3 research outputs found

    Particularities of dental medical services and consumers in the context of globalization

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    Globalization determines a growth of competition but as well a growth of the opportunity to attract new customers. The dental clinics will have to keep in mind the new characteristics and features of the modern consumer who is more educated, more informed, more active in searching for products and services, more communicative with the providers and the other consumers and more inclined to the cognitive side.At the same time, although they have to admit the traits of the new type of consumer – for whom there are no borders, the clinics must perform marketing researches and be permanently connected to each patient in order to be aware of the particularities of the local communities and even of the individual traits because the present consumer is more demanding and wants unique non-repetitive consumption experiences.For a dental clinic, the globalization supposes a global thinking and global action, not the homogenization of products and services they offer, as well as considering their hybridization, especially from the cultural point of view

    The Complexity of the Implications of Globalization in the Context of the Current Global Economy

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    Globalization represents a controversial phenomenon both because of its complexity and because of the various implications it has on the global economy. Globalization will act simultaneously on many levels, its effects being correlated with the diversity of the angles from which this phenomenon can be approached from – economic, social, politic, cultural, philosophic etc.The article represents an incursion into the issue regarding the implications and effects of globalization grouped in several areas of analysis such as the disappearance of borders, the effects on culture, the effects on the education, the impact on labour market impact and the phenomenon of immigration, the effects of globalization in the context of the food crisis underdevelopment and poverty.To complete the analysis that points out enough elements considered to be negative, at the end of the article, there are also approached the development opportunities that globalization can offer in terms of boosting the economic exchanges, the exchange of genuine cultural values and ensuring a transfer of information at a global scale, so necessary for the scientific and technological progress.  The conclusions of the article weighs the many aspects highlighted, both negative and positive, and suggests a series of useful research directions in order to fathom the complex features of this concept so controversial – globalization.  

    The Vulnerability of SMES in the Economic Crisis

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    The vulnerability of small and medium enterprises is closely related to their reduced volume of activity and insufficient financial resources available to them. Therefore, these types of organizations are more likely to be the subject of the changes that occur in the market. Although there are available a variety of funding sources, most SMEs in Romania are not able to access existing funds as they are not competitive on the single European market. During the economic crisis, the businesses environment but the economical one as well was not beneficial for the Romanian SMEs due to the financial, structural and fiscal instability, which led to negative results, especially on long term.