6 research outputs found
The Public Library Francesca Bonnemaison, 1909-1995: history and current use
En aquest article es pret茅n fer un recorregut hist貌ric per la Biblioteca Popular Francesca Bonnemaison, fundada l'any 1909 a Barcelona i per tant la primera biblioteca per a dones fundada a Europa. A trav茅s de 86 anys, des de la seva fundaci贸 fins ara, s'hi analitzaran els canvis soferts en l'orientaci贸, el fons i el funcionament, moltes vegades estretament lligats a l'accidentada hist貌ria del pa铆s. A la segona part de l'article es fa una an脿lisi dels fons bibliogr脿fics,聽 l'evoluci贸 en la selecci贸 de la documentaci贸 i els tipus de documents de qu猫 disposa. Finalment se'n dona a con猫ixer l'煤s actual com a biblioteca p煤blica聽 dins la Xarxa de Biblioteques Populars de la Diputado de Barcelona, i a la vegada com a biblioteca semiespecialitzada.This article aims to take a historical journey through the Public Library Francesca Bonnemaison, which was founded in Barcelona in 1909 making it the first library for women to be established in Europe. Over the last 86 years, since its foundation until today, existing changes in orientation, funds and functioning are analyzed, these often having been closely associated with the聽 eventful history of the country itself. The second part of the article presents an analysis of the sources of the references, how the selection of聽 documentation has envolved and the type of documents that are at its disposition. Lastly, it describes its current use as a public library within the聽 Public Library Network of the Local Council of Barcelona, as well as a semi-specialised library
European women鈥檚 thesaurus
Even though the participation of the women in the society and the work is as old as history, is not it as much its valuation compared throughout the times. And it will not be until beginnings of century XX, with the obtaining of the citizenship and the right to the vote, that the feminine group begins to modify its social papers and functions, getting up itself progressively, throughout the century, will be transforming and money changer cultural, systems of social representation and legislative customs, values, causing consequently, the social recognition of the women and a better balance between men and women inside the society
Cuadernos de pedagog铆a
Presenta el perfil personal y profesional de Francesca Bonnemaison i Farriols, mujer catalana nacida a finales del s. XIX. Cat贸lica, burguesa, conservadora y militante de la Lliga, un partido catalanista conservador, crea, junto con un 'grupo de damas cooperadoras', la primera biblioteca p煤blica de Europa para mujeres en 1909. Esta biblioteca se convertir谩 en el Instituto de Cultura y Biblioteca Popular de la Mujer, espacio de encuentro y formaci贸n -ense帽anza secundaria, ense帽anza profesional y ense帽anza dom茅stica- para miles de mujeres, que aun hoy sigue en funcionamiento.Catalu帽aES