2,565 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación del programa anual de conservación integrado para la gestión de los recursos de la facultad de ingeniería en mecánica y ciencias de la producción (fimcp), con enfoque en la mejora continua

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    El objetivo es diseñar e implementar un programa anual de conservación integrado, con enfoque en la mejora continua, para la gestión e integración de los procesos de conservación de construcciones y equipos de los laboratorios de la FIMCP. “Conservación es toda actividad humana que, mediante la aplicación de los conocimientos científicos y técnicos, contribuye al óptimo aprovechamiento de los recursos“[2]. La Metodología de la Conservación consta de tres etapas. En la primera se identifican los problemas, recolectan los datos y se levanta la información; la segunda etapa incluye las herramientas para administrar la conservación, optimizar el presupuesto de manutención con el índice de clasificación para los gastos de conservación [3], jerarquizar el inventario, por medio de Pareto, para la mejor gestión de los recursos, minimizar los costos y la optimización de los intervalos de conservación y finalmente elaborar los planes contingentes. En la tercera etapa, se utilizan las herramientas de la ingeniería industrial como diagramas de flujo, estudio de tiempos y balanceo, rediseño de descripción del puesto y estudio de requerimientos de materiales. Por último, con el análisis de tendencias y financiero se estimó el ahorro (beneficio) para la FIMCP, y la inversión requerida para la ejecución de las mejoras y la viabilidad del proyecto. The objective is to design and to implement an integrated annual program of conservation, focus in the continuous improvement for the administration and integration of the processes of conservation of constructions and teams of the laboratories of the FIMCP. "Conservation is all human activity that, by means of the application of the scientific and technical knowledge, it contributes to the good use of the resources" [2] The Methodology of the Conservation consists of three stages. In the first one, to identify problems, to gather data and to lift the information; the second, include the tools to administer the conservation, to optimize the maintenance budget with the Ranking index for Maintenance Expenditure [3], to rank the inventory, by means of Pareto, for the best administration in the resources, to minimize the costs and the optimization of the conservation intervals, to elaborate the contingent plans. In the third stage, the tools of the industrial engineering are used as diagrams of flow, study of times and balancing, redesign of description of the position and study of requirements of materials. Lastly, with the analysis of tendencies and financial, it was considered the saving (benefit) for the FIMCP, and the investment required for the execution of the improvements and the viability of the project

    Diseño de un manual de seguridad industrial y salud laboral en Envasali

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se generó como una solución al problema que tiene la Empresa Envasali, en cuanto a la necesidad de tener un Manual de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, dado las condiciones legales que actualmente se generan en el país y por el cumplimiento que debe tener como proveedor de otras empresas. En este estudio se determinó cuál es su situación frente a sus obligaciones en la materia de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional y se estableció un Manual de Seguridad y Salud que permita responder estas acciones. Por tal motivo, el presente estudio está enfocado en la idea de crear un manual que facilite a la empresa Envasali a cumplir con las exigencias de la legislación vigente en el Ecuador, en materia de seguridad, salud ocupacional y gestión ambiental. Envasali tiene un alto grado de potencialidad para generar producción, empleo e ingresos económicos, de esta manera surge la propuesta de desarrollar un Manual de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional con el fin de brindar soluciones seguras y estables para la empresas basándose en el Plan Nacional del buen vivir 2013-2017, del cual se desea garantizar el trabajo digno de impulsar la transformación de la matriz productiva nacional.This research was generated as a solution to the problem that the Envasali Company, regarding the need for a Manual for Safety and Health at Work, given the legal conditions currently generated in the country and compliance you should have as a provider of other companies. In this study we determined what your situation meet its obligations in the field of Occupational Safety and Health and Health and Safety Manual that can respond these actions was established. Therefore, the present study is focused on the idea of creating a manual to provide the company Envasali to meet the requirements of current legislation in Ecuador, safety, occupational health and environmental management. Envasali has a high potential to generate production, employment and income, so the proposal to develop a Manual Occupational Safety and Health for the purpose of providing safe and stable for business solutions based on the National Plan of good arises live 2013-2017, which want to ensure decent work to promote the transformation of the national productive matrix

