1,482 research outputs found

    Spherical non-linear absorption of cosmological scalar fields onto a black hole

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    In this paper we track the non-linear spherical evolution of a massless scalar field onto a Schwarzschild black hole space-time as a first approximation to the accretion of cosmologically motivated classical scalar fields. We perform an analysis related to wave packets described by wave number and width. We study various values of the wave number k, and found that for k = 0 and width packets bigger than the Schwarzschild radius, the absorption is not total. In the cases we studied for k > 0, the black hole absorbs the total amount of energy density of the scalar field moving toward the horizon. Our results indicate that assuming spherical symmetry, in the non-linear regime, there are cases for which scalar fields are allowed to survive outside black holes and may eventually have life-times consistent with cosmological time scales.Comment: 7 revtex pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Rotation curves of ultralight BEC dark matter halos with rotation

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    We study the rotation curves of ultralight BEC dark matter halos. These halos are long lived solutions of initially rotating BEC fluctuations. In order to study the implications of the rotation characterizing these long-lived configurations we consider the particular case of a boson mass m=10−23eV/c2m=10^{-23}\mathrm{eV/c}^2 and no self-interaction. We find that these halos successfully fit samples of rotation curves (RCs) of LSB galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 10 eps figures, 1 tables. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Non Axisymmetric Relativistic Wind Accretion with Velocity Gradients onto a Rotating Black Hole

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    We model, for the first time, the Bondi-Hoyle accretion of a fluid with velocity gradients onto a Kerr black hole, by numerically solving the fully relativistic hydrodynamics equations. Specifically, we consider a supersonic ideal gas, which has velocity gradients perpendicular to the relative motion. We measure the mass and specific angular accretion rates to illustrate whether the fluid presents unstable patterns or not. The initial parameters, we consider in this work, are the velocity gradient ϵv\epsilon_{v}, the black hole spin aa, the asymptotic Mach number M∞{\cal M}_{\infty} and adiabatic index Γ\Gamma. We show that the flow accretion reaches a fairly stationary regime, unlike in the Newtonian case, where significant fluctuations of the mass and angular momentum accretion rates are found. On the other hand, we consider a special case where both density and velocity gradients of the fluid are taken into account. The spin of the black hole and the asymptotic Newtonian Mach number, for this case, are a=0.98a=0.98 and M∞=1{\cal M}_{\infty}=1, respectively. A kind of flip-flop behavior is found at the early times; nevertheless, the system also reaches a steady state.Comment: 11 pages, 20 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Horizon growth of supermassive black hole seeds fed with collisional dark matter

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    We present the accretion of collisional dark matter on a supermassive black hole seed. The analysis is based on the numerical solution of the fully coupled system of Einstein-Euler equations for spherically symmetric flow, where the dark matter is modeled as a perfect fluid that obeys an ideal gas equation of state. As the black hole actually grows, the accretion rate of dark matter corresponds to the black hole apparent horizon growth rate. We analyse cases with infall velocity as high as 0.5c0.5c and an environment density of 100M⊙/pc3100M_{\odot}/\mathrm{pc}^3, which are rather extreme conditions. Being the radial flux the maximum accretion case, our results show that the accretion of an ideal gas, eventually collisional dark matter, does not contribute significantly to SMBH masses. This result favors models predicting SMBHs were formed already with supermasses. We show that despite the fact that we are solving the full general relativistic system, for the parameter space studied our results are surprisingly similar to those obtained using the Bondi formula, which somehow certifies its use as a good approximation of a fully evolving space-time with spherical symmetry at short scales at least for dark matter densities. Additionally, we study the density profile of the gas and find that the presence of SMBHs redistributes the gas near the event horizon with a cuspy profile, whereas beyond a small fraction of a parsec it is not-cuspy anymore.Comment: 11 pages, 6 eps figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the conservation of the Jacobi integral in the post-Newtonian circular restricted three-body problem

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    In the present paper, using the first-order approximation of the nn-body Lagrangian (derived on the basis of the post-Newtonian gravitational theory of Einstein, Infeld, and Hoffman), we explicitly write down the equations of motion for the planar circular restricted three-body problem. Additionally, with some simplified assumptions, we obtain two formulas for estimating the values of the mass/distance and velocity/speed of light ratios appropriate for a given post-Newtonian approximation. We show that the formulas derived in the present study, lead to a good numerical conservation of the Jacobi constant and allow for an approximate equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approaches at the same post-Newtonian order. Accordingly, the dynamics of the system is analyzed in terms of the Poincar\'e sections method and Lyapunov exponents, finding that for specific values of the Jacobi constant the dynamics can be either chaotic or regular. Our results suggest that the chaoticity of the post-Newtonian system is slightly in- creased in comparison with its Newtonian counterpart.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. This version has been substantially revised. Some new results were adde

    Is the flip-flop behaviour of accretion shock cones on to black holes an effect of coordinates?

