18 research outputs found

    The role of the presence of fragmented QRS in predicting disease severity in patients with pulmonary hypertension

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a malignant pulmonary vascular disease primarily caused by increased pulmonary vascular resistance, which leads to right ventricular hypertrophy, fibrosis, right heart failure and death. Fragmented QRS (fQRS) indicates non-homogeneous ventricular activity caused by myocardial fibrosis. This study aims to investigate the importance of fQRS in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and to determine the role of the presence of fQRS in indicating the severity of the disease. The study included 94 (85 patient group 1 PH and 9 patient group 4 PH) patients. The patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of fQRS in their surface electrocardiography (ECG). The patients' laboratory, transthoracic echocardiography, and right heart catheterization parameters were compared between the two groups . FQRS was detected in 55 (58%) patients, and the mean age of these patients was 51.8卤18.0, and 29.1% of them were male. Systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) measured by transthoracic echocardiography (p [Med-Science 2022; 11(4.000): 1619-24

    Artyku艂 oryginalnyBrucella endocarditis – a registry study

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    Background: A zoonotic infection caused by Brucella spp., brucellosis, is endemic in some areas of the world, like in our country. One of the most devastating conditions related to this infection is endocarditis, although it is rare. Unfortunately, adequate studies on the characteristics of Brucella endocarditis have not been performed. In addition, there was no consensus on optimal type and duration of medical and interventional therapies. Aim: To answer the following questions: what are the clinical characteristics of Brucella endocarditis, which type of therapy should be performed, and can an alternative antibiotic regimen be applied? Methods: Patients with the diagnosis of Brucella endocarditis were included in the study during a 6-year period. A total of 10 patients were interrogated for their signs, symptoms, drug use, and clinical conditions. In addition, baseline clinical and laboratory characteristics of the patients were evaluated. Results: All patients in the study were male with a mean age of 55.9 ± 12.7 years. Hospitalisation and total follow-up periods were 52.6 ± 11.2 and 80.6 ± 29.0 days, respectively. The most frequently presenting symptom was fever (60%). Dyspnoea and fatigue were the other frequent symptoms in descending order. Valve pathology was present in 70% of the study population. The aortic valve was affected more than the mitral valve. Affected mitral valves had rheumatic disease whereas only 57% of the aortic valves had underlying pathology. Isolation of Brucella spp. was possible in 20% of the patients. Mortality rate was 30% in our study; 20% of the patients were on medical follow-up without disease progression and with clinical stability, 60% of patients were on a combination therapy with a tetracycline group, a rifampicin, and a third-generation cephalosporin. Patients who took this combination and underwent aortic valve replacement had good clinical results with a mortality rate of 20%. The 30% of patients were on a combination therapy with a tetracycline group, rifampicin, and an aminoglycoside group. Mortality rate with this combination was 33%, although the success rate was 67%. Conclusion: Brucella endocarditis should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients with vegetations on the cardiac valves, especially in endemic areas. Optimal therapy seems to be a combination of antibiotics and surgery, although medical therapy can be an alternative, especially in stable patients. Addition of a third-generation cephalosporin instead of aminoglycoside to the combination therapy is an alternative.Wst臋p: Bruceloza wyst臋puje w r贸偶nych endemicznych rejonach 艣wiata, w tym w Turcji. Jednym z najci臋偶szych, ale sporadycznie spotykanych powik艂a艅 brucelozy jest infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia (IZW). W pi艣miennictwie nie ma bada艅 opisuj膮cych w pe艂ni to powik艂anie brucelozy. Cel: Przedstawienie klinicznego obrazu IZW wywo艂anego bruceloz膮, ocena skuteczno艣ci leczenia, w tym mo偶liwo艣ci zastosowania niestandardowej antybiotykoterapii. Metody: W ci膮gu 6 lat chorzy z IZW wywo艂anym bruceloz膮 w艂膮czani byli do specjalnego rejestru. W sumie grupa badana sk艂ada艂a si臋 z 10 chorych, u kt贸rych poddano analizie wszystkie dost臋pne dane kliniczne i laboratoryjne. Wyniki: Wszyscy chorzy byli p艂ci m臋skiej, a ich 艣redni wiek wynosi艂 55,9 ± 12,7 roku. Czas hospitalizacji i obserwacji ambulatoryjnej wynosi艂 odpowiednio 52,6 ± 11,2 i 80,6 ± 29,0 dni. Najcz臋艣ciej spotykanym objawem przy przyj臋ciu by艂a gor膮czka – 60% chorych, a nast臋pnie duszno艣膰 i m臋czliwo艣膰. Wady zastawkowe wykryto u 70% chorych. Zastawka aortalna zaj臋ta by艂a procesem chorobowym cz臋艣ciej ni偶 zastawka mitralna. Proces reumatyczny dotyczy艂 wszystkich zaj臋tych zastawek mitralnych i 57% zastawek aortalnych. Izolacja drobnoustroju Brucella spp. mo偶liwa by艂a u 20% chorych. 艢miertelno艣膰 wynios艂a 30%. U 20% chorych stosowano leczenie farmakologiczne, uzyskuj膮c stabilizacj臋 choroby. U 60% chorych stosowano z艂o偶on膮 antybiotykoterapi臋, w sk艂ad kt贸rej wchodzi艂y tetracykliny, ryfampicyna i cefalosporyna trzeciej generacji. Chorzy leczeni takim zestawem antybiotyk贸w, u kt贸rych nast臋pnie wymieniono zastawk臋 aortaln膮, rokowali wzgl臋dnie dobrze, a 艣miertelno艣膰 wynosi艂a 20%. U 30% chorych stosowano tertracykliny, ryfampicyn臋 i aminoglikozyd – w tej grupie 艣miertelno艣膰 wynios艂a 33%. Wnioski: Infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia spowodowane bruceloz膮 powinno by膰 zawsze brane pod uwag臋, je艣li stwierdza si臋 wegetacje na zastawkach serca, szczeg贸lnie u os贸b pochodz膮cych z rejon贸w endemicznych. Optymalnym post臋powaniem wydaje si臋 po艂膮czenie antybiotykoterapii i wymiany zastawki, aczkolwiek samo leczenie farmakologiczne mo偶e by膰 skuteczne, szczeg贸lnie u chorych w stanie stabilnym. Ponadto wydaje si臋, 偶e korzystne mo偶e by膰 zastosowanie cefalosporyn trzeciej generacji zamiast aminoglikozyd贸w

