9 research outputs found
Effect of fertilization with fluid swine slurry on production and nutritive value of Tifton 85 Efeito da fertilização com esterco líquido de suínos sobre a produção e o valor nutritivo do capim-tifton 85
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of liquid swine slurry on dry matter accumulation rate and nutritive values (crude proten and neutral detergent fiber) of Tifton 85 grass pasture cultivated in southwestern Paraná from October 2005 to March 2006. It was used a complete random experimental design in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme composed of four doses of swine slurry in the plots (0, 80, 160 and 320 m³/ha) and four consecutive cuts in the subplots of the pasture. It was carried out two applications, one in the beginning of the experiment and other after 80 days. Cuts were performed every time pasture height was 40 cm. There was a dose versus cut interaction for all variables. Swine slurry promoted increase on dry matter accumulation rate only on the first cut after its application (cuts 1 and 3). Dry matter maximal yield (24.2 t/ha) was obtained at 249 m³/ha of swine slurry manure (143 and 106 m³/ha, respectively for applications 1 and 2), corresponding to 450 kg of N/ha. Percentage of crude protein increases and neutral detergent fiber of Tifton 85 grass decreases as dose of swine slurry increases, improving forage nutritive value. Use efficiency and nitrogen recovery rate decrease with addition of swine slurry doses.<br>Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de dejeto líquido de suínos sobre a taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca e o valor nutritivo (proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro) de uma pastagem de capim-tifton 85 cultivada na região sudoeste do Paraná no período de outubro de 2005 a março de 2006. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial de 4 x 4, composto por quatro doses de dejetos líquidos de suínos nas parcelas (0, 80, 160 e 320 m³/ha) e quatro cortes consecutivos nas subparcelas da pastagem. Foram realizadas duas aplicações, uma no início do experimento e outra 80 dias após. Os cortes foram realizados sempre que a altura da pastagem atingisse 40 cm. Houve interação dose versus corte para todas as variáveis. Os dejetos promoveram aumento na taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca somente no primeiro corte após sua aplicação (cortes 1 e 3). O rendimento máximo de matéria seca (24,2 t/ha) foi obtido na dose de 249 m³/ha de dejetos (143 e 106 m³/ha, respectivamente, para as aplicações 1 e 2), correspondentes a 450 kg/ha de nitrogênio. O percentual de proteína bruta aumenta e o de fibra em detergente neutro do capim-tifton 85 diminui com o aumento da dose de dejetos, melhorando o valor nutritivo da forragem. A eficiência de utilização e a taxa de recuperação do nitrogênio diminuem com o incremento da dose de dejetos líquido de suínos
Caracterização físico-química do suco de açaí de Euterpe precatoria Mart. oriundo de diferentes ecossistemas amazônicos
Os frutos do açaizeiro (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) procedentes de diferentes ecossistemas amazônicos foram processados para a obtenção de suco. O produto foi avaliado quanto à composição centesimal (umidade, cinzas, lipídeos, proteína, glicídios e fibra alimentar), minerais, ácidos graxos e antocianinas. Os frutos foram comparados quanto ao peso, constatando-se uma variação significativa de 1,1 a 2,0 g entre eles. Com relação ao suco, verificou-se baixa concentração de proteína e alto teor de energia devido, principalmente, à presença de lipídeos cuja concentração variou de 4,24 a 9,74%. Dentre os minerais, o potássio foi o mais abundante com teores na faixa de 73,78 a 376,69 mg 100 g-¹ (do suco), seguido do cálcio (15,99 a 57,85 mg 100g-¹). O ferro foi encontrado em concentrações minoritárias, na ordem de 0,43 a 1,2 mg 100g-¹. Com relação aos ingredientes funcionais, o suco de açaí apresentou concentrações importantes de fibra alimentar (2,37 a 7,8%), e antocianinas, variando de 128,4 mg 100 g-¹ , nos frutos de coloração verde, procedentes de Parintins, até 868,9 mg 100 g-¹ nas amostras de Manaquiri (base seca). Na fração lipídica, destacou-se ainda a presença do ácido graxo oleico (18:1), com porcentagem média de 68,2% no total de ácidos graxos, seguido do ácido palmítico (16:0) com 17,5%. Tais resultados reforçam o potencial do açaí como fonte de energia, lipídeos, fibra alimentar, antocianinas, ácido graxo monoinsaturado e minerais. O presente estudo irá contribuir para a ampliação da tabela de composição química de alimentos e, consequentemente, auxiliar nos programas de melhoramento genético, mercado e inclusão social
Riparian Deforestation Affects the Structural Dynamics of Headwater Streams in Southern Brazilian Amazonia
