6 research outputs found
I’m Not Voting for Her: Polling Discrepancies and Female Candidates
- Author
- AJ Berinsky
- B Page
- C Durand
- C Marsh
- C Templin
- Christopher T. Stout
- CL Brians
- D Gross
- D Hopkins
- EA Martin
- F Kreuter
- F Mosteller
- GC Wright
- I Crespi
- I Fenwick
- I McAllister
- J Gow
- JK Buschman
- JM Twenge
- K Andersen
- K Andersen
- K Dolan
- K Reeves
- K Sanbonmatsu
- K Sanbonmatsu
- K Sanbonmatsu
- KA Dolan
- L Bartels
- L Huddy
- L Huddy
- LB Lueptow
- M Krysan
- M Krysan
- MB Jacobson
- MJ Streb
- ML McDermott
- MR Jackman
- MS Leeper
- MW Traugott
- MW Traugott
- P Perry
- R Bolstein
- R Erikson
- R Matland
- R Roy
- R Tourangeau
- R Williams
- Reuben Kline
- RL Fox
- S Breinlinger
- S Fricker
- S Hatchett
- SE Finkel
- SJ Carroll
- SM Burn
- SW Theriault
- T Iversen
- V Sapiro
- WJ Mitofsky
- WT Bielby
- WT Johnson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Branding politics: Emotion, authenticity, and the marketing culture of American political communication
- Author
- Banet-Weiser S
- Barber BR
- Baudrillard J
- Brader T
- Brians CL
- Castells M
- Davis A
- Goldman R
- Habermas J
- Hall S
- Hesmondhalgh D
- Klein N
- Leiss W
- Marcus GE
- McNair B
- Medvic SK
- Medvic SK
- Michael Serazio
- Newman BI
- Schutt RK
- Slater D
- The Institute of Politics John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
- Thurber JA
- Van Zoonen L
- Vogel K
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Asian American Candidate Preferences: Evidence from California
- Author
- AK Stokes-Brown
- AK Stokes-Brown
- BL Fraga
- C Collet
- C LeVan
- C Tien
- CL Brians
- CR Grose
- CS Bullock
- D Hughes
- D Okamoto
- DG Okamoto
- DG Okamoto
- DS Lauderdale
- J Junn
- J Junn
- JL Merolla
- JW Koch
- JZ Park
- K Sanbonmatsu
- K Tate
- K Tate
- K Tate
- L Bobo
- L Collingwood
- LA Goodman
- M Barreto
- M Barreto
- MA Barreto
- MA Barreto
- MD Cobb
- ML Mcdermott
- MR Michelson
- N Masuoka
- P-T Lien
- PA Beck
- PD McClain
- PR Abramson
- RD Enos
- RR Huckfeldt
- T Lee
- T Raychaudhuri
- WK Cho
- WK Tam
- WKT Cho
- WKT Cho
- ZL Hajnal
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effect of political candidates’ occupational background on voters’ perceptions of and support for candidates
- Author
- Alexander D
- Banwart MC
- Bartels LM
- Brians CL
- Brooks DJ
- Byrne GC
- Campbell A
- Campbell R
- Campbell R
- Dalton RJ
- Dalton RJ
- Darcy R
- Devine P
- Ditonto TM
- Dolan K
- Dolan K
- Dolan K
- Dolan K
- Fox R
- Fridkin KL
- Garzia D
- Garzia D
- Glick P
- Hewstone M
- Hibbing JR
- Huddy L
- Huddy L
- Johansson J
- Kahn KF
- King DC
- Koch J
- Lawless J
- Levi M
- Liben LS
- McAllister I
- McDermott ML
- Mueller JE
- Pharr SJ
- Popkin SL
- Rapoport RB
- Robinson C
- Rosenthal CS
- Sanbonmatsu K
- Sanbonmatsu K
- Schneider DJ
- Shinar EH
- Sigelman L
- Stangor C
- Thielbar G
- Trent JS
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- Webb P
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Women in Politics and Child Labor: an Instrumental Variable Approach
- Author
- A Alesina
- A Cigno
- A Mavisakalyan
- A Nepal
- B Grier
- BA Abrams
- BC Grier
- C Grootaert
- CJ Crook
- CL Brians
- D Acemoglu
- D Thomas
- D Thomas
- DA Cotter
- DE Bloom
- Deniz GĂĽvercin
- DI Kruger
- DJ Treiman
- DL Hicks
- E Duflo
- E Neumayer
- E Santacreu-Vasut
- E Santacreu-Vasut
- E Webbink
- EV Edmonds
- EV Edmonds
- FD Blau
- G Hazarika
- G Hazarika
- G Miller
- HC Fors
- I Clots-Figueras
- I Clots-Figueras
- I Reggio
- J Stock
- J Wooldridge
- K Basu
- K Beegle
- K Beegle
- K Dolan
- L Beaman
- L Davis
- L Guarcello
- L Rubalcava
- LJ Chen
- N Halim
- N Ramankutty
- O Galor
- PM Emerson
- R Chattopadhyay
- R Dimova
- R Inglehart
- R La Porta
- RB Davies
- S Seguino
- S Self
- S Thomas
- SK Mukhopadhyay
- US Kambhampati
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Gender, Race, and Intersectionality in Campaign Finance
- Author
- A Bonica
- A Bonica
- A Jardina
- AE Lerman
- AH Miller
- AK Stokes
- AM Holli
- BC Burrell
- BE Cain
- BL Fraga
- C Gay
- C Gay
- C Phillips
- CI Bolzendahl
- CJ Uhlaner
- CL Brians
- CM McConnaughy
- CT Stout
- DJ Schildkraut
- DM Butler
- DM Thomsen
- DZ Strolovitch
- E Klein
- EF Cohen
- EM Simien
- GR Sanchez
- J Citrin
- J Gill
- J Junn
- J Mansbridge
- J Zuo
- JA Henderson
- JJ Mansbridge
- JL Lawless
- JM Grumbach
- JW Koch
- K Crenshaw
- K Imai
- K Kanthak
- K Luker
- K Sanbonmatsu
- K Tate
- KE Kitchens
- L Bobo
- L Bobo
- L Frasure-Yokley
- L Huddy
- L Stoker
- M Barber
- M Barreto
- M Crowder-Meyer
- M Dawson
- M Kalmijn
- M Omi
- M Sen
- MA Barreto
- MA Barreto
- MD Minta
- MH Crespin
- MK Jennings
- MM Conway
- N Burns
- N Masuoka
- P-T Lien
- P-T Lien
- PH Collins
- PH Collins
- PL Francia
- RA Seltzer
- RJ Hannagan
- RL Fox
- RL Fox
- S Baxter
- S Bowler
- S Chatfield
- S Overton
- SA Fulton
- WKT Cho
- WKT Cho
- ZL Hajnal
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study