19 research outputs found

    The Effect of Chia Seeds ( Salvia hispanica

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    The aim of the study was to analyze and characterize the influence of chia seeds (CS) addition (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8%) on wheat bread properties. Bread properties that underwent evaluation included chemical composition, fatty acid composition, total phenolics content, volume, baking losses, crumb texture, and color and sensory analysis. The addition of CS decreased baking losses and the volume of bread. The color of the crumb with CS was much darker as compared with the control sample. The texture analysis showed that the CS caused a decrease in the hardness of the crumb. Most importantly, the addition of CS increased the nutritional value of the bread. Bread with CS contained more dietary fiber and mineral components. Moreover, it has been observed that in comparison to the control product bread with CS was characterized by a rich fatty acids composition and higher level of phenolic compounds. Most importantly, the results showed that the substitution of wheat flour with chia seeds up to 6% did not negatively affect the final product acceptance

    Wpływ jesiennego terminu siewu na plon i jakość ziarna pszenicy jarej

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    Badania przeprowadzono w trzech sezonach wegetacyjnych (2007/2008, 2008/2009 i 2009/2010). W jednoczynnikowym doświadczeniu mikropoletkowym badano wpływ terminu siewu na plon i wartość technologiczną ziarna pszenicy jarej od- miany Cytra. Zastosowano cztery terminy siewu: trzy jesienne i jeden wiosenny (w terminie optymalnym). Stwierdzono istotny wpływ terminu siewu na plonowanie i wartość technologiczną ziarna pszenicy jarej. Wyższe plony uzyskano z zasiewów jesiennych niż wiosennych. Elementami plonowania, które zapewniły pszenicy jarej odmiany Cytra sianej w terminie jesiennym większy plon ziarna niż w zasiewie wiosennym, były większa masa ziarna i liczba ziaren z kłosa oraz zwiększone krzewienie produkcyjne roślin. Ziarno o lepszej wartości technologicznej (większa zawartość białka ogółem, w tym białek glutenowych, większe wartości wskaźnika sedymentacyjnego) uzyskano z siewu wiosennego

    The Baking Quality of Wheat Flour (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.) Obtained from Wheat Grains Cultivated in Various Farming Systems (Organic vs. Integrated vs. Conventional)

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    The quality of flour is influenced by various factors including genotype, environmental and agronomic conditions, post-harvest grain storage, and milling technology. Currently, the EU focuses on reducing mineral fertilization and promoting less intensive agrotechnology (organic and integrated farming). This research aimed to assess the baking value of flour obtained from four spring wheat cultivars cultivated in three farming systems: organic (ORG), integrated (INT), and conventional (CONV). The wheat grains were sourced from a three-year field experiment (2019–2021) conducted at IUNG-PIB in Pulawy, Poland. Results indicate that the CONV generally yielded more favourable qualitative parameters for the flour, including significantly higher protein content, wet gluten, falling number, and farinographic characteristics such as dough development, stability time, and quality number. Nevertheless, most flours from the ORG system met the quality requirements for the baking industry, showing adequate protein content, wet gluten, and falling number. However, flours from the INT system stood out due to significantly higher water absorption, resulting in increased dough and bread yield. Additionally, bread baked from these flours exhibited a significantly higher bread volume. In sensory evaluation, bread from CONV flours received the highest scores, although the differences in the overall acceptability were not significant

    Food Losses in Consumer Cereal Production in Poland in the Context of Food Security and Environmental Impact

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    Food loss is a serious global problem, particularly in developed countries; in the European Union, approximately 20% of the food produced each year is wasted. Food losses occur in the entire agri-food chain, starting from primary production, through post-harvest operations and storage, processing, distribution and consumption. The paper presents the results of studies on the evaluation of food losses at the stage of primary production (agricultural production) of consumer cereals in Poland in the context of their impact on the environment and ensuring food security. It was shown that the amount of food losses in the first link of the agri-food chain in the cereal sector in 2017&ndash;2018 was on average 219.6 thousand tonnes per year. The level of losses per farm averaged 0.91 tonnes, which accounted for 1.7% of total production. The weight of consumer grain waste at the primary production stage, calculated on the basis of the results of food losses and taking into account the grain management methods, amounted to an average of 117.24 thousand tonnes/year, which accounted for 23.08% of all food waste generated at the primary production stage. By relating the amount of food losses in the primary production of consumer cereals in Poland to the assumed emission factor, it was calculated that food losses at the stage of production of consumer cereals during a year are responsible for the emission of 0.608 million tonnes of CO2

    Food Losses in Consumer Cereal Production in Poland in the Context of Food Security and Environmental Impact

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    Food loss is a serious global problem, particularly in developed countries; in the European Union, approximately 20% of the food produced each year is wasted. Food losses occur in the entire agri-food chain, starting from primary production, through post-harvest operations and storage, processing, distribution and consumption. The paper presents the results of studies on the evaluation of food losses at the stage of primary production (agricultural production) of consumer cereals in Poland in the context of their impact on the environment and ensuring food security. It was shown that the amount of food losses in the first link of the agri-food chain in the cereal sector in 2017–2018 was on average 219.6 thousand tonnes per year. The level of losses per farm averaged 0.91 tonnes, which accounted for 1.7% of total production. The weight of consumer grain waste at the primary production stage, calculated on the basis of the results of food losses and taking into account the grain management methods, amounted to an average of 117.24 thousand tonnes/year, which accounted for 23.08% of all food waste generated at the primary production stage. By relating the amount of food losses in the primary production of consumer cereals in Poland to the assumed emission factor, it was calculated that food losses at the stage of production of consumer cereals during a year are responsible for the emission of 0.608 million tonnes of CO2

