26 research outputs found

    Reward Collapse in Aligning Large Language Models

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    The extraordinary capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 are in part unleashed by aligning them with reward models that are trained on human preferences, which are often represented as rankings of responses to prompts. In this paper, we document the phenomenon of \textit{reward collapse}, an empirical observation where the prevailing ranking-based approach results in an \textit{identical} reward distribution \textit{regardless} of the prompts during the terminal phase of training. This outcome is undesirable as open-ended prompts like ``write a short story about your best friend'' should yield a continuous range of rewards for their completions, while specific prompts like ``what is the capital of New Zealand'' should generate either high or low rewards. Our theoretical investigation reveals that reward collapse is primarily due to the insufficiency of the ranking-based objective function to incorporate prompt-related information during optimization. This insight allows us to derive closed-form expressions for the reward distribution associated with a set of utility functions in an asymptotic regime. To overcome reward collapse, we introduce a prompt-aware optimization scheme that provably admits a prompt-dependent reward distribution within the interpolating regime. Our experimental results suggest that our proposed prompt-aware utility functions significantly alleviate reward collapse during the training of reward models

    REST: Retrieval-Based Speculative Decoding

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    We introduce Retrieval-Based Speculative Decoding (REST), a novel algorithm designed to speed up language model generation. The key insight driving the development of REST is the observation that the process of text generation often includes certain common phases and patterns. Unlike previous methods that rely on a draft language model for speculative decoding, REST harnesses the power of retrieval to generate draft tokens. This method draws from the reservoir of existing knowledge, retrieving and employing relevant tokens based on the current context. Its plug-and-play nature allows for seamless integration and acceleration of any language models, all without necessitating additional training. When benchmarked on 7B and 13B language models in a single-batch setting, REST achieves a significant speedup of 1.62X to 2.36X on code or text generation. The code of REST is available at https://github.com/FasterDecoding/REST

    Is Vertical Logistic Regression Privacy-Preserving? A Comprehensive Privacy Analysis and Beyond

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    We consider vertical logistic regression (VLR) trained with mini-batch gradient descent -- a setting which has attracted growing interest among industries and proven to be useful in a wide range of applications including finance and medical research. We provide a comprehensive and rigorous privacy analysis of VLR in a class of open-source Federated Learning frameworks, where the protocols might differ between one another, yet a procedure of obtaining local gradients is implicitly shared. We first consider the honest-but-curious threat model, in which the detailed implementation of protocol is neglected and only the shared procedure is assumed, which we abstract as an oracle. We find that even under this general setting, single-dimension feature and label can still be recovered from the other party under suitable constraints of batch size, thus demonstrating the potential vulnerability of all frameworks following the same philosophy. Then we look into a popular instantiation of the protocol based on Homomorphic Encryption (HE). We propose an active attack that significantly weaken the constraints on batch size in the previous analysis via generating and compressing auxiliary ciphertext. To address the privacy leakage within the HE-based protocol, we develop a simple-yet-effective countermeasure based on Differential Privacy (DP), and provide both utility and privacy guarantees for the updated algorithm. Finally, we empirically verify the effectiveness of our attack and defense on benchmark datasets. Altogether, our findings suggest that all vertical federated learning frameworks that solely depend on HE might contain severe privacy risks, and DP, which has already demonstrated its power in horizontal federated learning, can also play a crucial role in the vertical setting, especially when coupled with HE or secure multi-party computation (MPC) techniques

    SSLRec: A Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Recommendation

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained significant interest in recent years as a solution to address the challenges posed by sparse and noisy data in recommender systems. Despite the growing number of SSL algorithms designed to provide state-of-the-art performance in various recommendation scenarios (e.g., graph collaborative filtering, sequential recommendation, social recommendation, KG-enhanced recommendation), there is still a lack of unified frameworks that integrate recommendation algorithms across different domains. Such a framework could serve as the cornerstone for self-supervised recommendation algorithms, unifying the validation of existing methods and driving the design of new ones. To address this gap, we introduce SSLRec, a novel benchmark platform that provides a standardized, flexible, and comprehensive framework for evaluating various SSL-enhanced recommenders. The SSLRec framework features a modular architecture that allows users to easily evaluate state-of-the-art models and a complete set of data augmentation and self-supervised toolkits to help create SSL recommendation models with specific needs. Furthermore, SSLRec simplifies the process of training and evaluating different recommendation models with consistent and fair settings. Our SSLRec platform covers a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art SSL-enhanced recommendation models across different scenarios, enabling researchers to evaluate these cutting-edge models and drive further innovation in the field. Our implemented SSLRec framework is available at the source code repository https://github.com/HKUDS/SSLRec.Comment: Published as a WSDM'24 full paper (oral presentation