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    We study numerically the relativistic Bondi-Hoyle accretion of an ideal gas onto a Kerr fixed background space-time on the equatorial plane with s-lab symmetry. We use both Kerr-Schild (KS) and Boyer-Lindquist (BL) coordinates. We particularly focus on the study of the flip-flop motion of the shock cone formed when the gas is injected at supersonic speed. The development of the flip-flop instability of the shock cone in the relativistic regime was reported recently for the first time. We reproduce the flip-flop behaviour found in the past when BL coordinates are used, and perform similar numerical experiments using horizon penetrating KS coordinates. We find that when using KS coordinates the shock cone oscillates, however such oscillations are not of the flip-flop type and their amplitude decrease with resolution.Comment: 8 pages, 9 eps figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evolution of a mass-less test scalar field on Boson Stars space-times

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    We numerically solve the mass-less test scalar field equation on the space-time background of boson stars and black holes. In order to do so, we use a numerical domain that contains future null infinity. We achieve this construction using a scri-fixing conformal compactification technique based on hyperboloidal constant mean curvature foliations of the space-time and solve the conformally invariant wave equation. We present two results: the scalar field shows oscillations of the quasi- normal-mode type found for black holes only for boson star configurations that are compact, and no signs of tail decay is found in the parameter space we explored. Even though our results do not correspond to the master equation of perturbations of boson star solutions, they indicate that the parameter space of boson stars as black hole mimickers is restricted to compact configurations.Comment: 9 pages, 15 eps figures, revtex

    CAFE: A New Relativistic MHD Code

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    We introduce CAFE, a new independent code designed to solve the equations of Relativistic ideal Magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) in 3D. We present the standard tests for a RMHD code and for the Relativistic Hydrodynamics (RHD) regime since we have not reported them before. The tests include the 1D Riemann problems related to blast waves, head-on collision of streams and states with transverse velocities, with and without magnetic field, which is aligned or transverse, constant or discontinuous across the initial discontinuity. Among the 2D and 3D tests, without magnetic field we include the 2D Riemann problem, a one dimensional shock tube along a diagonal, the high speed Emery wind tunnel, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, a set of jets and a 3D spherical blast wave, whereas in the presence of a magnetic field we show the magnetic rotor, the cylindrical explosion, a case of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and a 3D magnetic field advection loop. The code uses High Resolution Shock Capturing methods and we present the error analysis for a combination that uses the HLLE flux formula combined with linear, PPM and fifth order WENO reconstructors. We use the flux-CT and the divergence cleaning methods to control the divergence free magnetic field constraint.Comment: 30 pages, 110 png figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement. More numerical details, tests and additional reference

    Revisiting spherically symmetric relativistic hydrodynamics

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    In this paper we revise two classical examples of Relativistic Hydrodynamics in order to illustrate in detail the numerical methods commonly used in fluid dynamics, specifically those designed to deal with shocks, which are based on a finite volume approximation. The two cases we consider are the relativistic blast wave problem and the evolution of a Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff star model, in spherical symmetry. In the first case we illustrate the implementation of relativistic Euler's equations on a fixed background space-time, whereas in the second case we also show how to couple the evolution of the fluid to the evolution of the space-time.Comment: Prepared with educative purposes, 15 pages, 34 eps figure

    Pseudo-Newtonian planar circular restricted 3-body problem

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    We study the dynamics of the planar circular restricted three-body problem in the context of a pseudo-Newtonian approximation. By using the Fodor-Hoenselaers-Perj\'es procedure, we perform an expansion in the mass potential of a static massive spherical source up to the first non-Newtonian term, giving place to a gravitational potential that includes first-order general relativistic effects. With this result, we model a system composed by two pseudo-Newtonian primaries describing circular orbits around their common center of mass, and a test particle orbiting the system in the equatorial plane. The dynamics of the new system of equations is studied in terms of the Poincar\'e section method and the Lyapunov exponents, where the introduction of a new parameter ϵ\epsilon, allows us to observe the transition from the Newtonian to the pseudo-Newtonian regime. We show that when the Jacobian constant is fixed, a chaotic orbit in the Newtonian regime can be either chaotic or regular in the pseudo-Newtonian approach. As a general result, we find that most of the pseudo-Newtonian configurations are less stable than their Newtonian equivalent.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Physics Letters A, In Pres
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