16 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in bubble column: Influence of liquid phase surface tension

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    According to literature, few experiments are performed in organic solvents which are mostly used in commercial gas–liquid reactors. However, it is commonly accepted that data obtained in aqueous solution allow to predict the surface tension effects, and to model the behaviour of organic solvents. In this work, we examine the validity of this approximation. In this objective, the flows observed in two pure media having similar viscosity but different surface tension—respectively, water (reference) and cyclohexane (solvent)—are successively compared at two scales: in a bubble column and in bubble plumes. In bubble plumes, as expected, the mean bubble size is smaller in the medium having the smallest surface tension (cyclohexane), but for this medium the destabilisation of flow is observed to occur at smaller gas velocity, due to break-up and coalescence phenomena. In bubble column, these phenomena induce the bubbling transition regime at lower gas velocity, whatever the operating conditions for liquid phase: batch or continuous. Consequently, when the two media are used at similar gas superficial velocity, but in different hydrodynamic regimes, greater gas hold-up and smaller bubble diameter can be observed in water; the interfacial area is then not always higher in cyclohexane. This result differs from the behaviour observed in the literature for aqueous solutions. The analysis of bubble plumes in aqueous solutions of butanol shows that this difference is due to a fundamental difference in coalescent behaviour between pure solvents and aqueous mixtures: the surface tension effect is less important in pure liquid than in aqueous solutions, because of the specific behaviour of surfactants. It is then still difficult to predict a priori the bubbling regime or the flow characteristics for a given medium, and all the more to choose an appropriate liquid as a model for industrial solvents

    Axial and Radial Investigation of Hydrodynamics in a Bubble Column;Influence of Fluids Flow Rates and Sparger Type

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    A detailed investigation of local hydrodynamics in a pilot plant bubble column has been performed using various techniques, exploring both axial and radial variations of the gas hold-up, bubble average diameter and frequency, surface area. A wide range of operating conditions has been explored up to large gas and liquid flow rates, with two sparger types. Two main complementary techniques were used: a quasi local measurement of gas hold-up via series of differential pressure sensors to get the axial variation and a double optic probe giving radial variations of gad hold-up, bubble average size and frequency and surface area. According to axial evolutions, three zones, where radial evolutions have been detailed,have been separated: at the bottom the gas injection zone, the large central region or column bulk and the disengagement zone at the column top. It was found that significant axial and radial variations of the two phase flow characteristics do exist even in the so called homogeneous regime. The normalized profiles of bubble frequency appear sparger and gas velocity independent contrary to bubble diameter, gas hold-up and interfacial area normalized profiles. In any case bubbles are larger in the sparger zone than elsewhere. The main result of this work is the very strong effect of liquid flow on bubble column hydrodynamics at low gas flow rate. First the flow regime map observed in batch mode is dramatically modified with a drastic reduction of the homogeneous regime region, up to a complete heterogeneous regime in the working conditions (uG> 0.02 m/s). On the contrary, liquid flow has limited effects at very high gas flow rates. A large data bank is provided to be used for example in detailed comparison with CFD calculations

    On the reliability of an optical fibre probe in bubble column under industrial relevant operating conditions

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    When bubble columns are operated under industrial relevant conditions (high gas and liquid flow rates, large bubbles and vortices,. . .), local data, and especially bubble size values, are difficult to obtain. However, such data are essential for the comprehension of two-phase flow phenomena in order to design or to improve industrial installations. When high gas flow rates and organic liquids are used, intrusive optic probes are considered. This work investigates different ways to derive reliable local information on gas phase from double optic probe raw data. As far as possible, these results have been compared with global data, easier to measure in such conditions. Local gas hold-up, eG, and bubble frequency, fB, are easily obtained, but bubble velocity and bubble diameter determination is not obvious. For a better reliability, the final treatment that is proposed for velocity and size estimation is based on mean values only: the bubble velocity is considered as the most probable velocity ~v issued from raw signals inter-correlation function and the mean Sauter diameter is calculated through dSM ¼ 3~veG 2f B