    Buckwheat Hull-Enriched Pasta: Physicochemical and Sensory Properties

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    This work aimed to evaluate the effect of partial replacement of semolina with 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20% of ground buckwheat hull (BH) on the chemical composition, antioxidant properties, color, cooking characteristics, and sensory properties of wheat pasta. Pasta samples were prepared by dough lamination (tagliatelle shape) and dried at 55 &deg;C until the moisture content was 11&ndash;12% (wet basis). Analyses of samples showed that the addition of BH caused an increase in fiber content in pasta from 4.31% (control pasta) to 14.15% (pasta with 20% of BH). Moreover, the brightness and yellowness of BH-enriched products were significantly decreased compared to the control sample, and the total color difference ranged from 23.84 (pasta with 1% of BH) to 32.56 (pasta with 15% BH). In addition, a decrease in optimal cooking time, as well as an increased weight index and cooking loss, was observed in BH-enriched pasta samples. Furthermore, BH-enriched cooked pasta had significantly higher total phenolic content and antioxidant activity but an unpleasant smell and taste, especially if the level of BH was higher than 10%

    Assessment of the Starch-Amylolytic Complex of Rye Flours by Traditional Methods and Modern One

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    The properties of the starch-amylolytic complex of commercial low-extract rye flour were determined based on the traditional method, such as falling number and amylograph test as well as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The starch, pentosans and protein had a significant effect on the thermal properties of the tested rye flours. Based on the falling number, it was revealed that rye flours were characterized by medium and low alpha-amylase activity. The falling number and amylograph test are not sufficient methods to determine the suitability of currently produced rye flours for bread making. The gelatinization process of the rye flour starch could be evaluated by the DSC test, which, together with the falling number and amylograph test, may allow a better way to evaluate the usefulness of rye flours for bread making. Many significant correlations between parameters determined by DSC endotherm and quality parameters of rye bread, such as volume and crumb hardness, were reported. Breads made from flour with higher enthalpy in DSC were characterized by higher volume and softer crumb

    Procedures for Breadmaking Quality Assessment of Rye Wholemeal Flour

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the baking value of rye flours from industrial mills and to indicate which rye flour quality parameters are the most important predictors of wholemeal rye bread quality for commercially milled rye grains. Ten wholemeal rye flours, which were characterized by ash content ranging from 1.43% to 2.42% d.m. (dry mass), were used for the study. The parameters that characterize the flour properties and the baking test were assessed. The study revealed that for the analyzed commercial rye flours, the falling number test and the amylograph properties are insufficient parameters for predicting the quality of wholemeal rye bread. The manufacture of good quality wholemeal bread requires the use of rye flour with superior quality, such as fine granulation, low protein content, low total and insoluble pentosans content, and, in particular, a high percentage of water-soluble pentosans content. Breads with a higher volume were obtained from rye flours that were generally characterized by lower protein content, lower total and insoluble pentosans content, and higher water-soluble pentosans content. Flour granulation and the percentage of water-soluble pentosans content especially, had a significant impact on bread&rsquo;s hardness of crumb and the hardness of crumb&rsquo;s increase during bread storage

    Milling and Baking Quality of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Organic Farming

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    The quality of grain products from organic agriculture is an important subject of research for food safety and consumer health. The aim of the study was to examine the grain of spring wheat from organic agriculture according to their infestation by Fusarium spp., mycotoxin content, and technological value for milling and baking processing. The material was grain of 13 spring wheat varieties cultivated in organic systems in 3 years. The results showed that the intensity of Fusarium head blight (FHB) was low and ranged from 0.0% to 5.5% of ears. Grain infestation by Fusarium spp. varied between varieties and years from 1.5% to 18.5%. The colonization of grains by Fusarium spp. did not reflect the intensity of FHB. The lowest grain infestation by Fusarium spp. was noted for the varieties: Waluta, Zadra, and Arabella. Mycotoxin contamination of the grain of tested varieties did not exceed accepted standards. The requirements of the milling and baking industries were generally met by grain and flour of all the tested varieties. On the basis of the 3 year study results related to food safety and processing properties, the varieties most useful for organic production are Arabella, followed by Brawura, Izera, Kandela, Katoda, KWS Torridon, Waluta, and Zadra

    Shortbread Cookies Enriched with Micronized Oat Husk: Physicochemical and Sensory Properties

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    Oat (Avena sativa L.) by-products are valuable sources of many bioactive compounds and minerals. This paper aimed to study the possibility of using micronized oat husk (hull) as a partial replacement for wheat flour (at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20%) in shortbread production. The physicochemical and sensory properties of control and enriched cookies were studied. The incorporation of oat husk into shortbread increased the fiber and ash content, and decreased the available carbohydrates in the cookies. The color of the enriched shortbread significantly changed and the total color difference between the control and enriched cookies ranged from 4.76 to 11.00. Moreover, the total phenolics content and antioxidant activity linearly increased with the percentage of husk in the cookie recipe. Importantly, micronized oat husk at a level of 20% had little influence on the sensory acceptability of cookies. However, replacement of wheat flour higher than 10% resulted in a harder texture of cookies and lower scores for this attribute were obtained. To summarize, in this work we showed that micronized oat husk can be a valuable additive for cookie fortification