2 research outputs found

    Improvement of leucocytic Na+K+ pump activity in uremic patients on low protein diet

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    Improvement of leucocytic Na+ K+ pump activity in uremic patients on low protein diet. Leucocytic Na+K+ pump activity was assessed in 20 patients with advanced renal failure. Na+K+-ATPase activity was reduced when compared with the values obtained from normal subjects (101.8 ± 48.6 versus 165.13 ± 8.9 µM of Pi hr-1 · g-1 P < 0.001) and the mean 86Rb uptake by U 937 cells was depressed by 38% after the addition of patients' sera. Subsequently, patients were put on a diet providing 0.3g protein/kg body weight daily and supplemented with ketoacids. After three months of dietary treatment Na+K+-ATPase activity increased to 142 ± 48.3 (P < 0.01) and reached normal values at the sixth month (162.8 ± 54.70 µM of Pi hr-1 · g-1; P < 0.001) whereas 86Rb uptake increased by 23 percent when compared to initial values. These data suggest that among the different mechanisms which have been advanced to explain the defects in the Na+ pump observed in uremic patients, circulating inhibitors deriving from alimentary protein intake may affect cation transport