo para la interdisciplinariedad en un mundo complejo

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    Desde el informe Bruntland en 1987, el concepto de desarrollo sostenible ha suplantado el sobredimensionamiento del crecimiento económico como forma de desarrollo. Podríamos decir que en el siglo XXI la generación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible recoge el testigo, y avanza muy por encima de otros objetivos políticos planteados previamente de forma global por las Naciones Unidas como los Objetivos del Milenio. Hoy en día existe una mayor conciencia sobre la importancia del desarrollo sostenible, pero hasta la fecha, y rutinariamente las dimensiones económica y ambiental han recibido mayor atención frente a la dimensión social. Ésta sigue siendo la dimensión más desconocida y olvidada en cualquier proyecto e iniciativa que promueve el desarrollo sostenible (López, Legarda, y Buendía 2018). Desde el campo de las ciencias sociales existe también un menor grado de transferencia y difusión de las aportaciones que el conocimiento científico social aporta al desarrollo sostenible. Uno de los primeros pasos para reducir los distanciamientos disciplinares y la práctica profesional compartimentalizada es el fomento de la interdisciplinariedad en los periodos de formación universitaria. Presentamos en esta comunicación una propuesta de proyecto de investigación en innovación docente que está en marcha en la Universidad de Huelva durante el curso académico 2022/23 desde la Facultad de Trabajo Social. El proyecto Social Matters, consiste en el desarrollo de una metodología de investigación con entrevistas a profesorado y una encuesta a alumnado de los grados de ciencias experimentales e ingenierías principalmente, y una metodología de acción con el desarrollo de varios workshops con estudiantes de trabajo social. El proyecto tiene por tanto un doble objetivo: primero conocer la percepción de la dimensión social del desarrollo sostenible y sobre las ciencias sociales, así como la predisponibilidad a la interdisciplinariedad de estos estudiantes junto con profesionales de las ciencias sociales, especialmente del trabajo social; y segundo el desarrollo de habilidades para la comunicación y puesta en valor de la profesión del Trabajo Social en equipos interdisciplinares. Como resultados este proyecto pretende innovar en el desarrollo de acciones y propuestas que fomenten la interdisciplinariedad en la formación universitaria. Para ello y como fruto del segundo objetivo, se realizarán diferentes workshops para fomentar el acercamiento interdisciplinar entre profesorado y alumnado de los grados implicados. Un primer workshop destinado a presentar los resultados de investigación (entrevistas a profesorado y encuesta al alumnado), y un segundo workshop destinado a la identificación de necesidades formativas, creación de iniciativas que permitan ampliar las perspectivas de desarrollo profesional y habilidades para trabajar en entornos interdisciplinares a estudiantes de las ciencias sociales (de trabajo social) y que conciencien a estudiantes de experimentales e ingenierías de la necesidad de integrar la dimensión social en sus campos profesionales.Convocatoria de Proyectos de In-novación Docente e Investigación Educativa 2022/2023. En la Modali-dad A1: Proyectos de innovación docente. Proyecto concedido: “Social Matters: Hacia el aprendizaje colaborativo para la interdisciplinarie-dad en un mundo complejo” iniciado en el curso académico 2022/2023 en la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Huelva. Grupo de investigación “Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social, ESEIS - e6”(SEJ- 216). Centro de investigación de “Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo So-cial” (COIDESO)

    Learning potential assessment and adaptation to the educational context: the usefulness of the acfs for assessing immigrant preschool children

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    The objective of this study was to test the usefulness of dynamic assessment for determining cognitive abilities such as classification, auditory and visual memory, pattern sequences, perspective taking, verbal planning, learning potential, andmetacognition in immigrant preschool childrenwith and without competence in the dominant language (Spanish). One hundred seventy-six preschoolchildren were distributed in three groups according to the cultural background of their parents (native Spanish/Spanish-speaking immigrants/non-Spanish speaking immigrants). The children were assessed by means of the K-BIT, the Application of Cognitive Functions Scale (ACFS), and metacognition, language competence and academic performance estimates. The results show that although there are initial differences in execution between the two groups (Spanish/immigrants), there are no differences with regard to learning potential. The study also demonstrates the importance of behavioral, attitudinal, and metacognitive variables in children’s test execution and academic performance.

    Nivel de independencia en la vida diaria y plasticidad cognitiva en la vejez

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    Recent research provides evidence that an active lifestyle is associated with a high level of plasticity, which in turn is related to a reduced probability of cognitive deterioration and decline (Calero, Navarro &amp; Muñoz, 2007). Activities of daily living (ADL) constitute one of the variables currently considered to be an indicator of dependence/independence in old age and which is associated with cognitive and physical decline. The aim of the present study was to analyse the relation between ADL and cognitive plasticity in old age. Sixtythree elderly participants were evaluated using diverse measures of ADL levels and two techniques for evaluating learning potential. Results showed that a higher level of cognitive plasticity was associated with greater functional independence in daily living.En la actualidad, un estilo de vida activo se asocia con un alto nivel de plasticidad cognitiva que a su vez se relaciona con una menor probabilidad de deterioro y declive cognitivo (Calero, Navarro y Muñoz, 2007). Las actividades de la vida diaria (AVD) es una de las variables consideradas indicadoras de dependenciaindependencia en la vejez que se asocia al deterioro cognitivo y físico. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre las AVD y la plasticidad cognitiva en la vejez. Han participado 63 ancianos evaluados con distintas medidas de autonomía/dependencia y con dos técnicas de evaluación del potencial de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran que un mayor nivel de plasticidad cognitiva se asocia a una mayor independencia funcional en la vida diaria


