309 research outputs found

    Multiple critical gravitational collapse of charged scalar with reflecting wall

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    In this paper, we present the results on the gravitational collapse of charged massless scalar field in asymptotically flat spacetime with a perfectly reflecting wall. Differing from previous works, we study the system in the double null coordinates, by which we could simulate the system until the black hole forms with higher precision but less performance time. We investigate the influence of charge on the black hole formation and the scaling behavior near the critical collapses. The gapless and gapped critical behaviors for black hole mass and charge are studied numerically. We find that they satisfy the scaling laws for critical gravitational collapse but the gapped critical behavior is different from its AdS counterpart.Comment: 12 pages,8 figure

    Search for doubly heavy baryon via weak decays

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    Using the factorization approach and taking into account the final state interaction, we calculate the two body non-leptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons. After comparing the semi-leptonic decays and all possible hadronic decay channels, we found some channels with large branching ratios. Taking the detection efficiency into consideration, we suggest Ξcc++\Xi_{cc}^{++} as the first search goal and Ξcc++β†’Ξ›c+Kβˆ’Ο€+Ο€+\Xi_{cc}^{++}\to \Lambda_c^+K^-\pi^+\pi^+ and Ξcc++β†’Ξžc+Ο€+\Xi_{cc}^{++}\to\Xi_{c}^{+}\pi^{+} as the golden discovery channels with Ξ›c+\Lambda_c^+ reconstructed by pKβˆ’Ο€+pK^-\pi^+ and Ξc+β†’pKβˆ’Ο€+\Xi_{c}^+ \to p K^- \pi^+, respectively.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in the Proceedings of the 53rd Rencontres de Moriond QCD session of March 201

    Coexistence and competition of ferromagnetism and p-wave superconductivity in holographic model

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    By combining a holographic p-wave superconductor model and a holographic ferromagnetism model, we study the coexistence and competition of ferromagnetism and p-wave superconductivity. It is found that the results depend on the self-interaction of magnetic moment of the complex vector field and which phase appears first. In the case that the ferromagnetic phase appears first, if the interaction is attractive, the system shows the ferromagnetism and superconductivity can coexist in low temperatures. If the interaction is repulsive, the system will only be in a pure ferromagnetic state. In the case that the superconducting phase appears first, the attractive interaction will leads to a magnetic p-wave superconducting phase in low temperatures. If the interaction is repulsive, the system will be in a pure p-wave superconducting phase or ferromagnetic phase when the temperature is lowered.Comment: improved version, added some references and background knowledge

    Understanding strongly coupling magnetism from holographic duality

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    The unusual magnetic materials are significant in both science and technology. However, because of the strongly correlated effects, it is difficult to understand their novel properties from theoretical aspects. Holographic duality offers a new approach to understanding such systems from gravity side. This paper will give a brief review of our recent works on the applications of holographic duality in understanding unusual magnetic materials. Some quantitative compare between holographic results and experimental data will be shown and some predictions from holographic duality models will be discussed.Comment: For Second LeCosPA Symposium at Taiwan National University, Taipai, Dec. 14-18, 201

    A Holographic Model for Paramagnetism/antiferromagnetism Phase Transition

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    In this paper we build a holographic model of paramagnetism/antiferromagnetism phase transition, which is realized by introducing two real antisymmetric tensor fields coupling to the background gauge field strength and interacting with each other in a dyonic black brane background. In the case without external magnetic field and in low temperatures, the magnetic moments condense spontaneously in antiparallel manner with the same magnitude and the time reversal symmetry is also broken spontaneously (if boundary spatial dimension is more than 2, spatial rotational symmetry is broken spontaneously as well), which leads to an antiferromagnetic phase. In the case with weak external magnetic field, the magnetic susceptibility density has a peak at the critical temperature and satisfies the Curie-Weiss law in the paramagnetic phase of antiferromagnetism. In the strong external magnetic field case, there is a critical magnetic field BcB_c in antiferromagnetic phase: when magnetic field reaches BcB_c, the system will return into the paramagnetic phase by a second order phase transition.Comment: The version published in PR

    Insulator/metal phase transition and colossal magnetoresistance in holographic model

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    Within massive gravity, we construct a gravity dual for insulator/metal phase transition and colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effect found in some manganese oxides materials. In heavy graviton limit, a remarkable magnetic-field-sensitive DC resistivity peak appears at the Curie temperature, where an insulator/metal phase transition happens and the magnetoresistance is scaled with the square of field-induced magnetization. We find that metallic and insulating phases coexist below the Curie point and the relation with the electronic phase separation is discussed.Comment: Use massive gravity and consider reaction on the geometr

    Scaling Laws in Gravitational Collapse

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    This paper presents two interesting scaling laws, which relate some critical exponents in the critical behavior of spherically symmetric gravitational collapses. These scaling laws are independent of the details of gravity theory under consideration and share similar forms as those in thermodynamic and geometrical phase transitions in condensed matter system. The properties of the scaling laws are discussed and some numerical checks are given.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Paramagnetism-Ferromagnetism Phase Transition in a Dyonic Black Hole

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    Coupling an antisymmetric tensor field to the electromagnetic field in a dyonic Reissner-Nordstr\"om-AdS black hole background, we build a holographic model for the paramagnetism/ferromagnetism phase transition. In the case of zero magnetic field, the time reversal symmetry is broken spontaneously and spontaneous magnetization happens in low temperature. The critical exponents are in agreement with the ones from mean field theory. In the case of nonzero magnetic field, the model realizes the hysteresis loop of single magnetic domain and the magnetic susceptibility satisfies the Curie-Weiss law.Comment: To appear in PRD as a rapid communicatio

    Multi-horizon and Critical Behavior in Gravitational Collapse of Massless Scalar

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    This paper studies the whole process of gravitational collapse and accretion of a massless scalar field in asymptotically flat spacetime. Two kinds of initial configurations are considered. One is the initial data without black hole, the other contains a black hole. Under suitable initial conditions, we find that multi-horizon will appear, which means that the initial black hole formed by gravitational collapse or existing at the beginning will instantly expand and suddenly grow, rather than grows gradually in the accretion process. A new type of critical behavior is found around the instant expansion. The numerical computation shows that the critical exponents are universal.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Radiative charmless B_{(s)}\to V \gamma and B_{(s)}\to A \gamma decays in pQCD approach

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    We study the radiative charmless B(s)→V(A)γB_{(s)}\to V(A)\gamma decays in perturbative QCD (pQCD) approach to the leading order in αs\alpha_s (here VV and AA denotes vector mesons and two kinds of axial-vector mesons: 3P1^3P_1 and 1P1^1P_1 states, respectively.). Our predictions of branching ratios are consistent with the current available experimental data. We update all B(s)→VB_{(s)}\to V form factors and give the predictions for B→AB\to A form factors using the recent hadronic inputs. In addition to the dominant factorizable spectator diagrams, which is form factor like, we also calculate the so-called ``power suppressed'' annihilation type diagrams, the gluonic penguin, charming penguin, and two photon diagrams. These diagrams give the main contributions to direct CP asymmetries, mixing-induced CP asymmetry variables, the isospin asymmetry and U-spin asymmetry variables. Unlike the branching ratios, these ratios or observables possess higher theoretical precision in our pQCD calculation, since they do not depend on the input hadronic parameters too much. Most of the results still need experimental tests in the on-going and forthcoming experiments.Comment: 54 pages, 9 figures. Typos are corrected and more references are adde
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