122 research outputs found

    Psychological climate, sickness absence and gender

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    We examined whether the relationship between psychological climate and sickness absence is moderated by gender. We expected that this relationship would be stronger among men than among women. We tested this general hypothesis using two samples of men and women nurses (made up of 114 and 189 subjects, respectively). The results obtained supported our expectation. The three climate facets considered (support, goals orientation and rules orientation) showed a significant relationship with sickness absence in the men sample, but not in the women sample. Clima psicológico, absentismo y género. Se investigó si la relación entre clima psicológico y absentismo por enfermedad está moderada por el género de los empleados. Se esperaba que la relación fuera más fuerte en hombres que en mujeres. Esta hipótesis general se puso a prueba utilizando dos muestras de enfermeros/as formadas por 114 varones y 189 mujeres. Los resultados obtenidos respaldaron nuestra hipótesis general. Las tres dimensiones de clima consideradas (apoyo, orientación hacia objetivos y orientación hacia reglas) mostraron una relación estadísticamente significativa con absentismo en la muestra de varones, pero no en la de mujeres

    Vocalizaciones ultrasónicas: Nuevo paradigma para el registro de respuestas emocionales no aprendidas en animales.

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    Dotzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2006-2007)El registro de la respuesta emocional en animales posee obvias limitaciones. Los paradigmas utilizados hasta la fecha se basan en el registro de respuestas indirectas en las cuales el componente motor tiene una gran implicación. Así por ejemplo en roedores, en las respuestas de miedo o aversión innata a las alturas o a espacios iluminados y abiertos se emplean laberintos elevados con zonas protegidas o abiertas y se registra el desplazamiento del animal a esos compartimentos controlando que los efectos motores sean mínimos o corrigiendo el efecto. Por esta razón el registro de una respuesta innata no limitada a la conducta motora general del animal resulta de gran relevancia en el estudio de la emoción. En ratas, se ha observado que en condiciones consideradas aversivas se genera un elevado nivel de vocalizaciones de baja frecuencia (20kHz), mientras que en las consideradas apetitivas aumentan las vocalizaciones de alta frecuencia (75kHz). En nuestro estudio, aplicamos estos parámetros a los efectos de una droga ansiolítica como el alcohol y a las vías de administración de la misma. Demostramos que una inyección periférica genera más vocalizaciones aversivas que la administración intracerebral. Así mismo comprobamos que los animales vocalizan menos en el rango de baja frecuencia cuando se les administra alcohol en relación a cuando se les administra el vehículo lo cual apunta a un efecto de reducción de efectos aversivos de esta dosis de alcohol

    Multi-elastic Datacenters: Auto-scaled Virtual Clusters on Energy-Aware Physical Infrastructures

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    [EN] Computer clusters are widely used platforms to execute different computational workloads. Indeed, the advent of virtualization and Cloud computing has paved the way to deploy virtual elastic clusters on top of Cloud infrastructures, which are typically backed by physical computing clusters. In turn, the advances in Green computing have fostered the ability to dynamically power on the nodes of physical clusters as required. Therefore, this paper introduces an open-source framework to deploy elastic virtual clusters running on elastic physical clusters where the computing capabilities of the virtual clusters are dynamically changed to satisfy both the user application's computing requirements and to minimise the amount of energy consumed by the underlying physical cluster that supports an on-premises Cloud. For that, we integrate: i) an elasticity manager both at the infrastructure level (power management) and at the virtual infrastructure level (horizontal elasticity); ii) an automatic Virtual Machine (VM) consolidation agent that reduces the amount of powered on physical nodes using live migration and iii) a vertical elasticity manager to dynamically and transparently change the memory allocated to VMs, thus fostering enhanced consolidation. A case study based on real datasets executed on a production infrastructure is used to validate the proposed solution. The results show that a multi-elastic virtualized datacenter provides users with the ability to deploy customized scalable computing clusters while reducing its energy footprint.The results of this work have been partially supported by ATMOSPHERE (Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring Hybrid, Ecosystem for Resilient Cloud Computing), funded by the European Commission under the Cooperation Programme, Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 777154.Alfonso Laguna, CD.; Caballer Fernández, M.; Calatrava Arroyo, A.; Moltó, G.; Blanquer Espert, I. (2018). Multi-elastic Datacenters: Auto-scaled Virtual Clusters on Energy-Aware Physical Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 17(1):191-204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-018-9449-zS191204171Buyya, R.: High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems. 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    Verificación artroscópica del diagnóstico por resonancia magnética de las lesiones meniscales