    An Intelligent Transportation System: the Quito City Case Study

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    Managing traffic in a large city has become a topic of great interest in both politics and science. The costs of poor traffic management have been quantified as losses equal to millions of dollars, not counting the unquantifiable value of the time that a person loses in traffic jams. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) offer a set of innovative solutions specific to the management of different modes of transport. This article focuses on the development of an ITS for the city of Quito that allows smart decision-making to direct heavy haul transporters that want to enter the city via one of its main access routes. Technologies such as Sensor Web Enablement (SWE), in association with the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) communication protocol, facilitate the development of a vehicular management platform/system capable of sending notifications in real-time and issuing instructions to drivers regarding traffic delays along routes, average speeds, etc. The system supports a network of heterogeneous sensors accessible through the web. It can integrate any device that uses HTTP protocol. Time interval and location range testing have been undertaken to refine the accuracy of the system and make it adaptable to any geographic situation. The system allows communicate with the server through MQTT or through web services, using technologies such as: MongoDB and GeoJSON. One of the most relevant results is that the degree of accuracy of the system is within appropriate ranges when compared to commercial applications such as Google Maps and Waze

    Estilos de vida y su relación con el sobrepeso en las estudiantes del Ciclo Básico del Colegio Tulcán de la ciudad de Tulcán, provincia del Carchi durante el periodo enero a julio del 2012

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    Analizar los estilos de vida y su relación con el sobrepeso en las estudiantes del colegio “Tulcán”.En la actualidad el sobrepeso y la obesidad son un problema que afecta a gran parte de las personas, debido a la práctica de estilos de vida inadecuados, donde el sedentarismo, el consumo excesivo de comida con alto contenido calórico son las principales causas del sobrepeso y la aparición de enfermedades crónicas degenerativas. El objetivo de nuestro tema de investigación fue analizar los estilos de vida y su relación con el sobrepeso en las estudiantes del ciclo Básico del Colegio Tulcán de la ciudad del mismo nombre. Este es un estudio decampo de naturaleza descriptiva transversal cuya población lo conformaron 187 estudiantes del ciclo básico del Colegio Tulcán, se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple de cada curso con el fin de obtener una muestra representativa de todo el colegio, donde se aplicó una encuesta de 15 preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Se evaluó el sobrepeso y obesidad mediante la toma de peso y talla, calculando el IMC, obteniendo los siguientes resultados, de las 187 estudiantes un 33% tiene sobrepeso y un 5% obesidad. Mediante esta investigación se concluye que en el colegio existe un gran porcentaje de sobrepeso en las estudiantes debido a la falta de práctica de actividad física, consumo de comida chatarra, y a esto también se ve asociado la falta de control de los alimentos que se expenden en el bar del colegio. Se recomienda fomentare acciones educativas en alimentación y estilos de vida adecuados dirigidas a estudiantes, padres de familia y docentes, para así, sensibilizar a toda la comunidad sobre la importancia de cuidar nuestra salud

    Adjustment and Characterization of an Original Model of Chronic Ischemic Heart Failure in Pig

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    We present and characterize an original experimental model to create a chronic ischemic heart failure in pig. Two ameroid constrictors were placed around the LAD and the circumflex artery. Two months after surgery, pigs presented a poor LV function associated with a severe mitral valve insufficiency. Echocardiography analysis showed substantial anomalies in radial and circumferential deformations, both on the anterior and lateral surface of the heart. These anomalies in function were coupled with anomalies of perfusion observed in echocardiography after injection of contrast medium. No demonstration of myocardial infarction was observed with histological analysis. Our findings suggest that we were able to create and to stabilize a chronic ischemic heart failure model in the pig. This model represents a useful tool for the development of new medical or surgical treatment in this field

