6 research outputs found
Colecci贸n Mastozool贸gica Universidad de Nari帽o (Colecci贸n Zool贸gica P.S.O-CZ 041)
The Mammalogy collection of the Universidad de Nari帽o (Colecci贸n Zool贸gica P.S.O-Z) contains 926 specimens belonging to 10 orders, 25 families (23 native and two exotic), 75 genera (73 native and two exotic), and 119 native species (two exotic). The specimens come from five departments in the country, with a larger representation from Nari帽o and Putumayo. Approximately 405 of the specimens in the collection were donated by the Fundaci贸n para la Educaci贸n Superior (FES), from the Natural Reverse La Planada (Municipally of Ricaurte, Nari帽o), and other specimens have been collected by students from the University of Nari帽o. The specimens were cited in at least 22 scientific publications.La Colecci贸n Mastozool贸gica de la Universidad de Nari帽o (Colecci贸n Zool贸gica P.S.O-CZ) conserva 926 espec铆menes de mam铆feros pertenecientes a 10 贸rdenes, 25 familias (23 nativas y dos ex贸ticas), 75 g茅neros (73 nativos y dos ex贸ticos) y 119 especies nativas, m谩s dos ex贸ticas. Los espec铆menes proceden de cinco departamentos del pa铆s, con una mayor representaci贸n de Nari帽o y Putumayo. Aproximadamente 405 espec铆menes fueron donados por la Fundaci贸n para la Educaci贸n Superior (FES), provenientes de la Reserva Natural La Planada (Municipio de Ricaurte, Nari帽o) y otros espec铆menes que han sido colectados por estudiantes de la Universidad de Nari帽o. Los ejemplares de la colecci贸n han sido referenciados en al menos 22 publicaciones cient铆ficas
Vocalizaciones asociadas al comportamiento colonial de Cacicus chrysonotus leucoramphus (Icteridae) en Colombia
In order to assess the association between the vocalizations and the displayed behaviors of the Golden-shouldered Mountain Cacique (Cacicus chrysonotus leucoramphus), we sampled both acoustic and behavioral features at three sites in the Andes of Nari帽o, southern Colombia. We obtained seven vocalization types, six of them associated with at least one of the three identified behavioral categories (vigilance, alertness, and territorial defense), and one linked with a courtship exhibition. Vocalizations with higher values of bandwidth and frequency modulations were associated with territorial behavior, whereas those with lower values of bandwidth and few frequency modulations were associated with vigilance and alert. Results showed similarities in the acoustic structure of vocalizations and the related social context with other species as the C. cela and C. haemorrhous. C. c. leucoramphus uses specific types of vocalizations in a particular social context, with some vocalizations used in different behaviors. This study describes for the first time the social context in which vocalizations are associated with their behaviors.Con el objetivo de evaluar la asociaci贸n entre las vocalizaciones y los comportamientos del cacique montano norte帽o (Cacicus chrysonotus leucoramphus), se tomaron registros ac煤sticos y conductuales de la especie en cuatro localidades de los Andes de Nari帽o, en el sur de Colombia. Se registraron seis tipos de vocalizaciones asociadas a por lo menos una de las tres categor铆as conductuales identificadas (vigilancia, alerta y defensa territorial), y una vocalizaci贸n registrada en un 煤nico evento de cortejo. Vocalizaciones con valores m谩s altos de ancho de banda y modulaci贸n de frecuencia resultaron asociadas a defensa territorial, mientras que vocalizaciones con valores bajos de ancho de banda y poca modulaci贸n cumplieron funciones de vigilancia y alerta. Los resultados indican similitudes en el comportamiento vocal y social con respecto a estudios en otras especies como Cacicus cela y Cacicus haemorrhous. C. c. leucoramphus utiliza vocalizaciones espec铆ficas en un determinado contexto conductual, pudiendo algunas de ellas ser reutilizadas en varios comportamientos. Este estudio describe por primera vez el contexto social en el que se asocian las vocalizaciones y conductas en esta especie
Plant used by birds in coffee landscapes of Nari帽o, Colombia
