11 research outputs found

    Research Regarding the Simultaneous Control of the Pathogens on Tomatoes Crops under High Plastic Tunnels

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    In Romania the most important pathogens on tomatoes crops are Alternaria porri f.sp. solani, Botrytis cinerea, Fulvia fulva, Phytophthora infestans and Erysiphe sp. During period of vegetation, the attack of mentioned pathogens are frequently overlapping. For simultaneously control of pathogenswere used some combination with different active substances (chlorothalonil 500g/l, iprodione 500 g/l, fenhexamid 500 g/l, thiophanate methyl 500g/l, metiram 80%, dimethomorph 9%, mancozeb 60%, difenoconazole 250 g/l , fenamidone 75g/l, propamocarb HCL 375 g/l. The best results for controlling Alternaria porri f.sp. solani, Botrytis cinerea and Fulvia fulva are metiram 80% 0.2% + thiophanate methyl 500g/l 0.14% with 93.5% efficacy. In the untreated check the degree of attack was 78.6% (44.3% A.solani, 7.0% B.cinerea and 27.3% F. Fulva). For controlling Phytophthora infestans, Erysiphe sp. and Fulvia fulva (fenamidone 75g/l + propamocarb HCL 375 g/l)    0.2% +  difenoconazole 250 g/l 0.05% with 94.5% efficacy. In the untreated check the degree of attack is 81.2% (38.4% P. infestans, 27.4% Erysiphe sp. , 15.4% F. fulva)

    Active Ingredients Combinations for Pathogens Control on Cucumber Crops under High Plastic Tunnels

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    In Romania, Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Sphaerotheca fuligineaare the most important pathogens on cucumber crops under high plastic tunnels. For controlling these pathogens there are applied products with different active ingredients: dimethomorph 9 %, mancozeb 60 %,  myclobutanil 240 g/l, penconazole 100 g/l, iprovalicarb 8,4 %, cupper oxychloride 40%. The best efficacy for controlling Pseudoperonospora cubensis andSphaerotheca fuligineawas obtained both combinations  foseyl aluminium 80% 0.2% + penconazole 100 g/l  0.025%(84.8%. 100%)and fosetyl aluminium 80% 0.2% + myclobutanil 240 g/l 0.02% (83.7%, 100%)

    Behavior of some Eggplant Varieties in the Vidra Area - Ilfov

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    The main purpose of the experiences organized at Research and Development Institute for Vegetable and Flower Growing Vidra was to evaluate the behavior of different cultivars of eggplants in specific soil and climate conditions of the Vidra area and to identify those with high yields, with quality fruits and tolerant to soil borne pathogens attack. In 2016, 12 cultivars of eggplants were studied: 6 non-hybrid varieties (Daniela, Luiza, Dragaica, Zaraza, Belona, Black Beauty) and 6 hybrids (Andra F1, Rebeca F1, Bibo F1, Clorinda F1, Mirabelle F1, Epic F1).The highest yield was achieved in Rebeca F1 and Luiza cultivars. The highest vitamin C content was realized at Rebeca F1, Luiza, and Zaraza cultivars. The Mirabelle F1 hybrid and Black Beauty variety presented a reduced sensitivity to Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae

    Behavior of some eggplant cultivars (Solanum melongena L.) at the pathogens attack in greenhouse and field

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    The experiences organized at RDIVFG. Vidra in 2016 had as main purpose the assessment of different varieties and eggplants hybrids on the specific soil and climate conditions in the Vidra area. Six eggplant cultivars were studied, 3 romanians created at RDIVFG Vidra (Belona, Andra F1 and L (Luiza x Pop Unirea) and 3 foreign (Estelle F1, Sharapova F1 and Madrid F1) in greenhouse and field. There were made assessments regarding the occurrence and evolution of the pathogen attack (Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria solani and Verticillium dahliae) in correlation with the environmental factors, the frequency and severity of the attack on the basis of which it was calculated the degree of attack. Also, observations have been made on the number of fruit per plant, the average fruit weight, yield and fruit quality. Among Romanian cultivars, the best yield was obtained at Andra F1 7.35 kg / sqm in greenhouse and 6.26 kg / sq m in the field. Among the foreign hybrids, have been highlighted Sharapova F1 with 9.04 respectively 7.8 kg / sq m yield and Estelle F1 with 8.44 respectively 6.63 kg / sq m in greenhouse respectively in the field. In greenhouse the average yield was higher with 10.1 t / ha comparatively with the field, and the quality I of yield was higher with 10.4 t / ha. The most sensitive hybrid of Verticillium dahliae (verticillium wilt) is Sharapova F1 (FA = 36.4%; GA = 15.9%), followed by Madrid F1 (FA = 36.4%, GA = 13.6%) and Estelle F1 (FA = 27.3%, GA = 18.2%). Among the varieties / hybrids created at RDIFG Vidra, Belona was not attacked by Verticillium dahliae and Andra F1 showed a low sensitivity