    An Alternative Way to Reach the Epicardial Focus of the Left Ventricular Tachycardia in a Patient with Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy

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    We report a case of a 69-year-old male with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, having drug- and antitachycardia pacing-refractory ventricular tachycardia resulted in multiple ICD shocks. The sustained and intractable ventricular arrhythmia was mapped and ablated with the aid of the three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system, initially performed but unsuccessful from the endocardial site then performed successfully from the epicardial site via the coronary sinus

    Artyku艂 oryginalnyZwi膮zek pomi臋dzy oty艂o艣ci膮 a dro偶no艣ci膮 t臋tniczych pomost贸w wie艅cowych w obserwacji odleg艂ej

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    Background: Arterial conduits having long-term patency rates have been increasingly used for bypass of coronary arteries although some risk factors for their occlusion such as recipient vessel size, older age, and hyperlipidaemia have been described. Obesity, on the other hand, has been well established as a coronary risk factor. However, the effects of obesity on patency of arterial conduits, especially the internal mammary artery, have not been studied previously. Aim: To assess the long-term effects of obesity on left internal mammary artery (LIMA) patency. Methods: Angiograms of all patients with a LIMA conduit only were analysed. Two groups were formed according to the LIMA patency: group 1 &#8211; patients with occluded LIMA (n = 59), and group 2 &#8211; patients with patent LIMA (n = 68). Baseline demographic, haemodynamic, and laboratory characteristics of patients in both groups were compared. Obesity was defined as body mass index 艂 30 kg/m2. Results: The mean BMI value in group 1 was significantly higher than in group 2 (30.4 &plusmn; 3.1 vs. 28.7 &plusmn; 4.7, p = 0.025). The two groups differed in time from surgery, drug use, and HDL cholesterol level. In addition, patients in both groups were categorised by BMI, and obese and non-obese groups were formed. Higher BMI was significantly associated with LIMA occlusion such that 71% of patients in group 1 had increased BMI, compared with 25% of patients in group 2 (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that multiple adjusted OR of the risk of LIMA occlusion was 7.41 (95% CI 3.38-16.28) for patients with increased BMI. Conclusions: : Obesity (艂 30 kg/m2) has a significant and independent negative effect on the patency of the LIMA graft.Wst臋p: Z uwagi na wysoki odsetek zachowanej po wielu latach dro偶no艣ci pomosty t臋tnicze s膮 preferowanym sposobem wykonywania operacji rewaskularyzacyjnych (CABG). Istniej膮 pewne czynniki zwi臋kszaj膮ce ryzyko zamkni臋cia, do kt贸rych nale偶膮 przekr贸j naczynia chorego, wiek oraz hiperlipidemia. Z kolei oty艂o艣膰 jest dobrze udokumentowanym czynnikiem ryzyka choroby wie艅cowej. Dotychczas zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy oty艂o艣ci膮 a dro偶no艣ci膮 pomost贸w t臋tniczych, szczeg贸lnie z wykorzystaniem t臋tnicy piersiowej wewn臋trznej (LIMA), nie by艂 badany. Cel: Ocena zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy oty艂o艣ci膮 a dro偶no艣ci膮 pomost贸w t臋tniczych w obserwacji d艂ugoterminowej. Metody: Poddano analizie angiogramy wszystkich chorych z LIMA. Bior膮c pod uwag臋 dro偶no艣膰 LIMA, utworzono dwie grupy chorych: grupa 1 &#8211; chorzy z zamkni臋tym pomostem (n = 59), oraz grupa 2 &#8211; chorzy z dro偶n膮 LIMA (n = 68). Por贸wnano dane demograficzne, hemodynamiczne i laboratoryjne obu grup. Oty艂o艣膰 zdefiniowano jako indeks masy cia艂a (BMI) 艂 30 kg/m2. Wyniki: 艢rednia warto艣膰 BMI w grupie 1 by艂a istotnie wy偶sza ni偶 w grupie 2 (30,4 &plusmn; 3,1 vs 28,7 &plusmn; 4,7, p = 0,025). Obie grupy r贸偶ni艂y si臋 r贸wnie偶 pod wzgl臋dem czasu, kt贸ry up艂yn膮艂 od zabiegu chirurgicznego, stosowanych lek贸w i st臋偶enia HDL-cholesterolu. Dodatkowo chorych podzielono na oty艂ych i nieoty艂ych. Oty艂o艣膰 wi膮za艂a si臋 ze zwi臋kszonym ryzykiem zamkni臋cia LIMA: stwierdzono j膮 u 71% chorych z grupy 1 wobec 25% z grupy 2 (p < 0,001). Analiza wieloczynnikowa wykaza艂a, 偶e ryzyko zamkni臋cia LIMA by艂o 7,41 razy wy偶sze u chorych oty艂ych (95% CI 3,38&#8211;16,28). Wnioski: Oty艂o艣膰 jest istotnym i niezale偶nym czynnikiem ryzyka zamkni臋cia pomostu t臋tniczego w obserwacji odleg艂ej

