1,899 research outputs found

    Six-qubit permutation-based decoherence-free orthogonal basis

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    There is a natural orthogonal basis of the 6-qubit decoherence-free (DF) space robust against collective noise. Interestingly, most of the basis states can be obtained from one another just permuting qubits. This property: (a) is useful for encoding qubits in DF subspaces, (b) allows the implementation of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol in DF subspaces just permuting qubits, which completes a the method for quantum key distribution using DF states proposed by Boileau et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 017901 (2004)], and (c) points out that there is only one 6-qubit DF state which is essentially new (not obtained by permutations) and therefore constitutes an interesting experimental challenge.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 page

    Implications of quantum automata for contextuality

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    We construct zero-error quantum finite automata (QFAs) for promise problems which cannot be solved by bounded-error probabilistic finite automata (PFAs). Here is a summary of our results: - There is a promise problem solvable by an exact two-way QFA in exponential expected time, but not by any bounded-error sublogarithmic space probabilistic Turing machine (PTM). - There is a promise problem solvable by an exact two-way QFA in quadratic expected time, but not by any bounded-error o(loglogn) o(\log \log n) -space PTMs in polynomial expected time. The same problem can be solvable by a one-way Las Vegas (or exact two-way) QFA with quantum head in linear (expected) time. - There is a promise problem solvable by a Las Vegas realtime QFA, but not by any bounded-error realtime PFA. The same problem can be solvable by an exact two-way QFA in linear expected time but not by any exact two-way PFA. - There is a family of promise problems such that each promise problem can be solvable by a two-state exact realtime QFAs, but, there is no such bound on the number of states of realtime bounded-error PFAs solving the members this family. Our results imply that there exist zero-error quantum computational devices with a \emph{single qubit} of memory that cannot be simulated by any finite memory classical computational model. This provides a computational perspective on results regarding ontological theories of quantum mechanics \cite{Hardy04}, \cite{Montina08}. As a consequence we find that classical automata based simulation models \cite{Kleinmann11}, \cite{Blasiak13} are not sufficiently powerful to simulate quantum contextuality. We conclude by highlighting the interplay between results from automata models and their application to developing a general framework for quantum contextuality.Comment: 22 page

    State-independent quantum violation of noncontextuality in four dimensional space using five observables and two settings

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    Recently, a striking experimental demonstration [G. Kirchmair \emph{et al.}, Nature, \textbf{460}, 494(2009)] of the state-independent quantum mechanical violation of non-contextual realist models has been reported for any two-qubit state using suitable choices of \emph{nine} product observables and \emph{six} different measurement setups. In this report, a considerable simplification of such a demonstration is achieved by formulating a scheme that requires only \emph{five} product observables and \emph{two} different measurement setups. It is also pointed out that the relevant empirical data already available in the experiment by Kirchmair \emph{et al.} corroborate the violation of the NCR models in accordance with our proof

    Straight-line Drawability of a Planar Graph Plus an Edge

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    We investigate straight-line drawings of topological graphs that consist of a planar graph plus one edge, also called almost-planar graphs. We present a characterization of such graphs that admit a straight-line drawing. The characterization enables a linear-time testing algorithm to determine whether an almost-planar graph admits a straight-line drawing, and a linear-time drawing algorithm that constructs such a drawing, if it exists. We also show that some almost-planar graphs require exponential area for a straight-line drawing

    Two-player quantum pseudo-telepathy based on recent all-versus-nothing violations of local realism

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    We introduce two two-player quantum pseudo-telepathy games based on two recently proposed all-versus-nothing (AVN) proofs of Bell's theorem [A. Cabello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 210401 (2005); Phys. Rev. A 72, 050101(R) (2005)]. These games prove that Broadbent and Methot's claim that these AVN proofs do not rule out local-hidden-variable theories in which it is possible to exchange unlimited information inside the same light-cone (quant-ph/0511047) is incorrect.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 page

    Upward Point-Set Embeddability

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    We study the problem of Upward Point-Set Embeddability, that is the problem of deciding whether a given upward planar digraph DD has an upward planar embedding into a point set SS. We show that any switch tree admits an upward planar straight-line embedding into any convex point set. For the class of kk-switch trees, that is a generalization of switch trees (according to this definition a switch tree is a 11-switch tree), we show that not every kk-switch tree admits an upward planar straight-line embedding into any convex point set, for any k2k \geq 2. Finally we show that the problem of Upward Point-Set Embeddability is NP-complete

    N-particle N-level singlet states: Some properties and applications

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    Three apparently unrelated problems which have no solution using classical tools are described: the "N-strangers," "secret sharing," and "liar detection" problems. A solution for each of them is proposed. Common to all three solutions is the use of quantum states of total spin zero of N spin-(N-1)/2 particles.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 1 figur

    A Universal Point Set for 2-Outerplanar Graphs

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    A point set SR2S \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 is universal for a class G\cal G if every graph of G{\cal G} has a planar straight-line embedding on SS. It is well-known that the integer grid is a quadratic-size universal point set for planar graphs, while the existence of a sub-quadratic universal point set for them is one of the most fascinating open problems in Graph Drawing. Motivated by the fact that outerplanarity is a key property for the existence of small universal point sets, we study 2-outerplanar graphs and provide for them a universal point set of size O(nlogn)O(n \log n).Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, conference version at GD 201