18 research outputs found

    Minerales diagen茅ticos y paleotemperaturas en la Cuenca del Maestrazgo: relaci贸n con la etapa de rift y otros eventos t茅rmicos regionales.

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    In the Lower Cretaceous sandstones of the Maestrat Basin are present several diagenetic minerals that provide information about their temperature of precipitation. Quartz cement (homogenisation temperatures with a mode of 145潞C), fibrous illite replacing feldspars (70-130潞C), the complete transformation of kaolinite to dickite (90-130潞C), the complete albitization of detrital feldspars (>105潞C) and barite and saddle dolomite cements (associated to hydrothermal fluids). Vitrinite reflectance of the organic matter in the intercalated marls revealed burial temperatures from 119 to 134潞C. However, these temperatures are not consistent with the thermal modelling of Penyagolosa sub-basin (Maestrat Basin). In the Penyagolosa Sub-basin model, the Lower Cretaceous sediments reached a maximum burial temperature of 65潞C, based on a thermal gradient of 30潞C/km, which was estimated by subsidence analysis, vitrinite reflectance and the stretching factor and thermal conductivities during syn-rift stage 2. Thus, in the Maestrat Basin existed conditions of relative higher temperature than predicted in a typical rift basin. These thermal anomaly is consistent with the existence other high-temperature events, such as alkali basaltic volcanism, metamorphism, thermal heating associated with high thermal gradients, and Hg-Sb bearing deposits have been reported in the Basque-Cantabrian Chain, the Pyrenean Mountains and the Iberian Chain.Las areniscas del Cret谩cico inferior de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo presentan varios minerales diagen茅ticos y transformaciones que proporcionan informaci贸n directa o indirecta de las condiciones de temperatura: Cemento de cuarzo (temperaturas de homogeneizaci贸n con moda 145潞C), ilita fibrosa reemplazando a feldespatos (70-130潞C), transformaci贸n completa de caolinita a dickita (90-130潞C), albitizaci贸n completa de los feldespatos (>105潞C) y cementos de barita y dolomita saddle (asociados con fluidos hidrotermales). La reflectancia de la vitrinita en la materia org谩nica de las margas intercaladas ha revelado temperaturas de enterramiento entre 119 y 134潞C. Sin embargo, los rangos de temperaturas que indican todos estos minerales y procesos diagen茅ticos no son consistentes con las temperaturas obtenidas a partir de la modelizaci贸n en la subcuenca de Penyagolosa (Cuenca del Maestrazgo). Seg煤n este modelo, considerando un gradiente t茅rmico de 30潞C/km, estimado a partir de c谩lculos de subsidencia, la reflectancia de la vitrinita, el factor de estiramiento que tuvo lugar y la conductividad t茅rmica durante la etapa sin-rift 2, las areniscas del Cret谩cico inferior habr铆an alcanzado c贸mo m谩ximo una temperatura de enterramiento de 65潞C. Por tanto, en la Cuenca del Maestrazgo se dieron condiciones de temperaturas m谩s altas de las t铆picas de una etapa de rift. A escala regional, estar铆a relacionado con la presencia de otros eventos de temperatura elevada como son el volcanismo alcalino b谩sico de la Cadena Vasco-Cant谩brica, el metamorfismo de Pirineos y la Cadena Ib茅rica y las mineralizaciones de Hg-Sb de la Cadena Ib茅rica.Depto. de Mineralog铆a y Petrolog铆aFac. de Ciencias Geol贸gicasTRUEMinisterio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia (MEC)pu

    Diagenesis, carbonate cementation and resevoir quality evolution of Eocene deep-water marine turbidite sandstones of the Hecho Group, South-Central Pyrenees

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    Sandstone turbidites from the Hecho Group in the South-Central Pyrenees are considered exceptional examples for reservoir modelling and outcrop analogous studies. The Hecho Group is divided into four major tectosedimentary units (TSU-2 to TSU-5) and the sandstone composition varies from quartzarenites to arkoses (TSU-2), lithoarenites to hybrid arenites (TSU-3 and TSU-4), and hybrid arenites (rich in carbonate bioclasts; TSU-5). In TSU-2, the lowermost and most deformed unit, calcite cement precipitation was related to tectonic deformation. In the other turbidite systems (TSU-3, 4 and 5) eodiagenesis is evidenced by precipitation of dolomite cement and pyrite, which are locally abundant in all sandstones. Overall, compaction was more important than cementation in destroying porosity. However, the precipitation of dolomite overgrowth and intragranular mesogenetic ferroan calcite occluded nearly completely the remaining porosity and halted further compaction. Dissolution of calcite and dolomite cements has resulted in creation of minor amounts of secondary porosity