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    La utilización de la Imagen por Resonancia Magnética (IRM) como prueba diagnóstica en la patología de la rodilla, se presenta como alternativa no invasiva fundamental. Se ha diseñado un protocolo a doble ciego junto al servicio de radiodiagnóstico de nuestro hospital a través del cual se han evaluado un total de 31 pacientes donde los hallazgos de la IRM son contrastados con la exploración artroscópica posterior. Para el menisco interno, la precisión diagnóstica de la IRM es del 93 % y del 87% para el externo. Como conclusiones de mayor relieve, la sensibilidad de la exploración fue del 90% para el interno y del 75% para el externo y respecto a la especificidad, en el interno resultó ser del 100% y del 91% en el externo. Los valores predictivo negativo y positivo fueron respectivamente del 85 y 100% en el menisco interno y del 84 y 75% en el externo. Se encontró mayor dificultad diagnóstica en la porción anterior del menisco externo y falta de precisión ocasional en definir el tipo y extensión de la lesión.The use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MIR) as a diagnostic trial in the pathology of the knee, has become an important non invasive alternative. We have designed a double blind protocol with the Department of Radiology through we have evaluated 31 patients analyzing the MRI results in relation with the arthroscopic findings. For the medial meniscus, the accuracy of the MRI was 93 % and 87% for the lateral. As main conclusions, the sensibility was 90% for the medial meniscus and 75% for the lateral one and about specificity, we found a result of 100% for the medial meniscus and 91% for the lateral. The negative and positive predictive values were respectively 85% and 100% for the medial and 84% and 75% for the lateral. We noted more diagnostic difficulties in the anterior portion of lateral meniscus and lack of precission in the determination of the type and extension of the meniscal injury

    Peripheral microcirculatory alterations are associated with the severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome in COVID-19 patients admitted to intermediate respiratory and intensive care units

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    COVID-19; Endothelial dysfunction; MicrocirculationCOVID-19; Disfunción endotelial; MicrocirculaciónCOVID-19; Disfunció endotelial; MicrocirculacióBackground COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory disease; however, there is also evidence that it causes endothelial damage in the microvasculature of several organs. The aim of the present study is to characterize in vivo the microvascular reactivity in peripheral skeletal muscle of severe COVID-19 patients. Methods This is a prospective observational study carried out in Spain, Mexico and Brazil. Healthy subjects and severe COVID-19 patients admitted to the intermediate respiratory (IRCU) and intensive care units (ICU) due to hypoxemia were studied. Local tissue/blood oxygen saturation (StO2) and local hemoglobin concentration (THC) were non-invasively measured on the forearm by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). A vascular occlusion test (VOT), a three-minute induced ischemia, was performed in order to obtain dynamic StO2 parameters: deoxygenation rate (DeO2), reoxygenation rate (ReO2), and hyperemic response (HAUC). In COVID-19 patients, the severity of ARDS was evaluated by the ratio between peripheral arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) and the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) (SF ratio). Results Healthy controls (32) and COVID-19 patients (73) were studied. Baseline StO2 and THC did not differ between the two groups. Dynamic VOT-derived parameters were significantly impaired in COVID-19 patients showing lower metabolic rate (DeO2) and diminished endothelial reactivity. At enrollment, most COVID-19 patients were receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) (53%) or high-flow nasal cannula support (32%). Patients on MV were also receiving sedative agents (100%) and vasopressors (29%). Baseline StO2 and DeO2 negatively correlated with SF ratio, while ReO2 showed a positive correlation with SF ratio. There were significant differences in baseline StO2 and ReO2 among the different ARDS groups according to SF ratio, but not among different respiratory support therapies. Conclusion Patients with severe COVID-19 show systemic microcirculatory alterations suggestive of endothelial dysfunction, and these alterations are associated with the severity of ARDS. Further evaluation is needed to determine whether these observations have prognostic implications. These results represent interim findings of the ongoing HEMOCOVID-19 trial. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04689477. Retrospectively registered 30 December 2020.The study has received funding from Fundació CELLEX Barcelona, Fundació Mir-Puig, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PHOTOMETABO, PID2019-106481RB-C31/10.13039/501100011033), the "Severo Ochoa" Programme for Centers of Excellence in R&D (CEX2019-000910-S), the Obra social “La Caixa” Foundation (LlumMedBcn), Generalitat de Catalunya (CERCA, AGAUR-2017-SGR-1380, RIS3CAT-001-P-001682 CECH), European Commission Horizon 2020 (FEDER, 688303/LUCA, 101016087/VASCOVID, 87114/LASERLAB-EUROPE V). We also acknowledge the collaboration and an instrument loan from Artinis (Netherlands)

    Reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior con plastia mixta de semitendinoso y fibra de Kennedy-Lad

