40 research outputs found


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    NS2 is a widely used, open source tool for network simulation. A Mobile Node (MN) in NS2 by default provides only a single Wi-Fi interface. It makes difficult for users to simulate the scenario where a mobile node is connected to multiple networks through different interfaces at the same time. Some projects have been done to implement multiple Wi-Fi interfaces but according to our view they have some limitations. This paper presents the implementation of mobile nodes in NS2 with multiple Wi-Fi interfaces and multiple WiMAX interfaces trying to overcome those limitations

    Polymorphism: an evaluation of the potential risk to the quality of drug products from the Farmácia Popular Rede Própria

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    Producing knowledge in productive spaces: ethnography and planning in early socialist Romania

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    My paper explores the forms of knowledge which laid the ground for the first economic plans of Romanian socialism, between 1949 and 1955. Building on factory and local Party Committee documents from the city of Cluj archives, I focus on processes of knowledge production within the space of the factory, following industrial management as a fundamental dimension of the exercise of state power in socialism. Against James Scott's concept of ‘legibility’, my research shows that the Romanian Party officials were fully aware of the limitations imposed by standardized knowledge and statistics in their planning activity and tried to counteract these limitations by producing in-depth ethnographic knowledge about economic units, production and people. Narrative and interpretative accounts of factory life proved to be the most efficient tools for a state which managed not only populations and resources, but also social production processes. Investigating the fundamental ways in which knowing was inextricably tied to planning as a condition of possibility for the exercise of state power reveals how the project of transforming economy and society into a totalizing historical configuration depended upon essentially anti-totalizing forms of knowledge