6 research outputs found

    Novel Magnetic Composite Materials for Dental Structure Restoration Application

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    In general, magnetic nanoparticles are not often used in dental applications due to some limitations of these materials, such as aggregation problems and low mechanical and chemical resistance but also esthetic problems due to their black color. Our research presents the synthesis of novel magnetic dental composite materials based on magnetic nanoparticles, functionalized and properly coated to overcome the limitations of using magnetic nanoparticles in dental applications. The composites were prepared using a preparation flow containing several integrated reaction steps used previously sequentially. An adequate and deep characterization of dental magnetic composites has been carried out in order to demonstrate that each limitation has been successfully overcome. It was proved that each component brings particular benefits in dental interventions: Fe3O4 nanoparticles have biocompatible, non-toxic properties and also antimicrobial effects; the SiO2 layer significantly increases the mechanical strength of the material; and the Ca(OH)2 layer initiates local calcification and significantly improves the color of the dental composite material. Due to magnetic properties, an innovative application approach on the tooth surface can be achieved under an external magnetic field, which, compared to conventional methods, has a major impact on reducing the occurrence of dental caries under filling materials as well as on reducing microfractures

    Anticoagulant Properties of Coated Fe-Pd Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Ribbons

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    Shape memory alloys, especially ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, are interesting new materials for the manufacturing of stents. Iron–palladium alloys in particular can be used to manufacture self-expanding temporary stents due to their optimum rate of degradation, which is between that of magnesium and pure iron, two metals commonly used in temporary stent research. In order to avoid blood clotting upon the introduction of the stent, they are often coated with anticoagulants. In this study, sulfated pectin, a heparin mimetic, was synthesized in different ways and used as coating on multiple iron–palladium alloys. The static and dynamic prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of the prepared materials were compared to samples uncoated or coated with polyethylene glycol. While no large differences were observed in the prothrombin time measurements, the activated partial thromboplastin time increased significantly with all alloys coated with sulfated pectin. Aside from that, sulfated pectin synthesized by different methods also caused slight changes in the activated partial thromboplastin time. These findings show that iron–palladium alloys can be coated with anticoagulants to improve their utility as material for temporary stents. Sulfated pectin was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and the coated alloys by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)

    Anticoagulant Properties of Coated Fe-Pd Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Ribbons

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    Shape memory alloys, especially ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, are interesting new materials for the manufacturing of stents. Iron–palladium alloys in particular can be used to manufacture self-expanding temporary stents due to their optimum rate of degradation, which is between that of magnesium and pure iron, two metals commonly used in temporary stent research. In order to avoid blood clotting upon the introduction of the stent, they are often coated with anticoagulants. In this study, sulfated pectin, a heparin mimetic, was synthesized in different ways and used as coating on multiple iron–palladium alloys. The static and dynamic prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of the prepared materials were compared to samples uncoated or coated with polyethylene glycol. While no large differences were observed in the prothrombin time measurements, the activated partial thromboplastin time increased significantly with all alloys coated with sulfated pectin. Aside from that, sulfated pectin synthesized by different methods also caused slight changes in the activated partial thromboplastin time. These findings show that iron–palladium alloys can be coated with anticoagulants to improve their utility as material for temporary stents. Sulfated pectin was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and the coated alloys by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)

    SPION size dependent effects on normal and cancer cells

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    Iron oxide nanoparticles have become widely used today in medical applications. In this study, we report a hyperthermia treatment with 10 and 100 nm naked and polyethylene glycol(PEG)-coated Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) to normal and tumor cells in culture. Cells’ responses to nanoparticles were analyzed by cell viability assays (MTT and LDH) and transmission electron microscopy. Results indicate that even if 10 nm SPIONs have good magnetization saturation, the hyperthermia treatment is not effective due to the fact that cells do not endocytose them. 100 nm SPIONs are better engulfed by cells, and their hyperthermia effect is slightly increased. Macavei et al (PDF

    Magnetoresponsive Functionalized Nanocomposite Aggregation Kinetics and Chain Formation at the Targeted Site during Magnetic Targeting

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    Drug therapy for vascular disease has been promoted to inhibit angiogenesis in atherosclerotic plaques and prevent restenosis following surgical intervention. This paper investigates the arterial depositions and distribution of PEG-functionalized magnetic nanocomposite clusters (PEG_MNCs) following local delivery in a stented artery model in a uniform magnetic field produced by a regionally positioned external permanent magnet; also, the PEG_MNCs aggregation or chain formation in and around the implanted stent. The central concept is to employ one external permanent magnet system, which produces enough magnetic field to magnetize and guide the magnetic nanoclusters in the stented artery region. At room temperature (25 °C), optical microscopy of the suspension model’s aggregation process was carried out in the external magnetic field. According to the optical microscopy pictures, the PEG_MNC particles form long linear aggregates due to dipolar magnetic interactions when there is an external magnetic field. During magnetic particle targeting, 20 mL of the model suspensions are injected (at a constant flow rate of 39.6 mL/min for the period of 30 s) by the syringe pump in the mean flow (flow velocity is Um = 0.25 m/s, corresponding to the Reynolds number of Re = 232) into the stented artery model. The PEG_MNC clusters are attracted by the magnetic forces (generated by the permanent external magnet) and captured around the stent struts and the bottom artery wall before and inside the implanted stent. The colloidal interaction among the MNC clusters was investigated by calculating the electrostatic repulsion, van der Waals and magnetic dipole-dipole energies. The current work offers essential details about PEG_MNCs aggregation and chain structure development in the presence of an external magnetic field and the process underlying this structure formation

    In Vivo Distribution of Poly(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoclusters: An Ultrastructural Study

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    The in vivo distribution of 50 nm clusters of polyethylene glycol-conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs-PEG) was conducted in this study. SPIONs-PEG were synthesized de novo, and their structure and paramagnetic behaviors were analyzed by specific methods (TEM, DLS, XRD, VSM). Wistar rats were treated with 10 mg Fe/kg body weight SPIONs-PEG and their organs and blood were examined at two intervals for short-term (15, 30, 60, 180 min) and long-term (6, 12, 24 h) exposure evaluation. Most exposed organs were investigated through light and transmission electron microscopy, and blood and urine samples were examined through fluorescence spectrophotometry. SPIONs-PEG clusters entered the bloodstream after intraperitoneal and intravenous administrations and ended up in the urine, with the highest clearance at 12 h. The skin and spleen were within normal histological parameters, while the liver, kidney, brain, and lungs showed signs of transient local anoxia or other transient pathological affections. This study shows that once internalized, the synthesized SPIONs-PEG disperse well through the bloodstream with minor to nil induced tissue damage, are biocompatible, have good clearance, and are suited for biomedical applications