Plants are an important food resource for birds in coffee landscapes therefore the coffee plantations heterogeneity of guarantee its availability. Understanding the interactions between birds and plants is important for the biodiversity conservation in coffee landscapes. In this investigation, we present an initial list of plant species used by birds in coffee landscapes, in rural areas of the municipalities of Col贸n-G茅nova, La Uni贸n, Arboleda and San Pedro de Cartago (Nari帽o, Colombia). The results showed that frugivorous birds fed from at least 25 species, nectarivorous birds from eight species and insectivorous birds foraged from nine species. The results obtained allow us to propose a list of potential plants (native and introduced), used as a food and foraging resource by birds, which could be useful for coffee landscapes management through the implementation of propagation and production strategies for coffee landscapes restoration.Las plantas son un importante recurso alimenticio para las aves presentes en los paisajes cafeteros, por lo que la heterogeneidad en las diferentes unidades de estos paisajes,聽 garantizan la disponibilidad de alimento. Conocer este tipo de interacciones entre plantas y aves es importante para la conservaci贸n de la biodiversidad en paisajes cafeteros. En esta investigaci贸n, se presenta la lista inicial de especies de plantas usadas por las aves de paisajes cafeteros en zonas rurales de los municipios de Col贸n-G茅nova, La Uni贸n, Arboleda y San Pedro de Cartago en el departamento de Nari帽o, Colombia. Las observaciones en campo y colectas generales de plantas muestran que 25 especies vegetales son consumidas por aves frug铆voras, ocho especies son aprovechadas por aves nectar铆voras y nueve especies son aprovechadas por aves insect铆voras. Los resultados obtenidos permiten proponer un listado de especies de plantas potenciales como fuente de recursos para las aves, algunas nativas y otras introducidas, que pueden ser 煤tiles para el manejo de paisajes cafeteros en la regi贸n a trav茅s de la implementaci贸n de estrategias de producci贸n y propagaci贸n para la restauraci贸n.
Ampliaci贸n del rango de distribuci贸n geogr谩fica y altitudinal del lobito Verdiazul Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (LCERTILIA: TEIIDAE) en Colombia
The blue-green lobe Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, has a wide distribution in the Neotropical region, from Central America to South America through Colombia. A review of the occurrence data of the species reported in the Biodiversity Information System of Colombia (SIB), the World Biodiversity Information Service (GBIF), the database of the Museum of Natural History of the University of Nari帽o PSO-CZ, the Amphibian and Reptile Catalog of Colombia volume two, published articles and records taken in the field by the authors. A total of 2,516 records were obtained, determining 1,517 as valid, from which a distribution map of the species in Colombia was prepared and comparing with those previously reported, it was determined that C. lemniscatus is currently distributed in 96,87% of the departments of the national territory. An extension is made for 12 departments with records that are around 2,000 meters above sea level in the southwest of the country, this being an altitudinal extension compared to a maximum distribution reported up to 1,500meters above sea level.El lobito verdiazul Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, presenta una amplia distribuci贸n en la regi贸n Neotropical, desde Centroam茅rica hasta Suram茅rica pasando por Colombia. Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de los datos de ocurrencia de la especie, reportados en el Sistema de Informaci贸n sobre Biodiversidad de Colombia (SIB), el Servicio mundial de Informaci贸n sobre Biodiversidad (GBIF), la base de datos del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad de Nari帽o PSO-CZ, el Cat谩logo de Anfibios y Reptiles de Colombia volumen dos, art铆culos publicados y registros tomados en campo por los autores. Se obtuvo un total de 2.516 registros, determinando como v谩lidos 1.517, a partir de los cuales se elabor贸 un mapa de distribuci贸n de la especie en Colombia y comparando con los reportados previamente se determin贸 que C. lemniscatus actualmente se distribuye en el 96,87% de los departamentos del territorio nacional. Se hace una ampliaci贸npara 12 departamentos con registros que se encuentran alrededor de los 2.000 msnm en el suroccidente del pa铆s, siendo esto una ampliaci贸n altitudinal en comparaci贸n con una distribuci贸n m谩xima reportada hasta los 1.500 msnm