    Mass transfer in bubble column for industrial conditions—effects of organic medium, gas and liquid flowrates and column design

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    Most of available gas–liquid mass transfer data in bubble column have been obtained in aqueous media and in liquid batch conditions, contrary to industrial chemical reactor conditions. This work provides new data more relevant for industrial conditions, including comparison of water and organic media, effects of large liquid and gas velocities, perforated plates and sparger hole diameter. The usual dynamic O2 methods for mass transfer investigation were not convenient in this work (cyclohexane, liquid circulation). Steadystate mass transfer of CO2 in an absorption–desorption loop has been quantified by IR spectrometry. Using a simple RTD characterization, mass transfer efficiency and kLa have been calculated in a wide range of experimental conditions. Due to large column height and gas velocity, mass transfer efficiency is high, ranging between 40% and 90%. kLa values stand between 0.015 and 0.050 s−1 and depend mainly on superficial gas velocity. No significant effects of column design and media have been shown. At last, using both global and local hydrodynamics data, mass transfer connection with hydrodynamics has been investigated through kLa/G and kLa/a

    Application of the double optic probe technique to distorted tumbling bubbles in aqueous or organic liquid

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    The optic probe technique is widely used to investigate bubble reactors. To derive values of bubble local velocities and bubble local sizes, a specific signal treatment is usually applied under severe assumptions for bubble path and shape. However, in most industrial reactors, bubble motion is chaotic and no common shape can be assumed. In this work, the reliability of the signal treatment associated with the optic probe technique is examined for distorted and tumbling bubbles. A double-tip optic probe is settled in a glass tank and the rise of bubbles is filmed simultaneously. Several trains of bubbles are studied, interactions between bubbles being gradually increased. Referring to image analysis, several ways to derive mean bubble velocities from optic probe data have been compared. Crenels from front tipand rear tipra w signals are associated and individual bubble velocities are derived. Nevertheless, complete velocity distributions are difficult to obtain, as they depend on the choice of the time within which the bubble is searched on the second tip. Using a simpler approach it is shown that the most probable velocity, calculated through the raw signals inter-correlation, is a correct estimation of the average bubble velocity. Concerning bubble size, bubble chord distributions show too high values due to bubble distortion and deviation. A simplified estimation of bubble mean Sauter diameter, using the most reliable measurements only (i.e., local gas hold-up, local mean bubbling frequency, and most probable bubble velocity), was tested for highly distorted bubbles; this method was validated both in water and cyclohexane

    Scalable synthesis of ionic liquids: comparison of performances of microstructured and stirred batch reactors

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    A range of alkylpyridinium bromide ionic liquids have been synthesized in a stirred reactor at multigram scale and characterized by physical methods (viscosity, conductivity, melting point, electrochemical window, and water content). One ionic liquid, octylpyridinium bromide, was chosen to be synthesized in both macro and reduced scale reactors, in order to compare its performance and to afford evidence of the advantages of a cross channel micro reactor (channel width = 1 mm) compared to a stirred reactor

    Effet des ultrasons basse fréquence sur l’hydrodynamique d’un réacteur annulaire continu : approche expérimentale en Distribution des Temps de Séjour (DTS)

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    Ultrasound (US) are particularly interesting for their mechanical effects enabling transfers activation, in particular by generating mixing. However, this phenomenon has not yet been quantified in a continuous reactor, which is nevertheless a key point for the intensification of such processes. For this purpose, this work characterized the hydrodynamics within a continuous annular reactor under low frequency ultrasound via a Residence Time Distribution experimental approach (RTD). Reliable and reproducible experimental protocol and data processing method were developed. The experiments under silent conditions showed that,due to its geometry, the studied reactor had dead zones that are not negligible. The comparison of these results with those obtained under US had clearly demonstrated the action of US in the flow rate range investigated (laminar flow). The comparison of the RTD curves, as well as the average residence time values obtained, confirmed the US effect on the mixing within the reactor. By creating micro-mixing, ultrasound also reduced dead zones. The study of US power influence showed a threshold beyond which its contribution on hydrodynamics is less marked. This point is encouraging for the scale up of reactors under ultrasound

    Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by photolysis and photo-Fenton oxidation

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    This work aimed at comparing different UV and H2O2 based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) −photolysis, UV/H2O2, and photo-Fenton reaction- for the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a common ingredient of phytosanitary products. The influence of oxidant dose (H2O2), catalyst type and concentration, pollutant concentration, water matrix and irradiation spectrum was also analyzed. Under reference conditions (25 mg/L of 2,4-D in osmosed water), photo-Fenton oxidation using Fe2+ salt, initial pH value of 2.6 and a low pressure mercury vapor lamp (10 W, λ=254 nm) yielded more than 85% of pollutant mineralization in one hour, as compared to 60% and less than 10% for UV/H2O2 and photolysis, respectively. Such a performance could be achieved in 10 min only when applying optimal concentration range for Fenton’s reagent (2 to 5 times the stoichiometric amount of H2O2 and oxidant-to-catalyst molar ratio from 25 to 40). Conversely, addition of a ZSM-5 zeolite bearing iron active sites albeit catalyzing Fenton oxidation at natural pH – did not bring additional benefit to UV/H2O2 process. Use of wastewater treatment plant effluent as aqueous matrix or irradiation in the UVA-visible range somewhat lowered the fficiency of the homogeneous photo-Fenton process. Nonetheless, bench scale experiments under sunlight gave promising results for 2,4 D remediation in wastewater, leading to over 80% conversion of the pollutant within ten minutes

    Hydrodynamic study of a monolith-type reactor for intensification of gas-liquid applications

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    Two-phase monolith-type reactors allow intensified heat and mass transfer rates, but often suffer from fluid maldistribution and undesired flow regimes in channels. A cold-flow monolith reactor (0.1 m diameter, 84 channels) is used here to assess liquid distribution and flow regimes at various air and water velocities: resistive probes give an insight of the flow patterns within 5 representative channels located at different radial positions, showing that regime transition to Taylor flow occurs in these channels simultaneously at lower gas and liquid superficial velocities than predicted by single capillary studies (namely uL and uG < 0.1 m s−1). nA full mapping of the partial liquid flow rates in the monolith channels is derived by a gravimetric method via specifically designed collectors. In the identified Taylor flow domain, liquid distribution exhibits a W-shaped profile with marked peaks at low liquid velocity (uL = 0.04 m s−1). Increasing the liquid flow rate significantly (uL = 0.1 m s−1) smooths liquid distribution, reducing the maldistribution factor by half. Gas velocity also helps phase uniformity but to a smaller extent. It is estimated that even higher fluid velocities (at least tripled) would be required to feed all channels equally. Adding stack of distribution plates of variable cell density at the top of the monolith does not enhance the quality of the liquid distribution, except at low liquid velocity

    Degradation of chlordecone and beta-hexachlorocyclohexane by photolysis, (photo-)fenton oxidation and ozonation

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    Intensive use of chlorinated pesticides from the 1960s to the 1990s has resulted in a diffuse contamination of soils and surface waters in the banana-producing areas of the French West Indies. The purpose of this research was, for the first time, to examine the degradation of two of these persistent pollutants – chlordecone (CLD) and beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH) in 1 mg L−1 synthetic aqueous solutions by means of photolysis, (photo-) Fenton oxidation and ozonation processes. Fenton oxidation is not efficient for CLD and yields less than 15% reduction of β-HCH concentration in 5 h. Conversely, both molecules can be quantitatively converted under UV-Vis irradiation reaching 100% of degradation in 5 h, while combination with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron does not show any significant improvement except in high wavelength range (>280 nm). Ozonation exhibits comparable but lower degradation rates than UV processes. Preliminary identification of degradation products indicated that hydrochlordecone was formed during photo-Fenton oxidation of CLD, while for β-HCH the major product peak exhibited C3H3Cl2 as most abundant fragment