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    The experiment, which aimed at controlling the pathogens that attack the summer-autumn tomato crops, included 5 variants. There were applied 5 treatments correlated with climatic factors. During the vegetation period we observed the appearance of the pathogens Xanthomonas vesicatoria, Alternaria solani, Phytophthora infestans, Colletotrichum coccodes and Phytophthora parasitica. The evaluation of efficacy of the variants was made in correlation with degree of attack (on the foliage) and frequency of attack (on the fruit) of the pathogens, and the economic efficiency was established according to the obtained yield. Experimental variants I (treatments: 1. Dithane M 45 0.2% + Champ 77 WG 0.3%; 2. Dithane M 45 0.2% + Cabrio Top 0.2%; 3. Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2%; 4. Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2%; 5. Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2% + Cabrio Top 0.2%) and III (treatments: 1.Polyram DF 0.2% + Champ 77 WG 0.3%; 2. Polyram DF 0.2% + Cabrio Top 0.2%; 3. Ridomil Gold Plus 42.5 WP 0.3%; 4. Ridomil Gold Plus 42.5 WP 0.3%;5. Ridomil Gold Plus 42.5 WP 0.3% + Cabrio Top 0.2%) gave the highest profit (I-13,129.46 lei and III- 12,734.78 lei/1000sq.m.)

    Aspecte privind controlul agenţilor patogeni la culturile de pepeni galbeni din câmp

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    The melons crops in the field crops are frequently attacked byPseudoperonospora cubensis (downy mildew) Sphaerotheca fuliginea (powdery mildew) and Alternaria cucumerina (alternaria leaf spot).For controlling of these pathogens there were experimented different mixture between fungicides: Melody Compact 49 WG, Ortiva 250 SC, Bravo 500 SC and Dithane M 45 WP with Score 250 SC or Orius 25 EW.For controlling of pathogen Pseudoperonospora cubensis the best results were obtained with following mixtures: Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2 % + Score 250 SC 0,05 % and Melody Compact 40 WG 0,2 % + Orius 25 EW 0.05 %, with 97.7% efficacy and respectively 95.2 %.For controlling of pathogen Sphaerotheca fuliginea the best results were obtained with following mixtures: Ortiva 250 SC 0,075 % + Score 250 SC 0,05 % and Ortiva 250 SC 0,075 % + Orius 25 EW 0.05 % with 100 % efficacy. The same variants gave good results in controlling of pathogen Alternaria cucumerina, with 91.8 % efficacy and respectively 89.8 %


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    The research undertaken was aimed to identify the combinations of fungicides for the control of the complex of pathogenic agents which manifest themselves in tomato crops in the field. A monofactorial experiment was organized, placed in randomized blocks with five different experimental variants in four repetitions. Pontica tomato was used. During the growing season the treatments applied were correlated with the appearance and development of the attack of pathogens, depending on climatic factors. The appearance and development of attack are favored by the annual precipitation, humidity and temperature. The following pathogens have been identified and their degree of attack on the foliage: Pseudomonas tomato, Alternaria spp., Fulvia fulva, Phytophthora infestans, the degree of attack is 5.3% (variant 1), 6.8% (variants 2 and 3) and 8.2% (variant 4), compared to 49.5% in version of the untreated control fruits was identified Phytophthora parasitica, Alternaria spp and Colletotrichum coccodes. The highest yield 6.834 kg/m2 was recorded to variant 1, followed by variant 3 with 6.674 kg/m2 and variant 2 with 6.420 kg/m2 compared to the yield obtained from the untreated control variant 5.064 kg/m2. From the therapeutic modalities tested, variant 1 and 3 showed the most positive results in terms of production and efficiency


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    Researches undertaken were aimed to verify the behavior of some varieties and hybrids of eggplant in conditions of soil and climate of the Vidra area. The cultivars were studying in terms of earliness, yield and resistance of the attack of soil born pathogens. There have been studied 12 genotypes of eggplant: 6 varieties and 6 hybrids. The cultivars Epic F1 and Daniela were the earliest and the variety Black Beauty and the F1 hybrid Mirabelle the latest. Average fruit weight ranged from 250 g (Belona) and 560 g (Rebeca F1). The yield ranged from 38.2 t /ha (Bibo F1) and 51.0 t /ha (Rebeca F1). Attack of soil born pathogens Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae started since the I decade of September. Verticillium dahliae attack was the lowest in cultivars: Belona, Black Beauty and Mirabelle F1 and the high attack was recorded on Luiza, Rebeca F1 and Epic F1


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    Soil-borne pathogens belonging to the genus Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium produce the rot of pea seeds after sowing and dumping off of seedlings, im mediately after emergence. In order to prevent this inconvenient, it was organized an experience, with seed treatments in 4 variants with 4 replicates, the surface of each replicate being 7.5 m2. Experimental variants were the following: V1.Apron XL 350 ES (metalaxil M =mefenoxam 350 g/l) at rate of 1 ml/kg; V2.Previcur Energy (fosetyl aluminum 310 g/l + propamocarb hydrochloride 530 g/l) at rate of 10 ml/kg; V3.Topsin 500 SC (thiophanate methyl 500 g/l) at rate of 10 ml/kg; V4.Untreated check. There were used pea seeds of „Diana” cultivar, having a germination capacity of 89%. Seed treatment was applied by „slurry " method . The products Apron XL 350 ES and Previcur Energy applied at the rates of 1 ml/kg seeds and 10 ml/kg seeds respectiv ely, assured the best seed protection against the studied soil-borne pathogens