27,344 research outputs found

    Color Reflection Invariance and Monopole Condensation in QCD

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    We review the quantum instability of the Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen (SNO) vacuum of the one-loop effective action of SU(2) QCD, and point out a critical defect in the calculation of the functional determinant of the gluon loop in the SNO effective action. We prove that the gauge invariance, in particular the color reflection invariance, exclude the unstable tachyonic modes from the gluon loop integral. This guarantees the stability of the magnetic condensation in QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, JHEP styl

    Phenomenological Theory of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Ho1x_{1-x}Dyx_xNi2_2B2_2C

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    The coexistence of the superconductivity and magnetism in the Ho1x_{1-x}Dyx_xNi2_2B2_2C is studied by using Ginzburg-Landau theory. This alloy shows the coexistence and complex interplay of superconducting and magnetic order. We propose a phenomenological model which includes two magnetic and two superconducting order parameters accounting for the multi-band structure of this material. We describe phenomenologically the magnetic fluctuations and order and demonstrate that they lead to anomalous behavior of the upper critical field. The doping dependence of TcT_c in Ho1x_{1-x}Dyx_xNi2_2B2_2C showing a reentrance behavior are analyzed yielding a very good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX, submitted to PR

    Lagrangian Floer superpotentials and crepant resolutions for toric orbifolds

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    We investigate the relationship between the Lagrangian Floer superpotentials for a toric orbifold and its toric crepant resolutions. More specifically, we study an open string version of the crepant resolution conjecture (CRC) which states that the Lagrangian Floer superpotential of a Gorenstein toric orbifold X\mathcal{X} and that of its toric crepant resolution YY coincide after analytic continuation of quantum parameters and a change of variables. Relating this conjecture with the closed CRC, we find that the change of variable formula which appears in closed CRC can be explained by relations between open (orbifold) Gromov-Witten invariants. We also discover a geometric explanation (in terms of virtual counting of stable orbi-discs) for the specialization of quantum parameters to roots of unity which appears in Y. Ruan's original CRC ["The cohomology ring of crepant resolutions of orbifolds", Gromov-Witten theory of spin curves and orbifolds, 117-126, Contemp. Math., 403, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006]. We prove the open CRC for the weighted projective spaces X=P(1,,1,n)\mathcal{X}=\mathbb{P}(1,\ldots,1,n) using an equality between open and closed orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants. Along the way, we also prove an open mirror theorem for these toric orbifolds.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added and updated, final version, to appear in CM

    HELAS and MadGraph with spin-3/2 particles

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    Fortran subroutines to calculate helicity amplitudes with massive spin-3/2 particles, such as massive gravitinos, which couple to the standard model and supersymmetric particles via the supercurrent, are added to the HELAS (HELicity Amplitude Subroutines) library. They are coded in such a way that arbitrary amplitudes with external gravitinos can be generated automatically by MadGraph, after slight modifications. All the codes have been tested carefully by making use of the gauge invariance of the helicity amplitudes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; sections rearranged, typos corrected, version to appear in EPJ

    Cancellation of Infrared Divergences in Hadronic Annihilation Decays of Heavy Quarkonia

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    In the framework of a newly developed factorization formalism which is based on NRQCD, explicit cancellations are shown for the infrared divergences that appeared in the previously calculated hadronic annihilation decay rates of P-wave and D-wave heavy quarkonia. We extend them to a more general case that to leading order in v2v^2 and next-to-leading order in αs\alpha_s, the infrared divergences in the annihilation amplitudes of color-singlet QQˉ(2S+1LJ)Q\bar{Q}(^{2S+1}L_J) pair can be removed by including the contributions of color-octet operators QQˉ(2S+1(L1)J)Q\bar{Q}(^{2S+1}(L-1)_{J'}), QQˉ(2S+1(L3)J)Q\bar{Q}(^{2S+1}(L-3)_{J''}), ... in NRQCD. We also give the decay widths of 3DJLH^3D_J\rightarrow LH at leading order in αs\alpha_s.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex(3 figures included), to be publishe

    Abelian Chern-Simons field theory and anyon equation on a torus

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    We quantize the abelian Chern-Simons theory coupled to non-relativistic matter field on a torus without invoking the flux quantization. Through a series of canonical transformations which is equivalent to solving the Gauss constraint, we obtain an effective hamiltonian density with periodic matter field. We also obtain the many-anyon Schr\"odinger equation with periodic Aharonov-Bohm potentials and analyze the periodic property of the wavefunction. Some comments are given on the different features of our approach from the previous ones.Comment: 24, SNUTP-93-9