170 research outputs found

    Gestione banca sorgenti

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    Il servizio di sorveglianza fisica della radioprotezione INAF OAS Bologna, prevede, a supporto del DL e dell’EQ, la posizione organizzativa denominata “Responsabile della Banca Sorgenti e dosimetria (RBS)” con responsabilità riguardo alla Banca Radiosorgenti detenute

    DAS: a data management system for instrument tests and operations

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    The Data Access System (DAS) is a metadata and data management software system, providing a reusable solution for the storage of data acquired both from telescopes and auxiliary data sources during the instrument development phases and operations. It is part of the Customizable Instrument WorkStation system (CIWS-FW), a framework for the storage, processing and quick-look at the data acquired from scientific instruments. The DAS provides a data access layer mainly targeted to software applications: quick-look displays, pre-processing pipelines and scientific workflows. It is logically organized in three main components: an intuitive and compact Data Definition Language (DAS DDL) in XML format, aimed for user-defined data types; an Application Programming Interface (DAS API), automatically adding classes and methods supporting the DDL data types, and providing an object-oriented query language; a data management component, which maps the metadata of the DDL data types in a relational Data Base Management System (DBMS), and stores the data in a shared (network) file system. With the DAS DDL, developers define the data model for a particular project, specifying for each data type the metadata attributes, the data format and layout (if applicable), and named references to related or aggregated data types. Together with the DDL user-defined data types, the DAS API acts as the only interface to store, query and retrieve the metadata and data in the DAS system, providing both an abstract interface and a data model specific one in C, C++ and Python. The mapping of metadata in the back-end database is automatic and supports several relational DBMSs, including MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL.Comment: Accepted for pubblication on ADASS Conference Serie

    Pre-selecting muon events in the camera server of the ASTRI telescopes for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) represents the next generation of ground based observatories for very high energy gamma ray astronomy. The CTA will consist of two arrays at two different sites, one in the northern and one in the southern hemisphere. The current CTA design foresees, in the southern site, the installation of many tens of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes of three different classes, namely large, medium, and small, so defined in relation to their mirror area; the northern hemisphere array would consist of few tens of the two larger telescope types. The telescopes will be equipped with cameras composed either of photomultipliers or silicon photomultipliers, and with different trigger and read-out electronics. In such a scenario, several different methods will be used for the telescopes' calibration. Nevertheless, the optical throughput of any CTA telescope, independently of its type, can be calibrated analyzing the characteristic image produced by local atmospheric highly energetic muons that induce the emission of Cherenkov light which is imaged as a ring onto the focal plane if their impact point is relatively close to the telescope optical axis. Large sized telescopes would be able to detect useful muon events under stereo coincidence and such stereo muon events will be directly addressed to the central CTA array data acquisition pipeline to be analyzed. For the medium and small sized telescopes, due to their smaller mirror area and large inter-telescope distance, the stereo coincidence rate will tend to zero; nevertheless, muon events will be detected by single telescopes that must therefore be able to identify them as possible useful calibration candidates, even if no stereo coincidence is available. This is the case for the ASTRI telescopes, proposed as pre-production units of the small size array of the CTA, which are able to detect muon events during regular data taking without requiring any dedicated trigger. We present two fast algorithms to efficiently use uncalibrated data to recognize useful muon events within the single ASTRI camera server while keeping the number of proton induced triggers as low as possible to avoid saturating the readout budget towards the central CTA data analysis pipeline. <P /

    CIWS-FW: a Customizable InstrumentWorkstation Software Framework for instrument-independent data handling

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    The CIWS-FW is aimed at providing a common and standard solution for the storage, processing and quick look at the data acquired from scientific instruments for astrophysics. The target system is the instrument workstation either in the context of the Electrical Ground Support Equipment for space-borne experiments, or in the context of the data acquisition system for instrumentation. The CIWS-FW core includes software developed by team members for previous experiments and provides new components and tools that improve the software reusability, configurability and extensibility attributes. The CIWS-FW mainly consists of two packages: the data processing system and the data access system. The former provides the software components and libraries to support the data acquisition, transformation, display and storage in near real time of either a data packet stream and/or a sequence of data files generated by the instrument. The latter is a meta-data and data management system, providing a reusable solution for the archiving and retrieval of the acquired data. A built-in operator GUI allows to control and configure the IW. In addition, the framework provides mechanisms for system error and logging handling. A web portal provides the access to the CIWS-FW documentation, software repository and bug tracking tools for CIWS-FW developers. We will describe the CIWS-FW architecture and summarize the project status.Comment: Accepted for pubblication on ADASS Conference Serie

    Relazione tecnica impatto acustico

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    La presente relazione tecnica descrive la progettazione di interventi di correzione acustica di alcuni locali del complesso di ricerca INAF OAS situato a Bologna in via Gobetti 101, al fine di verificare se esistono condizioni di rischio lavorativo, e comunque, anche nel caso che non sussistano le condizioni per intervenire con misure di protezione e prevenzione, migliorarne il comfort, favorire la concentrazione e ridurre lo sforzo vocale degli operatori e delle operatrici