    Influencia de la composici贸n petrol贸gica y procedencia en la albitizaci贸n de las areniscas sinrift del Cret谩cico inferior, Cuenca del Maestrazgo, Cadena Ib茅rica

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    Lower Cretaceous sandstones from the Maestrat Basin are characterized by differences in detrital composition, provenance and degree of albitized feldspars (partial to complete). Petrological composition of Lower Cretaceous sandstones revealed a mixed provenance from plutonic and metamorphic source areas. A progressively major influence of granitic source rocks was detected from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost El Castellar and Camarillas petrofacies. Albitization of detrital feldspars occurred in all the studied sandstones, but feldspars were completely albitized in the lowermost Mora Fm. and only partially albitized in the overlying Castellar and Camarillas formations. However, all the Lower Cretaceous sandstones underwent, approximately, the same burial and thermal conditions (119-134潞C; based on vitrinite reflectance and thermal modelling). The decrease in replacive albite/detrital feldspars ratio from the lowermost Mora Fm. toward the uppermost Camarillas Fm. was related to differences in detrital composition and provenance of sandstones. Albitization was pervasive in the Mora Fm. sandstones because of its dominant metamorphic source areas, which implies a relative low abundance of K-feldspar compared to plagioclase. In contrast, the abundance of K-feldspars in Castellar and Camarillas formations prevented the complete albitization of feldspars. Thus, differences in original composition and provenance of sandstones influenced significantly the different degree of albitization for comparable burial and thermal rates.Las areniscas del Cret谩cico inferior de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo presentan diferencias en su composici贸n detr铆tica, procedencia y grado de albitizaci贸n de los feldespatos. La composici贸n petrol贸gica indica una mezcla de aportes de rocas metam贸rficas (dominantes en la Fm. Mora, Berriansiense-Valanginiense) y plut贸nicas (progresiva mayor contribuci贸n hacia las fms. Castellar y Camarillas, Valanginiense-Barremiense). La albitizaci贸n de los feldespatos detr铆ticos se observa en todas las areniscas, pero s贸lo la Fm. Mora presenta feldespatos completamente albitizados, mientras que las fms. Castellar y Camarillas la albitizaci贸n es parcial. Uno de los factores que controla el proceso de albitizaci贸n es la temperatura, sin embargo, todas las areniscas del Cret谩cico inferior estuvieron sometidas a condiciones de enterramiento y temperatura similares (119-134潞C; basadas en reflectancia de vitrinitas y modelizaci贸n t茅rmica). La disminuci贸n de grado de albitizaci贸n hacia las fms. Castellar y Camarillas estar铆a relacionada con las diferencias en composici贸n y procedencia de las areniscas. La albitizaci贸n fue completa en la Fm. Mora debido a la mayor presencia de aportes de rocas metam贸rficas, lo que implica una mayor abundancia de plagioclasas. Por el contrario, la mayor abundancia de feldespato-K en las fms. Castellar y Camarillas impidi贸 la completa albitizaci贸n de los feldespatos. Por tanto, las diferencias en la composici贸n y procedencia de las areniscas influyeron significativamente en el grado de albitizaci贸n de los feldespatos en condiciones similares de enterramiento y temperaturaDepto. de Mineralog铆a y Petrolog铆aFac. de Ciencias Geol贸gicasTRUEMinisterio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia (MEC)pu

    Diag茅nesis y evoluci贸n de la porosidad de las areniscas turbid铆ticas del Cret谩cico de la Cuenca de V酶ring en el margen pasivo de Noruega

