9 research outputs found

    Large amplitude solitary magnetized plasma waves

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    Waves launched into a magnetized plasma when it is rapidly compressed were studied in the late 1950s by Adlam and Allen. In this paper we show that the equations describing large amplitude magnetized plasma waves, or Adlam–Allen waves, can be reduced to a single nonlinear equation, namely the Korteweg–de Vries equation and that the solutions of this equation are in agreement with the results obtained previously by Adlam and Allen. The solutions of both the Adlam–Allen equations and the Korteweg–de Vries equation take the form of solitary waves and periodic wave trains

    Ion sound solitary waves with density depressions

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    We show that a non-thermal electron distribution may change the nature of ion acoustic solitons. If the ions are assumed to respond as a fluid to perturbations in the potential, with no significant trapping in a potential well, then a thermal plasma only supports a solitary waves with a density peak. However, with a suitable distribution of non-thermal particles, solitary waves with both density peaks and density depressions may coexist. This may have applications to magnetosperic observations, where solitary structures with lowered densities have been observed in regions where the electron distribution is also seen to be non-thermal

    Electrostatic solitary structures in nonthermal plasmas

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    Solitary electrostatic structures involving density depletions have been observed in the upper ionosphere by the Freja satellite [Dovner et al., 1994]. If these are interpreted as ion sound solitons, the difficulty arises that the standard Korteweg‐de Vries description predicts structures with enhanced rather than depleted density. Here we show that the presence of non‐thermal electrons may change the nature of ion sound solitary structures and allow the existence of structures very like those observed