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13 research outputs found
Visions for the North Sea: The Societal Dilemma Behind Specifying Good Environmental Status
A Ansell
A Beaujon
+67Â more
A McQuatters-Gollop
A McQuatters-Gollop
AAW Hubrecht
Abigail McQuatters-Gollop
AD Rijnsdorp
AD Rijnsdorp
AD Rijnsdorp
AJ Gilbert
Alison J. Gilbert
B Dauwe
B Fisher
C Hily
C Lancelot
C Pelejero
C Roberts
CGN Vooys De
CLJ Frid
CM Duarte
DP French McCay
F Gazeau
FH Nichols
G Russell
GC Cadée
GC Cadée
GH Engelhard
GL Fahnenstiel
H Rumohr
HM Tillin
HT Odum
I Kröncke
JA Dunne
Jan Vermaat
JBC Jackson
JE Cloern
JE Duffy
JE Vermaat
JM Levine
JS Collie
JT Christensen
JW Collins
K Weston
Laurence Mee
LD Mee
M HĂ©rubel
MB Borsje
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
MJ Kaiser
MJ Kaiser
MR Heath
MT Mageau
Olivia Langmead
P Tett
PG Rodhouse
R Callaway
R Costanza
RM Cook
SG Bolam
SJ Groot De
SJ Hall
TG O’Higgins
TJ Stohlgren
TW Stewart
W Garstang
W Raaphorst Van
Y Artioli
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Large-Scale Spatial Dynamics of Intertidal Mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) Bed Coverage in the German and Dutch Wadden Sea
A Brinkman
A Getis
+84Â more
A Metaxas
A Pulfrich
A Wehrmann
AM Knights
BL Bayne
BL Bayne
BM Bolker
C Buschbaum
C McQuaid
C White
Catharina J. M. Philippart
CGN Vooys de
CJM Philippart
CJM Philippart
D Kraft
D McGrath
DJ Murdoch
E Ranta
E Young
E Zee van der
Eelke O. Folmer
EF Young
EJ Pebesma
F Fey
G Nehls
G Nehls
G Thorson
GC Cadée
Gerald Millat
H Andresen
H Asmus
H BĂĽttger
H Ridderinkhof
Heike BĂĽttger
HM Aken van
HS Carson
HW Veer van der
J Koppel van de
J Koppel van de
J Meer van der
J Staneva
J Widdows
Jan Drent
JEE Beusekom van
Jeroen Jansen
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJA Donker
JK Ord
JL Gutiérrez
JR Watson
JW Blok de
K Reise
K Reise
K Troost
Karin Troost
KP Burnham
KS Dijkema
LA Levin
M Caley
M Gilg
M Herlyn
M Strasser
M Strasser
M Strasser
Marc Herlyn
Marnix van Stralen
Norbert Dankers
ON Bjørnstad
P Kamermans
P Möller
P Turchin
PJ Bickel
PJ Honkoop
R Bivand
R Callaway
RM Asmus
T Royama
W Hammond
W Raaphorst van
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Patterns of organic osmolytes in two marine bivalves, Macoma balthica, and Mytilus spp., along their European distribution
A Sanjuan
A Sanjuan
+48Â more
A Sokolowski
A Zwaan De
Anke Gerber
B Jagnow
B Smietanka
C Riginos
CGN Vooys De
CGN Vooys De
CGN Vooys De
D Schiedek
Doris Schiedek
E Gosling
EM Goolish
H Hummel
H Theede
Jeroen M. Jansen
JH McDonald
JPA Gardner
JPA Gardner
JR Welborn
JS Bishop
JW Qiu
KW Peng
LE Deaton
M Blank
ML Koenig
O Matsushima
P Goeij De
PC Luttikhuizen
PH Yancey
R Gilles
R HĂĽlsmann
R Seed
R Vaeinoelae
R Vaeinoelae
RK Koehn
RM Baginski
RP Henry
Sandra Kube
SE Matson
SE Shumway
SH Bishop
SK Pierce
SK Pierce
SK Pierce
VT Wiedmeyer
W Zurburg
WD Dupaul
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Die verschwommene Zukunft der Nordseewatten
A Führböter
A Führböter
+20Â more
A Taubert
C Hartog den
CGN Vooys de
G Frels
GC Cadée
GP Hekstra
J Ehlers
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
K Reise
K Reise
K Reise
KS Dijkema
R Misdorp
RH Green
TH Pearson
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Recovery after anaerobic metabolism in the leech (Hirudo medicinalis L.)
