3,455 research outputs found

    Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XXVIII. BK Pegasi and other F-type binaries: Prospects for calibration of convective core overshoot

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    We present a detailed study of the F-type detached eclipsing binary BK Peg, based on new photometric and spectroscopic observations. The two components, which have evolved to the upper half of the main-sequence band, are quite different with masses and radii of (1.414 +/- 0.007 Msun, 1.988 +/- 0.008 Rsun) and (1.257 +/- 0.005 Msun, 1.474 +/- 0.017 Rsun), respectively. The 5.49 day period orbit of BK Peg is slightly eccentric (e = 0.053). The measured rotational velocities are 16.6 +/- 0.2 (primary) and 13.4 +/- 0.2 (secondary) km/s. For the secondary component this corresponds to (pseudo)synchronous rotation, whereas the primary component seems to rotate at a slightly lower rate. We derive an iron abundance of [Fe/H] =-0.12 +/- 0.07 and similar abundances for Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr and Ni. Yonsei-Yale and Victoria-Regina evolutionary models for the observed metal abundance reproduce BK Peg at ages of 2.75 and 2.50 Gyr, respectively, but tend to predict a lower age for the more massive primary component than for the secondary. We find the same age trend for three other upper main-sequence systems in a sample of well studied eclipsing binaries with components in the 1.15-1.70 Msun range, where convective core overshoot is gradually ramped up in the models. We also find that the Yonsei-Yale models systematically predict higher ages than the Victoria-Regina models. The sample includes BW Aqr, and as a supplement we have determined a [Fe/H] abundance of -0.07 +/- 0.11 for this late F-type binary. We propose to use BK Peg, BW Aqr, and other well-studied 1.15-1.70 Msun eclipsing binaries to fine-tune convective core overshoot, diffusion, and possibly other ingredients of modern theoretical evolutionary models.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Optical Polarization and Spectral Variability in the M87 Jet

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    During the last decade, M87's jet has been the site of an extraordinary variability event, with one knot (HST-1) increasing by over a factor 100 in brightness. Variability was also seen on timescales of months in the nuclear flux. Here we discuss the optical-UV polarization and spectral variability of these components, which show vastly different behavior. HST-1 shows a highly significant correlation between flux and polarization, with P increasing from 20\sim 20% at minimum to >40% at maximum, while the orientation of its electric vector stayed constant. HST-1's optical-UV spectrum is very hard (αUVO0.5\alpha_{UV-O}\sim0.5, FνναF_\nu\propto\nu^{-\alpha}), and displays "hard lags" during epochs 2004.9-2005.5, including the peak of the flare, with soft lags at later epochs. We interpret the behavior of HST-1 as enhanced particle acceleration in a shock, with cooling from both particle aging and the relaxation of the compression. We set 2σ\sigma upper limits of 0.5δ0.5 \delta parsecs and 1.02cc on the size and advance speed of the flaring region. The slight deviation of the electric vector orientation from the jet PA, makes it likely that on smaller scales the flaring region has either a double or twisted structure. By contrast, the nucleus displays much more rapid variability, with a highly variable electric vector orientation and 'looping' in the (I,P)(I,P) plane. The nucleus has a much steeper spectrum (αUVO1.5\alpha_{UV-O} \sim 1.5) but does not show UV-optical spectral variability. Its behavior can be interpreted as either a helical distortion to a steady jet or a shock propagating through a helical jet.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Dragging a polymer chain into a nanotube and subsequent release

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    We present a scaling theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for a flexible polymer chain slowly dragged by one end into a nanotube. We also describe the situation when the completely confined chain is released and gradually leaves the tube. MC simulations were performed for a self-avoiding lattice model with a biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method. The nanotube is a long channel opened at one end and its diameter DD is much smaller than the size of the polymer coil in solution. We analyze the following characteristics as functions of the chain end position xx inside the tube: the free energy of confinement, the average end-to-end distance, the average number of imprisoned monomers, and the average stretching of the confined part of the chain for various values of DD and for the number of monomers in the chain, NN. We show that when the chain end is dragged by a certain critical distance xx^* into the tube, the polymer undergoes a first-order phase transition whereby the remaining free tail is abruptly sucked into the tube. This is accompanied by jumps in the average size, the number of imprisoned segments, and in the average stretching parameter. The critical distance scales as xND11/νx^*\sim ND^{1-1/\nu}. The transition takes place when approximately 3/4 of the chain units are dragged into the tube. The theory presented is based on constructing the Landau free energy as a function of an order parameter that provides a complete description of equilibrium and metastable states. We argue that if the trapped chain is released with all monomers allowed to fluctuate, the reverse process in which the chain leaves the confinement occurs smoothly without any jumps. Finally, we apply the theory to estimate the lifetime of confined DNA in metastable states in nanotubes.Comment: 13pages, 14figure

    Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XLI uvby light curves for AD Bootis, HW Canis Majoris, SW Canis Majoris, V636 Centauri, VZ Hydrae, and WZ Ophiuchi

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    CONTEXT: Accurate mass, radius, and abundance determinations from binaries provide important information on stellar evolution, fundamental to central fields in modern astrophysics and cosmology. AIMS: Within the long-term Copenhagen Binary Project, we aim to obtain high-quality light curves and standard photometry for double-lined detached eclipsing binaries with late A, F, and G type main-sequence components, needed for the determination of accurate absolute dimensions and abundances, and for detailed comparisons with results from recent stellar evolutionary models. METHODS: Between March 1985 and July 2007, we carried out photometric observations of AD Boo, HW CMA, SW CMa, V636 Cen, VZ Hya, and WZ Oph at the Str"omgren Automatic Telescope at ESO, La Silla. RESULTS: We obtained complete uvby light curves, ephemerides, and standard uvby\beta indices for all six systems.For V636 Cen and HW CMa, we present the first modern light curves, whereas for AD Boo, SW CMa, VZ Hya, and WZ Oph, they are both more accurate and more complete than earlier data. Due to a high orbital eccentricity (e = 0.50), combined with a low orbital inclination (i = 84.7), only one eclipse, close to periastron, occurs for HW CMa. For the two other eccentric systems, V636 Cen (e = 0.134) and SW CMa (e = 0.316), apsidal motion has been detected with periods of 5270 +/- 335 and 14900 +/- 3600 years, respectively.Comment: Only change is: Bottom lines (hopefully) not truncated anymore. Accepted for publication in Astonomy & Astrophysic

    Evidence for a large-scale helical magnetic field in the quasar 3C 454.3

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    Most current theoretical models link the launching of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei to the presence of twisted magnetic fields close to the supermassive black hole. While these models predict a large-scale, ordered, helical magnetic field near the central engine, it is not clear if, and to what extent, this order is preserved further downstream in the jet. Here, we present compelling evidence that suggests that the radio emission from the jet of the quasar 3C 454.3 exhibits multiple signatures of a large-scale, ordered helical magnetic field component at a distance of hundreds of parsecs from the launching point. Our results provide observational support for magnetic jet launching models and indicate that the ordered helical field component may remain stable over a large distance down the jet

    Heralded quantum entanglement between two crystals

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    Quantum networks require the crucial ability to entangle quantum nodes. A prominent example is the quantum repeater which allows overcoming the distance barrier of direct transmission of single photons, provided remote quantum memories can be entangled in a heralded fashion. Here we report the observation of heralded entanglement between two ensembles of rare-earth-ions doped into separate crystals. A heralded single photon is sent through a 50/50 beamsplitter, creating a single-photon entangled state delocalized between two spatial modes. The quantum state of each mode is subsequently mapped onto a crystal, leading to an entangled state consisting of a single collective excitation delocalized between two crystals. This entanglement is revealed by mapping it back to optical modes and by estimating the concurrence of the retrieved light state. Our results highlight the potential of rare-earth-ions doped crystals for entangled quantum nodes and bring quantum networks based on solid-state resources one step closer.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XL, uvby light curves for the B-type systems DW Carinae, BF Centauri, AC Velorum, and NSV 5783

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    Aims. In order to increase the limited number of B-stars with accurately known dimensions, and also the number of well studied eclipsing binaries in open clusters, we have undertaken observations and studies of four southern double-lined eclipsing B-type binaries; DWCar, BF Cen, ACVel, and NSV 5783. Methods. Complete uvby light curves were observed between January 1982 and April 1991 at the Danish 0.5 m telescope at ESO La Silla, since 1985 known as the Strömgren Automatic Telescope (SAT). Standard indices for the systems and the comparison stars,as well as additional minima observations for ACVel, have been obtained later at SAT. For DWCar and ACVel, high-resolution spectra for definitive spectroscopic orbits have also been obtained; they are presented as part of the detailed analyses of these systems. A few spectra of NSV 5783 are included in the present paper. Results. For all four systems, the first modern accurate light curves have been established. DWCar is a detached system consisting of two nearly identical components. It is member of the young open cluster Cr228. A detailed analysis, based on the new light curves and 29 high-resolution spectra, is published separately. BFCen is semidetached and is member of NGC 3766. Modern spectra are needed for a detailed study. ACVel is a detached system with at least one more star. A full analysis, based on the new light curves and 18 high-resolution spectra, is published separately. NSV 5783 is discovered to be an eclipsing binary consisting of two well-detached components in an 11-day period eccentric (e = 0.18) orbit. Secondary eclipse is practically total. From the light curves and a few high-resolution spectra, accurate photometric elements and preliminary absolute dimensions have been determined. The quite similar components have masses of about 5 M and radii of about 3.5 R, and they seem to have evolved just slightly off the ZAMS. The measured rotational velocities (≈150 km s−1) are about 6 times those corresponding to pseudosynchronization