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    The V酶ring Basin forms an integrated part of the passive margin off central Norway. Cretaceous sandstones are among the most important hydrocarbon exploration targets in the basin. One of the most significant features of the sandstone reservoirs is the excellent reservoir quality. The lack of early pervasive diagenetic cements and the high compositional maturity have contributed to the preservation of primary porosity. Reservoir quality evolution of the sandstones was equally controlled by cementation and compaction. Primary porosity was subjected to overall successive deterioration with increase in burial depth until the precipitation of post-compaction (mesogenetic) cements (quartz overgrowths, rhombic dolomite/ankerite, saddle dolomite and calcite). However, reservoir quality was improved through the partial to total dissolution of framework grains (mainly feldspars). The sources of acidic fluid to accomplish this dissolution are uncertain, but could be organic acids derived form thermal maturation of organic matter.La Cuenca de V酶ring forma parte del margen pasivo de la costa Noruega. En esta cuenca, las areniscas Cret谩cicas constituyen uno de los m谩s importantes objetivos en la exploraci贸n petrol铆fera de la zona. Estas areniscas destacan por su excelente calidad como reservorio. La ausencia de cementos eodiagen茅ticos y la elevada madurez composicional han contribuido a la preservaci贸n de la porosidad primaria. La evoluci贸n de la calidad del almac茅n estuvo controlada en la misma magnitud por la cementaci贸n y la compactaci贸n. La porosidad primaria disminuy贸 progresivamente con el enterramiento hasta la precipitaci贸n de cementos mesodiagen茅ticos (sobrecrecimientos de cuarzo, dolomita/ankerita r贸mbica, dolomita saddle y calcita). Sin embargo, la calidad como reservorio de las areniscas estudiadas mejor贸 debido a la disoluci贸n parcial a total de los granos del esqueleto (principalmente feldespatos). La fuente de los fluidos 谩cidos implicados en el proceso de disoluci贸n se desconoce, pero podr铆a estar relacionada con la maduraci贸n t茅rmica de la materia org谩nica.Depto. de Mineralog铆a y Petrolog铆aFac. de Ciencias Geol贸gicasTRUEEuropean Science FoundationMinisterio de Educaci贸n y Cienciapu

    Composici贸n y procedencia de los sedimentos detr铆ticos del Cret谩cico Inferior de las subcuencas occidentales de la cuenca del Maestrazgo.

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    A thick succession of Lower Cretaceous, predominantly continental clastic sediments ("Weald" facies) crop out in the westernmost sub-basins of the Maestrazgo Basin (eastern Iberian Range, Spain). 62 sandstone samples from the Mora, Castellar, and Camarillas Fms. have been thin sectioned and studied using transmitted-light and scanining electron microscopy, and 4 1 samples were point counted (300-400 points per thin section). The sandstones of the Mora and Castellar Fms. are similar, having mean compositions of QH,FHRh and Q86F10R4, respectively. They are relatively rich in plagioclase and metamorphic rock fragments, lacking K-feldspar. The sandstones of the Camarillas Fm. have mean compositions of Q7gFuR8 (Pehagolosa subbasin) and Q75F,,R, (Calve andAliaga subbasins). They are relatively rich in K-feldspar and, locally, in plutonic rock fragments. In all the studied sandstones, the diagenesis has changed significantly the depositional abundances in feldspar, which is partly dissolved or replaced by kaolin and calcite. The sandstones of the Mora and Castellar Fms. derive in part from low- and medium-grade metamorphic terrains. In contrast, the sandstones of the Camarillas Fm. derive in part from crystalline terrains that were located to the W or NW

    Caracterizaci贸n geoqu铆mica de las areniscas del Cret谩cico inferior de la cuenca del Maestrazgo, Cadena Ib茅rica Oriental: Nueva aportaci贸n al estudio de la procedencia

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    A geochemical characterization (major, trace and rare earth element abundances) of the Lower Cretaceous sandstones of the Maestrat Basin has been carried out, in order to discriminate samples from different formations and assess their provenance and weathering conditions. All the studied sandstones are arkoses and subarkoses characterized by a multi-elemental diagram showing enrichment in Rb, U, La, Nd, Zr and Y, and depletion in Ba, Nb, Sr, P and Ti, which is typical of calc-alkaline igneous rocks. This pattern suggests an input from igneous rocks directly from the source area or by recycling. The low chemical index alteration values do not reflect intense weathering conditions in the source region. Sandstones from the studied formations were discriminated using a Rb versus Y+Nb plot. This plot shows a progressive Rb enrichment and Y+Nb depletion toward the uppermost sandstones (Camarillas Tm). Rb versus K20 indicates a good positive correlation, which is consistent with the observed Kfeldspar abundance increase towards the Camarillas sandstones. The higher SREE and Y+Nb ratios in Mora Em. sandstones suggest a slight difference in provenance, which can be explained by the contribution of Paleozoic shales and metasediments