Comparative studies of streams with altered versus conserved riparian zones are important to evaluate the degree of alterations caused by inappropriate use of these streams’ vital buffer zones. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of riparian deforestation on the habitat structure of southern Brazilian Amazonian headwater streams, as well as to provide elements for impact assessment and the monitoring of these water bodies. We selected ten sites and two headwater streams at each site; one stream was located in an area with preserved riparian vegetation (pristine streams) and the other stream in a deforested riparian zone (altered streams). Stretches of these streams were analyzed across hydrological periods (dry period, beginning of the rainy period, and end of the rainy period) for hydro-morphological aspects, water physical-chemical variables, and habitat integrity (proportion of forestation in buffer zones and habitat integrity index). Compared to pristine streams in all the hydrological periods analyzed, altered streams presented lower oxygen concentration (~1.0 mg/L), an increase of 1 °C in water temperature, and less organic material availability. We found that riparian deforestation affects habitat structure variability among hydrological periods, making them more homogeneous. Therefore, beyond the necessary broadening of the spatial scale of studies in this region, monitoring these understudied headwater stream environments is also crucial for determining the magnitude of deforestation effects on these vulnerable aquatic ecosystems. © Monica Elisa Bleich, Amanda Frederico Mortati, Thiago André and Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade
Teses sobre hepatites na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1837-2000 Theses on hepatitis at the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1837-2000
Apresenta inventário das teses sobre hepatites da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro entre 1837 e 2000. A análise indica potencialidades e limites para discussão do quadro evolutivo do conhecimento científico no Brasil sobre esses agravos. As teses também são discutidas à luz de seus referenciais científicos e das mudanças tecnológicas e sociais que as influenciaram. Identificam-se e categorizam-se os marcos do ensino médico e do conhecimento sobre as hepatites, considerando que as teses revelam, no mínimo, o estado da arte de seu objeto. O estudo permitiu explorar as bases em que os saberes científicos sobre as hepatites foram construídos e indicar possibilidades de pesquisas na reconstrução do conhecimento científico de outros agravos.<br>An inventory of the theses on hepatitis of the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro between 1837 and 2000 is presented. The analysis indicates the potential and limits for discussion of the evolutionary framework of scientific knowledge on these health problems in Brazil. The theories are also discussed in light of their scientific reference points and the technological and social changes that influenced them. The landmarks in medical education and knowledge about hepatitis are identified and categorized, considering that the theses reveal at the very least the state of the art on the subject. The study makes it possible to explore the foundations upon which the scientific knowledge on hepatitis were built and indicate possibilities for research in the reconstruction of scientific knowledge of other health problems
Predictors for anastomotic leak, postoperative complications, and mortality after right colectomy for cancer: Results from an international snapshot audit
Background: A right hemicolectomy is among the most commonly performed operations for colon cancer, but modern high-quality, multination data addressing the morbidity and mortality rates are lacking. Objective: This study reports the morbidity and mortality rates for right-sided colon cancer and identifies predictors for unfavorable short-term outcome after right hemicolectomy. Design: This was a snapshot observational prospective study. Setting: The study was conducted as a multicenter international study. Patients: The 2015 European Society of Coloproctology snapshot study was a prospective multicenter international series that included all patients undergoing elective or emergency right hemicolectomy or ileocecal resection over a 2-month period in early 2015. This is a subanalysis of the colon cancer cohort of patients. Main Outcome Measures: Predictors for anastomotic leak and 30-day postoperative morbidity and mortality were assessed using multivariable mixed-effect logistic regression models after variables selection with the Lasso method. Results: Of the 2515 included patients, an anastomosis was performed in 97.2% (n = 2444), handsewn in 38.5% (n = 940) and stapled in 61.5% (n = 1504) cases. The overall anastomotic leak rate was 7.4% (180/2444), 30-day morbidity was 38.0% (n = 956), and mortality was 2.6% (n = 66). Patients with anastomotic leak had a significantly increased mortality rate (10.6% vs 1.6% no-leak patients; p 65 0.001). At multivariable analysis the following variables were associated with anastomotic leak: longer duration of surgery (OR = 1.007 per min; p = 0.0037), open approach (OR = 1.9; p = 0.0037), and stapled anastomosis (OR = 1.5; p = 0.041). Limitations: This is an observational study, and therefore selection bias could be present. For this reason, a multivariable logistic regression model was performed, trying to correct possible confounding factors. Conclusions: Anastomotic leak after oncologic right hemicolectomy is a frequent complication, and it is associated with increased mortality. The key contributing surgical factors for anastomotic leak were anastomotic technique, surgical approach, and duration of surgery