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    —Se han evaluado los resultados de la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) con una plastia mixta de tendón del semitendinoso y fibra sintética de KennedyLAD en veinticinco pacientes con un mínimo de dos años de seguimiento postoperatorio (media de treinta y ocho meses). Se trataba en todos los casos de lesiones crónicas donde la cirugía consistió en la reconstrucción del LCA y meniscectomías parciales cuando fueron necesarias. La evaluación se llevó a cabo mediante pruebas funcionales (Lysholm) y clínicas (Marshall), pruebas de estabilidad manual (Lachman, pivot, cajón neutro anterior), medidas instrumentales de estabilidad con artrómetro (KT-1000), índice de actividad y apreciación subjetiva. Los datos indican que el comportamiento de la plastia es adecuado en el 92% de los casos proporcionando a los pacientes una función articular satisfactoria en su vida diaria incluyendo la actividad deportiva.The authors assess the results of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction by means of a semitendinous tendon and Kennedy LAD composite graft. Minimum followup has been two years (mean of thirty eight months). In every cases the lesion was considered as chronic and surgery consisted of ACL reconstruction and partial meniscectomy if neccessary. Studies performed to asses the results included: functional (Lysholm) and clinical (Marshall) tests, manual stability tests (Lachman, pivot-shift, neutral anterior drawer), instrumented stability measurement (KT-1000 arthrometer), activity score and subjective patient self-assessment. The data collected indicate that the performance of the composite graft is adequate in 92% of the cases, allowing the patients a satisfactory knee joint function in their daily life including sporting activities

    Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5Cloud infrastructures are becoming an appropriate solution to address the computational needs of scientific applications. However, the use of public or on-premises Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds requires users to have non-trivial system administration skills. Resource provisioning systems provide facilities to choose the most suitable Virtual Machine Images (VMI) and basic configuration of multiple instances and subnetworks. Other tasks such as the configuration of cluster services, computational frameworks or specific applications are not trivial on the cloud, and normally users have to manually select the VMI that best fits, including undesired additional services and software packages. This paper presents a set of components that ease the access and the usability of IaaS clouds by automating the VMI selection, deployment, configuration, software installation, monitoring and update of Virtual Appliances. It supports APIs from a large number of virtual platforms, making user applications cloud-agnostic. In addition it integrates a contextualization system to enable the installation and configuration of all the user required applications providing the user with a fully functional infrastructure. Therefore, golden VMIs and configuration recipes can be easily reused across different deployments. Moreover, the contextualization agent included in the framework supports horizontal (increase/decrease the number of resources) and vertical (increase/decrease resources within a running Virtual Machine) by properly reconfiguring the software installed, considering the configuration of the multiple resources running. This paves the way for automatic virtual infrastructure deployment, customization and elastic modification at runtime for IaaS clouds.The authors would like to thank to thank the financial support received from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for the project CodeCloud (TIN2010-17804).Caballer Fernández, M.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Moltó, G.; Alfonso Laguna, CD. (2015). Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 13(1):53-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5S5370131de Alfonso, C., Caballer, M., Alvarruiz, F., Molto, G., Hernández, V.: Infrastructure deployment over the cloud. In: 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, pp. 517–521. IEEE. (2011). doi: 10.1109/CloudCom.2011.77Alvarruiz, F., De Alfonso, C., Caballer, M., Hernández, V.: An energy manager for high performance computer clusters. 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    Indicaciones Límite de las Fracturas de Húmero con Clavo Endomedular Cerrojado

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    El tratamiento de las fracturas diafisarias del húmero ha entrado en controversia en los últimos años, como lo refleja la literatura internacional. La problemática aumenta cuando se trata de fracturas diafisarias límites que alcanzan la zona metafisaria superior e inferior. En un intento de mejora terapéutica este grupo de autores ha testado un clavo cerrojado para el húmero diseñado por Seidel. El promedio de seguimiento ha sido de 12 meses con un mínimo de 6 meses. El número de casos evaluados ha sido 6. Siguiendo la cotación de Stewart, 4 de los seis pacientes obtuvieron resultados buenos o excelentes. Todos los pacientes consolidaron sus fracturas en un período de tiempo normal, entre 3 y 5 meses, con una media de 4 meses, 4 de los seis pacientes no se inmovilizaron con yeso en ningún momento. La bondad y sencillez del método hace augurar buenos resultados en otros grupos ampliando sus indicaciones.Treatment of dyaphyseal fractures of the humerus has been the source of considerable controversy in recent years. The problem increases in dimension when one is dealing with limiting diaphyseal fractures that invole the upper and lower metaphyseal zone. In an attempt to improve the therapy of this circunstance, the members of this research team have tested a locking nail for the humerus designed by Seidel. The mean follow-up time has been 12 months, with a minimum of six months. The number of cases evaluated was 6. According to the scale of Stewart, four of the cases obtained good or excellent results. All the patients consolidated their fractures within a normal period of time -between 3 and 5 months-, with a mean of 4 months. Four of the 6 patients wer e not immobilized with paster at any time. The goodness and simplicity of the method are suggestive of promising results in other groups by broadening its indications