12 research outputs found

    From Words to Images Through Legal Visualization

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    One of the common characteristics of legal documents is the absolute preponderance of text and their specific domain language, whose complexity can result in impenetrability for those that have no legal expertise. In some experiments, visual communication has been introduced in legal documents to make their meaning clearer and more intelligible, whilst visualizations have also been automatically generated from semantically-enriched legal data. As part of an ongoing research that aims to create user-friendly privacy terms by integrating graphical elements and Semantic Web technologies, the process of creation and interpretation of visual legal concepts will be discussed. The analysis of current approaches to this subject represents the point of departure to propose an empirical methodology that is inspired by interaction and human-centered design practices

    Pre-exenterative chemotherapy, a novel therapeutic approach for patients with persistent or recurrent cervical cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Most cervical cancer patients with pelvic recurrent or persistent disease are not candidates for exenteration, therefore, they only receive palliative chemotherapy. Here we report the results of a novel treatment modality for these patients pre-exenterative chemotherapy- under the rational that the shrinking of the pelvic tumor would allow its resection. METHODS: Patients with recurrent or persistent disease and no evidence of systemic disease, considered not be candidates for pelvic exenteration because of the extent of pelvic tumor, received 3-courses of platinum-based chemotherapy. Response was evaluated by CT scan and bimanual pelvic examination; however the decision to perform exenteration relied on the physical findings. Toxicity to chemotherapy was evaluated with standard criteria. Survival was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: Seventeen patients were studied. The median number of chemotherapy courses was 4. There were 9 patients who responded to chemotherapy, evaluated by bimanual examination and underwent pelvic exenteration. Four of them had pathological complete response. Eight patients did not respond and were not subjected to surgery. One patient died due to exenteration complications. At a median follow-up of 11 months, the median survival for the whole group was 11 months, 3 months in the non-operated and 32 months in those subjected to exenteration. CONCLUSION: Pre-exenterative chemotherapy is an alternative for cervical cancer patients that are no candidates for exenteration because of the extent of the pelvic disease. Its place in the management of recurrent disease needs to be investigated in randomized studies, however, its value for offering long-term survival in some of these patients with no other option than palliative care must be stressed

    Operative Krebsbehandlung

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    Incipient class II mixed valency in a plutonium solid-state compound

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    bibtex: ISI:000408323300008 bibtex\location:'MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND',publisher:'NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP',type:'Article',affiliation:'Albrecht-Schmitt, TE (Reprint Author), Florida State Univ, Dept Chem & Biochem, 95 Chieftan Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA. Albrecht-Schmitt, TE (Reprint Author), Natl High Magnet Field Lab, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32310 USA. Maron, L (Reprint Author), Inst Natl Sci Appl, Lab Phys & Chim Nanoobjets, F-31077 Toulouse 4, France. Cary, Samantha K.; Galley, Shane S.; Marsh, Matthew L.; Hobart, David L.; Cross, Justin N.; Stritzinger, Jared T.; Polinski, Matthew J.; Albrecht-Schmitt, Thomas E., Florida State Univ, Dept Chem & Biochem, 95 Chieftan Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA. Baumbach, Ryan E.; Albrecht-Schmitt, Thomas E., Natl High Magnet Field Lab, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32310 USA. Maron, Laurent, Inst Natl Sci Appl, Lab Phys & Chim Nanoobjets, F-31077 Toulouse 4, France.','author-email':'[email protected] [email protected]',da:'2018-12-05','doc-delivery-number':'FE6MJ',eissn:'1755-4349','funding-acknowledgement':'US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Heavy Elements Chemistry Program [DE-FG02-13ER16414]; National Science Foundation [DMR-1157490]; State of Florida; US Department of Energy','funding-text':'This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Heavy Elements Chemistry Program under award number DE-FG02-13ER16414. We are especially grateful for the assistance and supervision by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at Florida State University, specifically J. A. Johnson and A. L. Gray of the Office of Radiation Safety for their facilitation of these studies. Magnetization measurements using the VSM SQUID MPMS were performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative agreement number DMR-1157490, the State of Florida, and the US Department of Energy. We are grateful for helpful discussions with N. M. Edelstein, M. P. Jensen and G. Liu.','journal-iso':'Nat. Chem.','keywords-plus':'MOLECULAR-ORBITAL METHODS; BASIS-SETS; COMPLEXES; ACTINIDE; EUROPIUM; ENERGY; PSEUDOPOTENTIALS; ELEMENT; CALIFORNIUM; CHLORIDES','number-of-cited-references':'42','research-areas':'Chemistry','times-cited':'5','unique-id':'ISI:000408323300008','usage-count-last-180-days':'12','usage-count-since-2013':'21','web-of-science-categories':'Chemistry, Multidisciplinary'\Electron transfer in mixed-valent transition-metal complexes, clusters and materials is ubiquitous in both natural and synthetic systems. The degree to which intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) occurs, dependent on the degree of delocalization, places these within class II or III of the Robin-Day system. In contrast to the d-block, compounds of f-block elements typically exhibit class I behaviour (no IVCT) because of localization of the valence electrons and poor spatial overlap between metal and ligand orbitals. Here, we report experimental and computational evidence for delocalization of 5f electrons in the mixed-valent Pu-III/Pu-IV solid-state compound, Pu-3(DPA)(5)(H2O)(2) (DPA = 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylate). The properties of this compound are benchmarked by the pure Pu-III and Pu-IV dipicolinate complexes, [Pu-III(DPA)(H2O)(4)] Br and Pu-IV(DPA)(2)(H2O)(3)center dot 3H(2)O, as well as by a second mixed-valent compound, Pu-III[Pu-IV(DPA)(3)H-0.5](2), that falls into class I instead. Metal-to-ligand charge transfer is involved in both the formation of Pu-3(DPA)(5)(H2O)(2) and in the IVCT

    GynÀkologische Malignome

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