27,862 research outputs found

    Interplay of interaction and disorder in the steady state of an open quantum system

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    Many types of dissipative processes can be found in nature or be engineered, and their interplay with a system can give rise to interesting phases of matter. Here we study the interplay among interaction, tunneling, and disorder in the steady state of a spin chain coupled to a tailored bath. We consider a dissipation which, in contrast to disorder, tends to generate a homogeneously polarized steady state. We find that the steady state can be highly sensitive even to weak disorder. We also establish that, in the presence of such dissipation, even in the absence of interaction, a finite amount of disorder is needed for localization. Last, we show that for strong disorder the system reveals signatures of localization both in the weakly and strongly interacting regimes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Tools in Docker Containers

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    With the success of deep learning techniques in a broad range of application domains, many deep learning software frameworks have been developed and are being updated frequently to adapt to new hardware features and software libraries, which bring a big challenge for end users and system administrators. To address this problem, container techniques are widely used to simplify the deployment and management of deep learning software. However, it remains unknown whether container techniques bring any performance penalty to deep learning applications. The purpose of this work is to systematically evaluate the impact of docker container on the performance of deep learning applications. We first benchmark the performance of system components (IO, CPU and GPU) in a docker container and the host system and compare the results to see if there's any difference. According to our results, we find that computational intensive jobs, either running on CPU or GPU, have small overhead indicating docker containers can be applied to deep learning programs. Then we evaluate the performance of some popular deep learning tools deployed in a docker container and the host system. It turns out that the docker container will not cause noticeable drawbacks while running those deep learning tools. So encapsulating deep learning tool in a container is a feasible solution.Comment: Conference: BIgCom2017, 9 page

    The Minimal and Maximal Sensitivity of the Simplified Weighted Sum Function

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    Sensitivity is an important complexity measure of Boolean functions. In this paper we present properties of the minimal and maximal sensitivity of the simplified weighted sum function. A simple close formula of the minimal sensitivity of the simplified weighted sum function is obtained. A phenomenon is exhibited that the minimal sensitivity of the weighted sum function is indeed an indicator of large primes, that is, for large prime number p, the minimal sensitivity of the weighted sum function is always equal to one.Comment: 6 page

    An improved immersed finte element particle-in-cell method for plasma simulation

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    The particle-in-cell (PIC) method has been widely used for plasma simulation, because of its noise-reduction capability and moderate computational cost. The immersed finite element (IFE) method is efficient for solving interface problems on Cartesian meshes, which is desirable for PIC method. The combination of these two methods provides an effective tool for plasma simulation with complex interface/boundary. This paper introduces an improved IFE-PIC method that enhances the performance in both IFE and PIC aspects. For the electric field solver, we adopt the newly developed partially penalized IFE method with enhanced accuracy. For PIC implementation, we introduce a new interpolation technique to ensure the conservation of the charge. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the features of the improved IFE-PIC method

    Multi-Objective Reinforced Evolution in Mobile Neural Architecture Search

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    Fabricating neural models for a wide range of mobile devices demands for a specific design of networks due to highly constrained resources. Both evolution algorithms (EA) and reinforced learning methods (RL) have been dedicated to solve neural architecture search problems. However, these combinations usually concentrate on a single objective such as the error rate of image classification. They also fail to harness the very benefits from both sides. In this paper, we present a new multi-objective oriented algorithm called MoreMNAS (Multi-Objective Reinforced Evolution in Mobile Neural Architecture Search) by leveraging good virtues from both EA and RL. In particular, we incorporate a variant of multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II, in which the search space is composed of various cells so that crossovers and mutations can be performed at the cell level. Moreover, reinforced control is mixed with a natural mutating process to regulate arbitrary mutation, maintaining a delicate balance between exploration and exploitation. Therefore, not only does our method prevent the searched models from degrading during the evolution process, but it also makes better use of learned knowledge. Our experiments conducted in Super-resolution domain (SR) deliver rivalling models compared to some state-of-the-art methods with fewer FLOPS.Comment: Deep Learning, Neural Architecture Search, Multi-objective, Reinforcement Learnin

    Thermalization with detailed-balanced two-site Lindblad dissipators

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    The use of two-site Lindblad dissipator to generate thermal states and study heat transport raised to prominence since [J. Stat. Mech. (2009) P02035] by Prosen and \v{Z}nidari\v{c}. Here we propose a variant of this method based on detailed balance of internal levels of the two site Hamiltonian and characterize its performance. We study the thermalization profile in the chain, the effective temperatures achieved by different single and two-site observables, and we also investigate the decay of two-time correlations. We find that at a large enough temperature the steady state approaches closely a thermal state, with a relative error below 1% for the inverse temperature estimated from different observables.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Variational Semi-supervised Aspect-term Sentiment Analysis via Transformer

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    Aspect-term sentiment analysis (ATSA) is a longstanding challenge in natural language understanding. It requires fine-grained semantical reasoning about a target entity appeared in the text. As manual annotation over the aspects is laborious and time-consuming, the amount of labeled data is limited for supervised learning. This paper proposes a semi-supervised method for the ATSA problem by using the Variational Autoencoder based on Transformer (VAET), which models the latent distribution via variational inference. By disentangling the latent representation into the aspect-specific sentiment and the lexical context, our method induces the underlying sentiment prediction for the unlabeled data, which then benefits the ATSA classifier. Our method is classifier agnostic, i.e., the classifier is an independent module and various advanced supervised models can be integrated. Experimental results are obtained on the SemEval 2014 task 4 and show that our method is effective with four classical classifiers. The proposed method outperforms two general semisupervised methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance.Comment: Accepted by CoNLL 201

    Computing optimal interfacial structure of ordered phases

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    We propose a general framework of computing interfacial structure. If an ordered phase is involved, the interfacial structure can be obtained by simply minimizing the free energy with compatible boundary conditions. The framework is applied to Landau- Brazovskii model and works efficiently

    Computing optimal interfacial structure of modulated phases

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    We propose a general framework of computing interfacial structures between two modulated phases. Specifically we propose to use a computational box consisting of two half spaces, each occupied by a modulated phase with given position and orientation. The boundary conditions and basis functions are chosen to be commensurate with the bulk structures. It is observed that the ordered nature of modulated structures stabilizes the interface, which enables us to obtain optimal interfacial structures by searching local minima of the free energy landscape. The framework is applied to the Landau-Brazovskii model to investigate interfaces between modulated phases with different relative positions and orientations. Several types of novel complex interfacial structures are obtained from the calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1511.0362

    Perceiving Motion Cues Inspired by Microsoft Kinect Sensor on Game Experiencing

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    This paper proposed a novel method to replace the traditional mouse controller by using Microsoft Kinect Sensor to realize the functional implementation on human-machine interaction. With human hand gestures and movements, Kinect Sensor could accurately recognize the participants intention and transmit our order to desktop or laptop. In addition, the trend in current HCI market is giving the customer more freedom and experiencing feeling by involving human cognitive factors more deeply. Kinect sensor receives the motion cues continuously from the humans intention and feedback the reaction during the experiments. The comparison accuracy between the hand movement and mouse cursor demonstrates the efficiency for the proposed method. In addition, the experimental results on hit rate in the game of Fruit Ninja and Shape Touching proves the real-time ability of the proposed framework. The performance evaluation built up a promise foundation for the further applications in the field of human-machine interaction. The contribution of this work is the expansion on hand gesture perception and early formulation on Mac iPad.Comment: 4 pages,4 figures Confernece: 1st International Workshop on Bio-neuromorphic Systems and Human-Robot Interactio
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