Aves de la colecci贸n zool贸gica de la Universidad de Nari帽o, Colombia
We provide a complete dataset of bird specimens of the zoological collection at the Universidad de Nari帽o, Colombia. For every specimen, we reviewed taxonomic identifications to species level by applying curatorial procedures, including the comparison of skins, the use of taxonomic keys and primary literature, and by confirming georeferenced locality data. We present 1249 specimens from 419 species. Most records come from ecosystems in southwestern Colombia, department of Nari帽o. All records are in the Darwin Core standard and have been made available through the Colombian biodiversity portal (SiB-Colombia) and the GBIF. In addition, we projected these bird occurrences in a geographic context to analyze the density, representation of ecosystems, biogeographic regions, and administrative units (municipalities). We also examine the representation of relevant species regarding their endemism, migratory, or conservation status. With this information, we want to support research and training initiatives to support ecological planning with biogeographic approaches to understand the temporal changes in bird faunas.Proporcionamos un conjunto de datos de espec铆menes de aves de la colecci贸n zool贸gica de la Universidad de Nari帽o, Colombia. Para cada esp茅cimen, revisamos la taxonom铆a a nivel de especie, aplicando procedimientos curatoriales que incluyeron la comparaci贸n de pieles, revisi贸n de claves taxon贸micas y literatura primaria y confirmaci贸n de datos georreferenciados de las localidades. Presentamos 1249 espec铆menes, correspondientes a 419 especies. La mayor铆a de los registros provienen de ecosistemas del suroccidente colombiano, en el departamento de Nari帽o. Todos los registros est谩n disponibles a trav茅s los portales SiB-Colombia y GBIF, siguiendo el est谩ndar Darwin Core para la documentaci贸n de registros biol贸gicos. Adicionalmente, graficamos las localidades de estos registros en mapas que analizan la densidad, la representaci贸n en municipios y ecosistemas de la regi贸n. Tambi茅n examinamos la representaci贸n de especies de inter茅s, considerando criterios como endemismos, migraci贸n y estado de conservaci贸n. Con esta informaci贸n queremos apoyar iniciativas de investigaci贸n y docencia que den soporte a procesos de planificaci贸n ecol贸gica con enfoques biogeogr谩ficos, para comprender los cambios temporales de la diversidad de aves
Bats ecology in the Dry Tropical Forest of Nari帽o (Colombia) and some commentaries about their conservation
Tropical dry forests are considered as threatened ecosystems in Colombia, because they are located in areas with intensive human activities. However, the effects of habitat loss on the distribution and abundance of bats in this region are little known. The purpose of this study was to analyze species richness, composition and relative abundance of bats in three vegetation types with different degrees of intervention in the Tropical Dry Forest of Nari帽o (Mesi: Intervened dry thorn scrub, Mesc: Preserve dry thorn scrub, Bsi: Intervened semideciduous tropical forest), Colombia. We captured bats using 10 mist nets over 24 nights (eight nights in each vegetation type). Nine species were recorded from the capture of 60 specimens. The Mesc had the higher richness (6 species), while the Mesi had the lower richness (4 species). This is probably related with the high degree of human disturbance in the area. Sorensen index (0.33-0.38) indicated that the three populations represent the same community. A. lituratus (Dtsi), A. planirostris (Tsfi) and C. perspicillata (Dtsp) showed the lower abundance, this condition has been associated with forest in process of regeneration or forest with human intervention. Although the best preserved area is the Mesc, criteria as the low species richness, dominance of the three bat species and the presence of Desmodus rotundus suggest that the degree of human intervention is similar in the three types of vegetation. Therefore it is necessary to establish bat conservation programs and restoration projects in the area