2 research outputs found

    Studies Regarding on the Correlation Between Forest Vegetation and Torrential Aspects from the Hydrographic Basin of Upper Strei River

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    The development of torrents has hereupon the decrease surface of productive grounds, suffocated the soils of the alluviation, destruction human placements and opening watery underground layers. In studied territory the eldest weight has it a forest background, 73 % from the surface the total. These are grounds from the forest background public state property. The principals sources of alluvia from the analysed basins are represented of the erosions in deeply, the crumblings and the slides of borders and the warehouses of passenger alluvia from channel. The degradations in basins consist of above-ground erosions and deeply, slides and crumblings of borders, as well of the alluviation surfaces from the proximity hydrographic water supply. The structure of crops age classes is a strong imbalance in the Streiului basin, with predominance of I, V and VI age classes. Therefore, for a rational management of forests will be taken during treatment with high regeneration in order not to produce major hydrological imbalances after callow soil at large surfaces. The study stressed the close correlation between forest vegetation and torrential processes in the Streiului basin areas with defective managed forests, consistent with much lower or barrenland well not done hydrological balance, torrential processes being much wider and more frequent than in the rest of the territory


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    The actual global population increment determines a permanently growth of demands regarding agro-alimentary products, demands that can be achieved by the enhancement of the production per hectare or by extending the cultivable surfaces, within the of a scientific agriculture, rational, inter-alia the protected area one. A good supervision of soil humidity is particularly important; any un-submission of this demand could have negative effects both on plants and on crop economical efficiency. A sub-unitary hydro-balance indicates a water excess, usually this phenomenon appears on overflowed soils, with ground-water table close to surface or in the situation of irrational irrigation regime. The water occupies the roots’ intercellular spaces, taking over oxygen and leading to the asphyxia phenomenon. Knowing the relation between crops water consumption and their productions in different natural conditions, represents a point of interest both for irrigation arrangement projects and for their exploitation. Preoccupation in this field of numerous researches with a extension tendency in the last few years. Through exactly determination of monthly and total water consumption of the two crops in protected areas, both small producers and big agricultural exploitations will register significant water savings. Cultivators will be able to manage water during the periods and according to plants demands, assuring this way high productions, of superior quality and inexpensive, being able to enter the competition with those obtained by other EU producers