74 research outputs found

    Predator Mimicry: Metalmark Moths Mimic Their Jumping Spider Predators

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    Cases of mimicry provide many of the nature's most convincing examples of natural selection. Here we report evidence for a case of predator mimicry in which metalmark moths in the genus Brenthia mimic jumping spiders, one of their predators. In controlled trials, Brenthia had higher survival rates than other similarly sized moths in the presence of jumping spiders and jumping spiders responded to Brenthia with territorial displays, indicating that Brenthia were sometimes mistaken for jumping spiders, and not recognized as prey. Our experimental results and a review of wing patterns of other insects indicate that jumping spider mimicry is more widespread than heretofore appreciated, and that jumping spiders are probably an important selective pressure shaping the evolution of diurnal insects that perch on vegetation

    High precision determination of the gluon fusion Higgs boson cross-section at the LHC

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    We present the most precise value for the Higgs boson cross-section in the gluon-fusion production mode at the LHC. Our result is based on a perturbative expansion through N3^3LO in QCD, in an effective theory where the top-quark is assumed to be infinitely heavy, while all other Standard Model quarks are massless. We combine this result with QCD corrections to the cross-section where all finite quark-mass effects are included exactly through NLO. In addition, electroweak corrections and the first corrections in the inverse mass of the top-quark are incorporated at three loops. We also investigate the effects of threshold resummation, both in the traditional QCD framework and following a SCET approach, which resums a class of π2\pi^2 contributions to all orders. We assess the uncertainty of the cross-section from missing higher-order corrections due to both perturbative QCD effects beyond N3^3LO and unknown mixed QCD-electroweak effects. In addition, we determine the sensitivity of the cross-section to the choice of parton distribution function (PDF) sets and to the parametric uncertainty in the strong coupling constant and quark masses. For a Higgs mass of mH=125 GeVm_H = 125~{\rm GeV} and an LHC center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV13~{\rm TeV}, our best prediction for the gluon fusion cross-section is \[ \sigma = 48.58\,{\rm pb} {}^{+2.22\, {\rm pb}\, (+4.56\%)}_{-3.27\, {\rm pb}\, (-6.72\%)} \mbox{ (theory)} \pm 1.56 \,{\rm pb}\, (3.20\%) \mbox{ (PDF+αs\alpha_s)} \

    A tale of tails

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