A Wollenberger
A Zwaan De
+30Â more
C Womersley
CF Heereid
CGN Vooys De
E Hipp
E Rajakylä
E Zebe
G Kamp
G Schroff
G Wegener
HO Pörtner
HO Pörtner
HU Bergmeyer
I Hardewig
I Zerbst-Boroffka
J Seuss
J Seuss
JP Hildebrandt
JP Hildebrandt
KH Hoffmann
KH Hoffmann
TJ Mustafa
U Hoeger
U Schöttler
U Schöttler
V Putzer
V Putzer
W Zurburg
WR Ellington
WR Ellington
Y Robin
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Anoxia and freezing exposures stimulate covalent modification of enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in Littorina littorea
A Zwaan de
A Zwaan de
+30Â more
AV Aarset
B Michaelidis
CGN Vooys De
DA Holwerda
DJ Murphy
DJ Murphy
DR Livingstone
I Vaquez-Baanante
JF Seibenaller
JH Klutymans
JM Shick
JW Kanwisher
KB Storey
KB Storey
KB Storey
P Cohen
P Famme
PA Gabbott
PA Gabbott
RE Whitwam
RE Whitwam
RE Whitwan
RHM Ebberink
SH Loomis
SPJ Brooks
SPJ Brooks
TA Woodford
W Wieser
WC Plaxton
WC Plaxton
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Changes in Coastal Zone Ecosystems
A Conversi
A Corten
+35Â more
AB Josefson
AH Taylor
AP Oost
B Tunberg
C Swennen
CC Ebbesmeyer
CGN Vooys De
CJM Philippart
DJ Southwood
G Hempel
GC Cadée
H-T ten
I Kröncke
J Pike
J-M Fromentin
JB Buchanan
JD Haigh
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JJ Beukema
JS Gray
MV Angel
NJ Aebischer
P Francour
R Witbaard
SA Gerlach
T Johannessen
T Kawasaki
U Franke
W Hickel
W Silvert
WJ Burroughs
Y Kim
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The historical ecology and demise of the iconic Angelshark Squatina squatina in the southern North Sea
AD Rijnsdorp
AD Rijnsdorp
+42Â more
AD Rijnsdorp
AL Perry
C Capapé
C Sguotti
CA Ward-Paige
CGN de Vooys
CM Vooren
CML Popta
D Jiménez-Alvarado
D Pauly
DA Ebert
DC Brinkhuizen
DT Quigley
F Creutzberg
FP Bennema
FT Francis
GH Engelhard
HJL Heessen
HK Lotze
I Giovos
JBC Jackson
JG Hiddink
JH Barrett
JK Baum
JM Lawson
KR Adams
L Compagno
M Poll
ME Mann
MJ Genner
N Anslijn
N Hammerschlag
P Dalzell
P Henderson
R Froese
S Shephard
SI Rogers
T Fortibuoni
V Christensen
W Garstang
W Yarrell
WJ Wolff
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Experimental trials on the feasibility of offshore seed production of the mussel Mytilus edulis in the German Bight: Installation, technical requirements and environmenetal conditions
A Metaxas
B Bodungen von
+50Â more
Bela Hieronymus Buck
BH Buck
BH Buck
BH Buck
CGN Vooys de
CJ Bridger
DJ Hamilton
DJ Wildish
DJ Wildish
E Gosling
E Lande
EF Young
G Becker
G Sara
GH Leonard
HM Page
J Brown
J Cáceres-MartĂnez
J Ehlers
J Widdows
JH Wilson
JP Ducrotoy
LA Dahle
LLD Gruffydd
MNL Seaman
N Chaitanawisuti
N Kautsky
N Kautsky
O Klepper
OG Bos
P Dolmer
P Garen
P Tortell
PC Almade-Villela
PC Almade-Villela
PG Rodhouse
PS Kristensen
R Langan
R Rosenberg
R Seed
R Seed
R Seed
RW Hickman
RW Hickman
RW Hickman
SB Yamada
SV Dobretsov
TBH Reusch
W Hagena
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Electronic Publication Information Center
Observations on recent mass mortality events of marine mussels in the Oosterschelde, the Netherlands
A Benabdelmouna
A Benabdelmouna
+41Â more
A Hawkins
AC Alfaro
AC Smaal
AL Mallet
B Boussaid
B Myrand
B Myrand
CGN de Vooys
CJM Philippart
D Burdon
DM Lowe
E Oden
EAV Burioli
ES McGurk
GK Reid
H Pieters
J Fearman
JM Jansen
JR Ward
KD Lafferty
L DĂ©gremont
L Jiang
L Peperzak
L Rogers-Bennett
M Auffret
M Charles
M Charles
N Delorme
NJ Morley
P Korringa
R Elston
R Tremblay
SB Fey
SE Shumway
SM Bower
T Gjedrem
T Kijewski
T Perez
TC Prins
U MĂĽren
VB Solomieu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text