34 research outputs found

    Enantioselective disposition of (R,R)-formoterol, (S,S)-formoterol and their respective glucuronides in urine following single inhaled dosing and application to doping control

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    Formoterol is a long‐acting beta2‐adrenoceptor agonist (LABA) used for treatment of asthma and exercise‐induced bronchoconstriction. Formoterol is usually administered as a racemic (rac‐) mixture of (R,R)‐ and (S,S)‐enantiomers. While formoterol is restricted by the World Anti‐Doping Agency (WADA), inhalation of formoterol is permitted to a predetermined dose (54 μg/24 hours) and a urine threshold of 40 ng/mL. However, chiral switch enantiopure (R,R)‐formoterol is available, effectively doubling the therapeutic advantage for the same threshold. The aim of this study was to investigate whether formoterol exhibits enantioselective urinary pharmacokinetics following inhalation. Six healthy volunteers were administered a 12 μg inhaled dose of rac‐formoterol. Urine was collected over 24‐hours and analysed by enantioselective UPLC‐MS/MS assay. Total (free drug plus conjugated metabolite) median (min‐max) rac‐formoterol urine levels following inhalation were 1.96(1.05‐13.4) ng/mL, 1.67(0.16‐9.67) ng/mL, 0.45(0.16‐1.51) ng/mL, 0.61(0.33‐0.78) ng/mL, and 0.17(0.08‐1.06) ng/mL at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours, respectively, well below the 2019 urine threshold. The proportion of conjugation differed between enantiomers with glucuronide conjugation much greater for (R,R)‐formoterol (around 30‐60% of total) compared to (S,S)‐formoterol (0‐30%). There was clear evidence of inter‐individual enantioselectivity observed in the ratios of (R,R):(S,S)‐formoterol, where (S,S)‐ was predominant in free formoterol, and (R,R)‐ predominant in the conjugated metabolite. In conclusion, rac‐formoterol delivered by inhalation exhibits enantioselective elimination in urine following single dose administration. Enantioselective assays should be employed in doping control to screen for banned beta2‐agonist chiral switch products such as (R,R)‐formoterol, and total hydrolysed rac‐formoterol is warranted to account for inter‐individual differences in enantioselective glucuronidation

    Beta2-adrenergic ligand racemic formoterol exhibits enantioselective disposition in blood and skeletal muscle of humans, and elicits myocellular protein kinase A-signalling at therapeutic inhaled doses

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    While studies have demonstrated substantial differences in beta2-adrenergic agonist enantiomer pharmacology, enantioselective disposition of long-acting beta2-adrenergic ligand racemic (rac)-formoterol in blood is unexplored after inhaled therapy given analytical challenges. Furthermore, information on enantioselective disposition and partitioning of beta2 -adrenergic agonist in skeletal muscle is absent despite its promising data on muscle anabolism in humans. Using a sensitive UPLC-MS/MS (ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry) assay, we determined disposition of (R,R)-formoterol and (S,S)-formoterol in plasma and skeletal muscle samples from 11 non-asthmatic men who had inhaled rac-formoterol at therapeutic doses (2×27 μg). Mean (SD) concentrations of (R,R)- and (S,S)-formoterol in plasma and in muscle biopsies of the vastus lateralis 1 h after inhalation of formoterol were 31 (15) and 45 (18) pg×mL-1 for (R,R)-formoterol and (S,S)-formoterol, respectively, in plasma, and 0.56 (0.32) and 0.51 (0.29) pg×mgwet wt-1, respectively, in muscle. Formoterol exhibited different enantioselective disposition in plasma and muscle (p R,R):(S,S)-formoterol ratio was lower than 0 [-0.17(0.07), p R,R):(S,S)-formoterol ratio was slightly higher than 0 [0.04(0.07), p R,R):(S,S)-formoterol ratio in muscle was related to muscle fibre-type composition. Furthermore, formoterol induced an approximately two-fold increase in muscle p-PKASer/thr phosphorylation (p 2 -adrenergic response. Collectively, these findings suggest that formoterol exhibits modest enantioselective disposition in plasma after inhaled therapy in humans, which appear related to a greater (R,R)-enantiomer disposition in skeletal muscle that may be dependent on fibre-type composition