34 research outputs found


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    Milk quality is influenced by many factors including rank lactation. This study aims to present the evolution of the main quality parameters of milk as the fat, protein, lactose, dry matter and the number of somatic cells for the first five lactations in Bălţată Românească breed during twelve official controls, starting in June 2015 until the month of April 2016. The biological material studied was represented by herds of dairy cows in three farms from Sălaj County (Crasna, Marin and Bodia villages). Analyzing qualitative parameters of milk obtained from the herd in lactation 1 during the 12 controls, there was a percent of 3.50% fat, 3.05% protein, 4.49% lactose and 8.48% dry substance in farm from Crasna. These parameters varied over the five lactations, the highest values being ranked in lactation five. Herd from Marin farm presented a fat content of 4.44% in lactation 2, while the lowest percentage of fat was recorded in lactation 3 (3.66%). Regarding the protein, the highest percentage was obtained in lactation 2 (3.70%) and the lowest in lactation 1 (3.39%). Lactation rank affects milk quality, so in lactation 1 there were recorded the lowest values of quality parameters of milk

    Aspects of Chemical Composition and Somatic Cell count of Cow Milk Marketed at Dispensers

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    Milk quality is influenced by many factors: lactation, fat, protein, lactose, number of somatic cells. In order to process raw milk and compare with criteria of quality and food safety the Regulation of European Parliament and the council no. 853/2004. Analysing the total number of somatic cells (SCC) in the period July-August 2017 it is noted that in case of samples collected from first automatic milk dispenser exceed 2 times the maximum admissible values and the samples collected from second automatic milk dispenser are up to the maximum allowable values which show that milking hygiene and animal health are at the European standards required. Analysis of fat content for both cases indicates that it is within the standard values for cow's milk and fat variations for DM1 samples are very low at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius which shows that high temperatures do not influence these parameters. The biological material study was represented analysed by 30 samples of milk from only two cow milk dispensers functional located in this period in Cluj-Napoca city. These samples were collected at the same time period during July-August months. The aim of present study is to determine whether milk marketed through dispensers under the high temperature conditions specific to this period is affected in terms of qualitative parameter analysis

    Biochemical and Haematological Blood Parameters at Different Stages of Lactation in Cows

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    The health status of cows is evaluated and depending on haematological and biochemical profile of blood. Nutrition is the main technological factor that can produce profound changes in the metabolic profile in animals (Dhiman et al., 1991; Khaled et al., 1999; Ingvartsen, 2006). Blood parameters analyze can lead to identify if there are errors in nutrition of lactating cows (Payne et al., 1970). The aim of this study was the evaluation of metabolic and biochemical changes that occur during colostrum period and in terms of number of lactations in cows. The biological material was represented by a total of 60 heads of dairy cows from a family farm from Sălaj County, Romania. The cows are all from Holstein breed and presented no clinical signs of any specific pathology. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of each cow and analyzed. 10 individuals from each of the six lactations have been randomly selected. Haematological and biochemical parameters showed variations depending on factors analyzed here. In lactation 1 Hb was 7.55±3.05 (g/dl), while in lactation 6 the value was 12.5±2.10 (g/dl). RBC ranged as follows: in lactation 1 - 28.50±2.05 and in lactation 6 - 30.02±2.05. Lymphocytes varied within very wide limits under the influence of lactation: in lactation 1 - 2.8±1.56 and in lactation 6 - 7.55±1.80. The number of lactations and lactation rank have influenced blood biochemical and hematological parameters in dairy cows. Biochemical parameters are influenced by post-partum day, showing the lowest values in the early days of colostral period and the highest in the last few days of the same period


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    Researches were conducted on a biologic material, a buffalo livestock, in different lactating stages and their physico-chemical parameters were determined: fat, protein, lactose, unfat dry substance, density, pH, temperature. Regarding the variation of these components, researches conducted emphasized differences determined by those conditions specific to reference seasons. Individual analysis on the buffalo livestock in the study, emphasized significant differences: fat 8.59-9.36%, protein 5.16-5.31% respective of lactation. Microbiologic determinations mainly envisioned: the number of somatic cells (NSC), number of total germs (NTG) Positive Coagulanzo Stafilococii, Listeria, Salmonella, determinations which lay at the basis of the assessment of buffalo milk quality. The positive Coagulanzo stafilococus was absent, excepting sample number 15 (2 germs/ml) and sample number 22 (4 germs/ml); Salmonella was absent. Regarding the total number of germs: values between 1.0-1.8 germs/ml were obtained. The detection of this microbiologic parameter in the composition of buffalo milk provides information regarding the hygienic conditions of their production and handling. Correlations between the number of somatic cells, milk production and composition are employed in dairy buffalo farms, in order to assess losses caused by mastitis and the implementing of certain measures for the control of these diseases. On the other hand, correlations between the number of somatic cells and milk composition prove useful in establishing milk processing behaviour, as the practice of setting milk-raw matter prices according to the number of somatic cells in the milk is becoming increasingly more frequent in developed countries.Cercetările s-au desfăşurat pe materialul biologic reprezentat de un efectiv de bivoliţe aflate în lactaţii diferite l-a care s-au determinat parametrii fizico-chimici: grăsime, proteină, lactoză, substanţa uscată negrasă, densitate, pH, temperatură. Privitor la variaţia acestor componente, cercetările efectuate au pus în evidenţă şi diferenţe determinate de condiţiile specifice sezoanelor de referinţă. Analiza individuală pe efectivul de bivoliţe cuprinsă în studiu, a evidenţiat diferenţe semnificative: grăsime 8.59- 9.36%, proteina 5.16-5.31% în funcţie de lactaţie. Determinările microbiologice au vizat în principal: numărul de celule somatice (NCS), numărul total de germeni (NTG), Stafilococii Coagulanzo pozitivi, Listeria, Salmonella, determinări care au stat la baza evidenţierii calităţii laptelui de bivoliţă. Stafilococul coagulanzo pozitiv a fost absent exceptând proba numarul 15 (2 germeni/ml) şi proba numarul 22 care au prezentat (4 germeni/ml); Salmonella a fost absentă. În ceea ce priveşte numărul total de germeni: s-au obţinut valori cuprinse între 1.0-1.8 germeni/ml. Decelarea acestui parametru microbiologic din compoziţia laptelui de bivoliţă, oferă informaţii privind condiţiile de igienă în care s-a produs şi manipulat. Corelaţii între numarul de celule somatice, producţia de lapte şi compoziţie este utilizată în fermele de bivoliţe de lapte pentru a estima pierderile cauzate de mamite şi implementarea unor măsuri pentru controlul acestor afecţiuni. Pe de altă parte corelaţiile între numărul de celule somatice şi compoziţia laptelui se dovedeşte utilă în elaborarea modului de comportare a laptelui în cursul procesării, în ţările dezvoltate fiind tot mai frecventă practica stabilirii preţului laptelui, materie primă, ţinând cont şi de numărul de celule somatice din lapte