    Applicazione del protocollo di Implementazione Fase 2 per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Covid-19 negli ambienti di lavoro di INAF - OAS Bologna

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    Questo documento descrive procedure operative specifiche per la sede INAF OAS di Bologna. Queste procedure si sono rese necessarie a seguito della pandemia da Sars-Cov-2 e in particolare al DPCM del 26 Maggio 2020. Questo documento applica per la specifica sede OAS Bologna, il protocollo emanato dalla Direzione Generale e valido per tutte le sedi INAF. Il protocollo deve essere rispettato scrupolosamente al fine di contrastare la diffusione del contagio

    Applicazione del secondo protocollo di Implementazione misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Covid-19 negli ambienti di lavoro di INAF - OAS Bologna

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    Questo documento descrive procedure operative specifiche per la sede INAF OAS di Bologna. Queste procedure si sono rese necessarie a seguito della pandemia da Sars-Cov-2 e in particolare al DPCM del 7 Agosto 2020. Questo documento applica per la specifica sede OAS Bologna, il protocollo emanato dalla Direzione Generale e valido per tutte le sedi INAF. Il protocollo deve essere rispettato scrupolosamente al fine di contrastare la diffusione del contagio

    The DAQ system support to the AIV activities of the ASTRI camera proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), the next generation ground-based observatory for very high-energy gamma rays, is being built and will be operated by an international consortium. Two arrays will be located in the northern and southern hemispheres. Each telescope array will operate different numbers and types of telescopes. The Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) is leading the ASTRI (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) project in the framework of the small size class of telescopes (SST). A first goal of the ASTRI project is the realization of an end-to-end prototype in dual-mirror configuration (SST-2M). The ASTRI camera focal plane is composed of a matrix of silicon photo-multiplier sensors managed by innovative front-end and back-end electronics. The ASTRI SST2M prototype is installed in Italy at the INAF "M.G. Fracastoro" observing station located at Serra La Nave, 1735 m a.s.l. on Mount Etna, Sicily. The ASTRI Data AcQuisition (DAQ) system acquires, packet by packet, the camera data from the back-end electronics. The packets are then stored locally in one raw file as soon as they arrive. During the acquisition, the DAQ system groups the packets by data type (scientific, calibration, engineering) before processing and storing the data in FITS format. All the files are then transferred to the on-site archive. In addition, we implemented a quick-look component the allows the operator to display the camera data during the acquisition. A graphical user interface enables the operator to configure, monitor and control the DAQ software. Furthermore, we implemented the control panel algorithms within the framework of the Alma Common Software, in order to integrate the DAQ software within the ASTRI control software. The ASTRI DAQ system supports the camera AIV activities and operations. We provide the instrument workstation to support the AIV activities in the laboratory, and the camera server on-site. In this paper, we assess the ASTRI DAQ system as it has performed the AIV tasks for the ASTRI SST-2M prototype

    The Camera Server of the ASTRI SST-2M Telescopes Proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project is an international initiative to build the next generation of ground-based very high energy gamma-ray instrument . Three classes of telescopes with different mirror size will cover the full energy range from tens of GeV up to hundreds of TeV. The full sky coverage will be assured by two arrays, with one site located in each of the northern and southern hemispheres. In the current design scenario, the southern hemisphere array of CTA will include seventy small size telescopes (SST, 4m diameter) covering the highest energy region. Their implementation includes proposed intermediate steps with the development of mini-arrays of telescope precursors like the ASTRI mini-array, led by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in synergy with the Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the North-West University (South Africa). The ASTRI mini-array will be composed of nine telescope units (ASTRI SST-2M) based on double-mirror configuration whose end-to-end prototype has been installed on Mt. Etna (Italy) and is currently undergoing engineering tests. In the ASTRI SST-2M prototype, operating in single telescope configuration, the basic camera server software is being deployed and tested; it acquires the data sent by the camera back end electronics as a continuous stream of packets. In near real time, the bulk data of a given run are stored in one raw file. In parallel they are sorted by data type, converted to FITS format and stored in one file for data type. Upon closure, each file is transferred to the on-site archive. In addition, the quick look component allows the operator to display the camera data during the acquisition. This contribution presents how the camera server software of the prototype is being upgraded in order to fulfil the mini-array requirements, where it will be deployed on the camera server of each ASTRI SST-2M telescope. Particular emphasis will be devoted to the most challenging requirements that are related to the stereoscopy, when two or more telescopes have triggered simultaneously. To handle stereoscopy, each camera server has also to: (i) get the timestamp information from the clock distribution and trigger time stamping system, and associate it to the related camera event; (ii) get from the software array trigger the timestamp which passed the stereo trigger criteria; and (iii) forward to the array data acquisition system the stereo trigger events, according to the required data format and communication protocol
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