    Artyku艂 oryginalnySt臋偶enie asymetrycznej dwumetyloargininy u chorych z t臋tniakami t臋tnic wie艅cowych

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    Background: Endothelial dysfunction might be one of the pathophysiological mechanisms in the development of coronary artery ectasia (CAE) although the exact mechanisms have not yet been demonstrated. Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, is also related to endothelial and structural dysfunction. Aim: To asses the relationship between CAE and ADMA plasma concentrations. Methods: Thirty patients with CAE in a mean age of 55.5 &#177; 3.6 years and 40 patients with normal coronary arteries in a mean age of 53.3 &#177; 11.6 years were studied. The ADMA levels of all patients were analysed by ELISA method. Results: The mean ADMA level in the CAE group was found to be significantly higher than the mean ADMA level in the normal coronary artery group (2.26 &#177; 0.47 vs. 1.43 &#177; 0.40 &#181;mol/l, p 1.80 &#181;mol/l) was present in 83.0% of patients from the CAE group and 25.0% of patients from the normal coronary artery group (p < 0.001). Having an increased ADMA level enhanced the risk of CAE 15-fold. The multiple-adjusted OR of the risk of CAE was 18.71 (95% CI 4.95-70.68) for the higher ADMA level compared to the lower level. Conclusion: Asymmetric dimethylarginine level is significantly associated with the presence of coronary artery ectasia. These findings suggest that increased ADMA level may be associated with endothelial dysfunction leading to the development of coronary artery ectasia.Wst臋p: Zaburzenia funkcji 艣r贸db艂onka mog膮 le偶e膰 u pod艂o偶a powstawania t臋tniak贸w t臋tnic wie艅cowych, cho膰 dok艂adny mechanizm tego zjawiska nie zosta艂 dot膮d poznany. Asymetryczna dwumetyloarginina (ADMA), endogenny inhibitor syntazy tlenku azotu, jest zwi膮zana z dysfunkcj膮 艣r贸db艂onka. Cel: Ocena st臋偶enia ADMA u chorych z t臋tniakami t臋tnic wie艅cowych i bez nich. Metody: Do badania w艂膮czono 30 chorych (25 m臋偶czyzn, wiek 55,5 &#177; 3,6 roku) z t臋tniakami t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Grup臋 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 40 os贸b (32 m臋偶czyzn, wiek 53,3 &#177; 11,6 roku) z prawid艂owymi t臋tnicami wie艅cowymi. St臋偶enie ADMA badano przy u偶yciu testu ELISA. Wyniki: St臋偶enie ADMA by艂o statystycznie istotnie wy偶sze w grupie badanej ni偶 w grupie kontrolnej (odpowiednio: 2,26 &#177; 0,47 vs 1,43 &#177; 0,40 mmol/l, p 1,80 mmol/l) stwierdzono u 83% chorych w grupie badanej i 25% os贸b w grupie kontrolnej. Wnioski: St臋偶enie ADMA jest podwy偶szone u chorych z t臋tniakami t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Wskazuje to na mo偶liwo艣膰 istnienia zwi膮zku tak okre艣lonej dysfunkcji 艣r贸db艂onka z powstawaniem t臋tniak贸w t臋tnic wie艅cowych

    Chronic inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha with infliximab improves myocardial deformation in parallel with aortic elasticity in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Conclusion: Myocardial deformation is impaired in RA patients and is related to aortic stiffness. Chronic inhibition of TNF alpha improves LV deformation in association with aortic elasticity