    Behaviour of tail-docked lambs tested in isolation

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    peer-reviewedThe aims of the current study were to detect behavioural indicators of pain of tail-docked sheep tested in isolation and to determine the relationship between behaviour and the pain levels to which they were exposed. Twenty-four female lambs, randomly assigned to four pens, had their tail docked with a rubber ring (TD; n = 6) without pain control procedures, TD with anaesthesia (TDA; n = 6) or TD with anaesthesia and analgesia (TDAA; n = 6). Additionally, six lambs handled but without tail docking or application of pain relief measures were used as the control (C). On the day prior (Day –1) to the TD and on days 1, 3 and 5 post-procedure, each lamb was individually removed from its group and underwent a 2.5 min open field test in a separate pen. Frequencies of behaviours such as rest, running, standing, walking and exploring were directly observed. Frequencies of exploratory climbs (ECs) and abrupt climbs (ACs) over the testing pen’s walls were video-recorded. Data were analysed using generalised linear mixed models with repeated measurements, including treatment and day as fixed effects and behaviour on Day –1 as a linear covariate. Control and TDAA lambs stood more frequently than TD lambs. TD lambs performed significantly more ACs compared to all other treatment groups. No other treatment effects were detected. A day effect was detected for all behaviours, while the EC frequency was highest for all tail-docked lambs on Day 5. Findings suggest that standing, ACs and ECs could be used as potential indicators of pain in isolated tail-docked lambs. However, differences in ECs between treatments only appeared 3 d after tail docking

    Detection of lesions in the optic nerve with magnetic resonance imaging using a 3D convolutional neural network

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    Deep learning; Multiple sclerosis, Optic nerveAprendizaje profundo; Esclerosis múltiple; Nervio ópticoAprenentatge profund; Esclerosi múltiple; Nervi òpticBackground Optic neuritis (ON) is one of the first manifestations of multiple sclerosis, a disabling disease with rising prevalence. Detecting optic nerve lesions could be a relevant diagnostic marker in patients with multiple sclerosis. Objectives We aim to create an automated, interpretable method for optic nerve lesion detection from MRI scans. Materials and Methods We present a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) model that learns to detect optic nerve lesions based on T2-weighted fat-saturated MRI scans. We validated our system on two different datasets (N = 107 and 62) and interpreted the behaviour of the model using saliency maps. Results The model showed good performance (68.11% balanced accuracy) that generalizes to unseen data (64.11%). The developed network focuses its attention to the areas that correspond to lesions in the optic nerve. Conclusions The method shows robustness and, when using only a single imaging sequence, its performance is not far from diagnosis by trained radiologists with the same constraint. Given its speed and performance, the developed methodology could serve as a first step to develop methods that could be translated into a clinical setting.This project was developed as a part of Gerard Martí-Juan ECTRIMS Research Fellowship Program 2021–2022. This study was partially supported by the Projects (PI18/00823, PI19/00950), from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS), Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Enhanced fatty acid oxidation in adipocytes and macrophages reduces lipid-induced triglyceride accumulation and inflammation

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    Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes

    Individuals With SARS-CoV-2 Infection During the First and Second Waves in Catalonia, Spain: Retrospective Observational Study Using Daily Updated Data

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Epidemiologia; ComparacióCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Epidemiología; ComparaciónCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Epidemiology; ComparisonA description of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection comparing the first and second waves could help adapt health services to manage this highly transmissible infection.Objective: We aimed to describe the epidemiology of individuals with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the characteristics of patients with a positive test comparing the first and second waves in Catalonia, Spain. Methods: This study had 2 stages. First, we analyzed daily updated data on SARS-CoV-2 infection in individuals from Girona (Catalonia). Second, we compared 2 retrospective cohorts of patients with a positive reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2. The severity of patients with a positive test was defined by their admission to hospital, admission to intermediate respiratory care, admission to the intensive care unit, or death. The first wave was from March 1, 2020, to June 24, 2020, and the second wave was from June 25, 2020, to December 8, 2020.Results: The numbers of tests and cases were lower in the first wave than in the second wave (26,096 tests and 3140 cases in the first wave versus 140,332 tests and 11,800 cases in the second wave), but the percentage of positive results was higher in the first wave than in the second wave (12.0% versus 8.4%). Among individuals with a positive diagnostic test, 818 needed hospitalization in the first wave and 680 in the second; however, the percentage of hospitalized individuals was higher in the first wave than in the second wave (26.1% versus 5.8%). The group that was not admitted to hospital included older people and those with a higher percentage of comorbidities in the first wave, whereas the characteristics of the groups admitted to hospital were more alike.This work was supported by grants from the European Union ERDF funds (Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Primary Care, RedIAPP–CARDIOCAT; RD16/0007/0004) and from the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR; 2017-SGR 1146). We thank Eric Tornabell for his technical support. We also thank all health care professionals for their ceaseless work to care for COVID-19 patients in this pandemic