4 research outputs found

    The use of a zinc-efficient wheat cultivar as an adaptation to calcareous subsoil: a glasshouse study

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    Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient for plants with a major role in healthy root growth. Zinc is essential for maintaining root membrane integrity, but the effective Zn concentration required may depend on the crop genotype. Zinc-efficient and inefficient wheat cultivars (Triticuum aestivum cv. Excalibur and Gatcher, respectively) were grown in deep soil cores in calcareous subsoil with low micronutrient levels, and high pH and boron. Plants were grown in soil with or without basal nutrients (excluding Zn) and with or without addition of Zn. Components of yield and nutrient use efficiency were measured. Although Gatcher produced 47% more dry weight of tops and double the root length density of Excalibur at maturity, Excalibur was much more efficient in terms of Zn uptake by roots and seven-fold more efficient than Gatcher in partitioning Zn to grain production.Robert E. Holloway, Robin D. Graham, Therese M. McBeath, Dot M. Brac

    Mise Ă  jour des Lignes directrices consensuelles pour la prise en charge des voies aĂ©riennes difficiles du Canadian Airway Focus Group : 2Ăšme partie. Planification et mise en Ɠuvre d’une prise en charge sĂ©curitaire du patient prĂ©sentant des voies respiratoires difficiles anticipĂ©es

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