3 research outputs found

    Development of the pelvis and posterior part of the vertebral column in the Anura

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    The anuran pelvic girdle is unique among all amphibians in that its acetabular portion is located far posterior to the sacrum, lateral to the postsacral (= caudal) vertebral column, which is reduced to a single rod-like element called the urostyle. This situation in the adult is strikingly different not only from that in ancestral temnospondyls but also in other modern amphibians. Because there is no fossil that would document this evolutionary anatomical modification except for Triadobatrachus, the only data may be inferred from development in modern anurans. We chose seven anuran species (belonging to the genera Discoglossus, Bombina, Pelobates, Bufo, Rana and Xenopus), representing the principal locomotory types (saltation, swimming, crawling and burrowing). Development of the pelvic girdle was studied on cleared and stained whole mounts and partly on serial histological sections. The basic developmental pattern was similar in all species: the pelvis on both sides develops from two centres (puboischiadic and iliac, respectively). The ilium then extends vertically towards the sacral vertebra and later rotates posteriorly so that ultimately the acetabulum is lateral to the tail (= urostyle). Only minor deviations from this pattern were found, mainly associated with differences in water and terrestrial dwelling

    Transformation of the pectoral girdle in the evolutionary origin of frogs: insights from the primitive anuran Discoglossus

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    Using cleared-and-stained whole mounts and computer-aided three-dimensional reconstructions made from serial histological sections, we studied the development of the pectoral girdle in Discoglossus pictus, an extant member of an ancient frog lineage, represented for example by Eodiscoglossus from the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous periods in Europe. Basic developmental features were compared with those of extinct Temnospondyli, considered to be the most probable anuran ancestors, and with Triadobatrachus, an early Triassic proanuran. In the endochondral girdle, the separate scapula and coracoid of Discoglossus and other anurans (completed by suprascapular and procoracoid cartilages) evolved from the compact scapulocoracoid of temnospondyls by paedomorphosis. In parallel, the dermal ossifications of the girdle were reduced to a small clavicle and cleithrum. The overall reduction in ossification of the anuran pectoral girdle supports the hypothesis of a paedomorphic origin for Anura. The almost simultaneous appearance of dermal and endochondral ossifications may be explained by the accumulation of developmental events during a short, distinct metamorphosis (which did not occur in neotenic temnospondyls living permanently in water). The sternal elements seem to be neomorphs for the most part, which help to cushion the shock of landing in jumping anurans but which also evolved as functional substitutes (insertion area for the pectoralis muscles) of the temnospondyl interclavicle