2 research outputs found

    Seroprevalencija Dirofilaria immitis u pasa iz skloništa za životinje u kolumbijskoj regiji kave (Eje Cafetero)

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    In Colombia, there are reports of approximately 6.4 million pets, making this the fourth country in Latin America and leading the pet sector with an annual growth of 13%. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of Dirofilaria immitis, a parasitic nematode, in 170 canines from the municipalities of Pereira, Santa Rosa de Cabal, and La Virginia, located in the department of Risaralda and the municipalities of Calarca and Armenia in the department of Quindio. A cross-sectional study was carried out on canines from animal shelters during the period 2021–2022. Blood samples were taken, and in vitro immunochromatography was performed to detect specific lesions for Dirofilaria immitis. A peripheral blood smear confirmed positive patients, and a chest x-ray was performed to show changes in the morphology of the heart and blood vessels. Seroprevalence was determined by calculating proportions with the 95% confidence interval determined by the exact or Clopper-Pearson method for a proportion based on sample size and the number of positive cases. The seroprevalence of the test for Dirofilaria immitis was 0.62% (95% CI = 0.016–3.42%). This parasite is a nematode of low distribution in areas of the coffee region. However, surveillance programmes that help control and reduce its transmission should be established.Postoje izvješća o gotovo 6.400.000 kućnih ljubimaca u Kolumbiji i to je četvrta zemlja u Latinskoj Americi u sektoru kućnih ljubimaca, s godišnjim rastom od 13 %. Cilj je ove studije jest utvrditi seroprevalenciju Dirofilaria immitis u 170 pasa iz općina Pereira, Santa Rosa de Cabal i La Virginia, koje se nalaze u departmanu Risaralda i u općinama Calarca i Armenia u departmanu Quindio. Provedena je presječna studija na psima iz skloništa za životinje tijekom godine 2021.-2022. Uzeti su uzorci krvi i obavljena je in vitro imunokromatografija za detekciju lezija specifičnih za Dirofilaria immitis. Razmaz periferne kriv potvrdio je pozitivne pacijente i obavljen je RTG prsnog koša da bi se vidjele promjene u morfologiji srca i krvnih žila. Seroprevalencija je utvrđena izračunom omjera uz interval pouzdanosti od 95% određen preciznom ili Clopper-Pearson metodom za omjer na temelju veličine uzorka i broja pozitivnih slučajeva. Seroprevalencija testa na Dirofilaria immitis bila je 0,62 % (95% CI = 0,016-3,42 %). Ovaj je parazit oblić u područjima regije kave niske rasprostranjenosti, ali predlaže se uspostaviti programe nadzora koji će pomoći kontrolirati i reducirati njegov prijenos

    Detección molecular de Brucella sp, Leptospira spp y Toxoplasma gondii en felinos domésticos y silvestres y el impacto zoonótico en el personal encargado de su manejo en Pereira, Colombia

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    The study aimed to determine the presence of the infectious agents that cause toxoplasmosis, brucellosis and leptospirosis using the conventional PCR molecular technique in domestic and wild cats, as well as in the personnel related to the care and management of these animals in the city of Pereira, Risaralda. (Colombia). Blood samples were taken from domestic cats (n=99) and wild cats in captivity (n=4) and from the personnel responsible for their care and management (veterinarians, zootechnicians, and operators; n=65). A prevalence of 37% for toxoplasmosis and 1% for leptospirosis in domestic felines was estimated. The presence of these pathogens was not found in the personnel.El estudio buscó determinar la presencia de los agentes infecciosos causantes de la toxoplasmosis, brucelosis y leptospirosis empleando la técnica molecular PCR convencional en felinos domésticos y silvestres, así como en el personal relacionado con el cuidado y manejo de estos animales en la ciudad de Pereira, Risaralda (Colombia). Se tomaron muestras de sangre de felinos domésticos (n=99) y silvestres en cautiverio (n=4) y del personal responsable de su cuidado y manejo (médicos veterinarios, zootecnistas, y operarios; n=65). Se estimó una prevalencia de 37% para toxoplasmosis y de 1% para leptospirosis en felinos domésticos. No se encontró la presencia de los patógenos en el personal