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    La antracnosis es considerada la principal enfermedad fúngica que afecta al mango. Causa considerables daños en las hojas, las flores y los frutos. Los hongos filamentosos del género Colletotrichum y su teleomorfo Glomerella son considerados los patógenos de plantas más ampliamente distribuidos a nivel mundial, causantes de esta enfermedad. En esta investigación se obtuvieron 22 aislados del género Colletotrichum de diferentes localidades de la región occidental país, en seis variedades de mango. La caracterización cultural fue diversa en el crecimiento de colonias en PDA, con presencia y ausencia de exudaciones a diferentes temperaturas, siendo los 24 grados la óptima para el crecimiento. La fase sexual observada en algunos aislados muestra pocos peritecios. La concentración de conidios varió entre 107 y 105 medidos Cámara de Neubauer mientras los apresorios y conidios están dentro de los rangos para la especie Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes. La variabilidad en la patogenicidad mostró que todas las especies de mangos investigadas son susceptibles al microorganismo. El análisis estadístico arroja el agrupamiento de los aislados por localidad con características patogénicas similares.// Anthracnose is considered the main fungal disease affects mango. Cause considerable damage to leave, flowers and fruits. The filamentous fungi of the genus Colletotrichum and its teleomorph Glomerella pathogens are considered the most widely distributed plants worldwide, causing this disease. In this investigation were obtained 22 isolates of Colletotrichum from different localities of the country western region, in six varieties of mango. Cultural characterization was varied in the growth of colonies on PDA, with presence and absence of exudation at different temperatures, 24 degrees being optimal for growth. The observed in isolated sexual stage shows few perithecia. Conidia concentration ranged between 107 and 105 measured Neubauer chamber while appresoria and conidia are within the ranges for the species Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Variability in pathogenicity showed that all species investigated wizards are susceptible to microorganism. The statistical analysis shows the grouping of isolates by locality with similar pathogenic characteristics

    Intestinal Protists in Captive Non-human Primates and Their Handlers in Six European Zoological Gardens. Molecular Evidence of Zoonotic Transmission

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    We assessed the occurrence, genetic diversity, and zoonotic potential of four protozoan (Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, Giardia duodenalis), one stramenopile (Blastocystis sp.), one microsporidia (Enterocytozoon bieneusi), and two ciliate (Balantioides coli, Troglodytella abrassarti) intestinal parasite or commensal protist species in captive non-human primates (NHP) and their zookeepers from six European zoological gardens in France (n = 1), Germany (n = 1), and Spain (n = 4). Faecal samples from NHP (n = 454) belonging to 63 species within 35 genera and humans (n = 70) were collected at two sampling periods in each participating institution between October 2018-August 2021. Detection and species identification was accomplished by PCR and Sanger sequencing of the ssu rRNA and/or ITS genes. Sub-genotyping analyses using specific markers were conducted on isolates positive for G. duodenalis (gdh, bg, tpi) and Cryptosporidium spp. (gp60). Overall, 41.0% (186/454) and 30.0% (21/70) of the faecal samples of NHP and human origin tested positive for at least one intestinal protist species, respectively. In NHP, Blastocystis sp. was the most prevalent protist species found (20.3%), followed by G. duodenalis (18.1%), E. dispar (7.9%), B. coli and T. abrassarti (1.5% each), and Cryptosporidium spp. and E. bieneusi (0.9% each). Occurrence rates varied largely among NHP host species, sampling periods, and zoological institutions. The predominant protist species found in humans was Blastocystis sp. (25.7%), followed by Cryptosporidium spp. (2.9%), E. dispar (1.4%), and G. duodenalis (1.4%). Sequencing of PCR-positive amplicons in human and/or NHP confirmed the presence of Cryptosporidium in six isolates (C. hominis: 66.7%, C. parvum: 33.3%), G. duodenalis in 18 isolates (assemblage A: 16.7%, assemblage B: 83.3%), Blastocystis in 110 isolates (ST1:38.2%, ST2:11.8%, ST3: 18.2%, ST4: 9.1%, ST5: 17.3%, ST8: 2.7%, ST13: 0.9%), and E. bieneusi in four isolates (CM18: 75.0%, Type IV: 25.0%). Zoonotic transmission events involving Blastocystis ST1-ST4 were identified in four zoological institutions. Zoonotic transmission of C. hominis was highly suspected, but not fully demonstrated, in one of them. Monitoring of intestinal protist species might be useful for assessing health status of captive NHP and their zookeepers, and to identify transmission pathways of faecal-orally transmitted pathogens.This study was funded by the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under project PI16CIII/00024. DG-B was recipient of a Sara Borrell Postdoctoral Fellowship (CD19CIII/00011) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. AD was recipient of a PFIS contract (FI20CIII/00002) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Universities.S

    Identidad Onubense: Opinión y prácticas sociales respecto a urbanismo, patrimonio y entorno

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    Presentation of the research results on the Huelva [Onubense] Identity, 2020-2021. The results were presented at the Conference on Knowledge Transfer held on November 25, 2021 (University of Huelva, ETSI). It corresponds to the project: Huelva Identity: Opinion and social practices regarding urban planning, heritage, and environment. See more information at: https://eseis.es/investigacion/identidad-onubensePresentation of the research results on the Huelva [Onubense] Identity, 2020-2021. The results were presented at the Conference on Knowledge Transfer held on November 25, 2021 (University of Huelva, ETSI). It corresponds to the project: Huelva Identity: Opinion and social practices regarding urban planning, heritage, and environment. See more information at: https://eseis.es/investigacion/identidad-onubenseCátedra de la Provincia, UHU - Diputación de Huelva. Facultad de Trabajo Social. Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva. Consejo Social, UHU. Grupo de investigación Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social (Grupo ESEIS). Centro de Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social (COIDESO