266 research outputs found

    Confining Phase of N=1 Sp(Nc)Sp(N_c) Gauge Theories via M Theory Fivebrane

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    The moduli space of vacua for the confining phase of N=1 Sp(Nc)Sp(N_c) supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions is studied by M theory fivebrane. We construct M theory fivebrane configuration corresponding to the perturbation of superpotential in which the power of adjoint field is related to the number of NS'5 branes in type IIA brane configuration. We interpret the dyon vacuum expectation values in field theory results as the brane geometry and the comparison with meson vevs will turn out that the low energy effective superpotential with enhanced gauge group SU(2) is exact.Comment: 14 pages, late

    Geometry, D-Branes and N=1 Duality in Four Dimensions II

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    We study N=1 dualities in four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories in terms of wrapping D 6-branes around 3-cycles of Calabi-Yau threefolds in type IIA string theory. We generalize the recent work of geometrical realization for the models which have the superpotential corresponding to an AkA_k type singularity, to various models presented by Brodie and Strassler, consisting of Dk+2D_{k+2} superpotential of the form W=TrXk+1+TrXY2W=Tr X^{k+1} + Tr XY^2. We discuss a large number of representations for the field YY, but with XX always in the adjoint (symmetric) [antisymmetric] representation for SU(SO)[Sp]SU (SO) [Sp] gauge groups.Comment: 15 pages, late

    c=5/2 Free Fermion Model of WB_{2} Algebra

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    We investigate the explicit construction of the WB2WB_{2} algebra, which is closed and associative for all values of the central charge cc, using the Jacobi identity and show the agreement with the results studied previously. Then we illustrate a realization of c=52c=\frac{5}{2} free fermion model, which is m→∞m \rightarrow \infty limit of unitary minimal series, c(WB2)=52(1−12(m+3)(m+4))c ( WB_{2} )=\frac{5}{2} (1-\frac{12}{ (m+3)(m+4) }) based on the cosets (B2^⊕B2^,B2^)( \hat{B_{2}} \oplus \hat{B_{2}}, \hat{B_{2} }) at level (1,m).(1,m). We confirm by explicit computations that the bosonic currents in the WB2 WB_{2} algebra are indeed given by the Casimir operators of B2^\hat{B_{2}} .Comment: 16 page

    Higher Spin Currents in the Orthogonal Coset Theory

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    In the coset model (DN(1)⊕DN(1),DN(1))(D_N^{(1)} \oplus D_N^{(1)},D_N^{(1)}) at levels (k1,k2)(k_1,k_2), the higher spin 44 current that contains the quartic WZW currents contracted with completely symmetric SO(2N)SO(2N) invariant dd tensor of rank 44 is obtained. The three-point functions with two scalars are obtained for any finite NN and k2k_2 with k1=1k_1=1. They are determined also in the large NN 't Hooft limit. When one of the levels is the dual Coxeter number of SO(2N)SO(2N), k1=2N−2k_1=2N-2, the higher spin 72\frac{7}{2} current, which contains the septic adjoint fermions contracted with the above dd tensor and the triple product of structure constants, is obtained from the operator product expansion (OPE) between the spin 32\frac{3}{2} current living in the N=1{\cal N}=1 superconformal algebra and the above higher spin 44 current. The OPEs between the higher spin 72,4\frac{7}{2}, 4 currents are described. For k1=k2=2N−2k_1=k_2=2N-2 where both levels are equal to the dual Coxeter number of SO(2N)SO(2N), the higher spin 33 current of U(1)U(1) charge 43\frac{4}{3}, which contains the six product of spin 12\frac{1}{2} (two) adjoint fermions contracted with the product of dd tensor and two structure constants, is obtained. The corresponding N=2{\cal N}=2 higher spin multiplet is determined by calculating the remaining higher spin 72,72,4\frac{7}{2}, \frac{7}{2}, 4 currents with the help of two spin 32\frac{3}{2} currents in the N=2{\cal N}=2 superconformal algebra. The other N=2{\cal N}=2 higher spin multiplet, whose U(1)U(1) charge is opposite to the one of above N=2{\cal N}=2 higher spin multiplet, is obtained. The OPE between these two N=2{\cal N}=2 higher spin mutiplets is also discussed.Comment: 96 page
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