16 research outputs found

    Quantifying the role and value of chemical looping combustion in future electricity systems via a retrosynthetic approach

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    Carbon capture and sequestration of CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels in thermal power plants is expected to be important in the mitigation of climate change. Deployment however falls far short of what is required. A key barrier is the perception by developers and investors that these technologies are too inefficient, expensive and risky. To address these issues, we have developed a novel retrosynthetic approach to evaluate technologies and their design based on the demands of the system in which they would operate. We have applied it to chemical looping combustion (CLC), a promising technology, which enables carbon dioxide emissions to be inherently captured from the combustion of fossil fuels. Our approach has provided unique insight into the potential role and value of different CLC variants in future electricity systems and the likely impact of their integration on the optimal capacity mix, the operational and system cost, and dispatch patterns. The three variants investigated could all provide significant value by reducing the total investment and operational cost of a future electricity system. The minimisation of capital cost appears to be key for the attractiveness of CLC, rather than other factors such as higher efficiency or lower oxygen carrier costs

    The EV-olution of the power system: a spatio-temporal optimisation model to investigate the impact of electric vehicle deployment

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    Power system models have become an essential part of strategic planning and decision-making in the energy transition. While techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated and manifold, the ability to incorporate high resolution in space and time with long-term planning is limited. We introduce ESONE, the Spatially granular Electricity Systems Optimisation model. ESONE is a mixed-integer linear program, determining investment in power system generation and transmission infrastructure while simultaneously optimising operational schedule and optimal power flow on an hourly basis. Unique data clustering combined with model decomposition and an iterative solution procedure enable computational tractability. We showcase the capabilities of the ESONE model by applying it to the power system of Great Britain under CO2 emissions reduction targets. We investigate the effects of a spatially distributed large-scale roll-out of electric vehicles (EVs). We find EV demand profiles correlate well with offshore and onshore wind power production, reducing curtailment and boosting generation. Time-of-use-tariffs for EV charging can further reduce power supply and transmission infrastructure requirements. In general, Great Britain’s electricity system absorbs additional demand from ambitious deployment of EVs without substantial changes to system design

    The role of CSF1R-dependent macrophages in control of the intestinal stem cell niche

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    Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) controls the growth and differentiation of macrophages.CSF1R signaling has been implicated in the maintenance of the intestinal stem cell niche and differentiation of Paneth cells, but evidence of expression of CSF1R within the crypt is equivocal. Here we show that CSF1R-dependent macrophages influence intestinal epithelial differentiation and homeostasis. In the intestinal lamina propria CSF1R mRNA expression is restricted to macrophages which are intimately associated with the crypt epithelium, and is undetectable in Paneth cells. Macrophage ablation following CSF1R blockade affects Paneth cell differentiation and leads to a reduction of Lgr5 intestinal stem cells. The disturbances to the crypt caused by macrophage depletion adversely affect the subsequent differentiation of intestinal epithelial cell lineages. Goblet cell density is enhanced, whereas the development of M cells in Peyer's patches is impeded. We suggest that modification of the phenotype or abundance of macrophages in the gut wall alters the development of the intestinal epithelium and the ability to sample gut antigens

    Impact of myopic decision-making and disruptive events in power systems planning

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    The delayed deployment of low-carbon energy technologies is impeding energy system decarbonization. The continuing debate about the cost-competitiveness of low-carbon technologies has led to a strategy of waiting for a ‘unicorn technology’ to appear. Here, we show that myopic strategies that rely on the eventual manifestation of a unicorn technology result in either an oversized and underutilized power system when decarbonization objectives are achieved, or one that is far from being decarbonized, even if the unicorn technology becomes available. Under perfect foresight, disruptive technology innovation can reduce total system cost by 13%. However, a strategy of waiting for a unicorn technology that never appears could result in 61% higher cumulative total system cost by mid-century compared to deploying currently available low-carbon technologies early on

    Quantifying the role and value of chemical looping combustion in future electricity systems via a retrosynthetic approach

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    Carbon capture and sequestration of CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels in thermal power plants is expected to be important in the mitigation of climate change. Deployment however falls far short of what is required. A key barrier is the perception by developers and investors that these technologies are too inefficient, expensive and risky. To address these issues, we have developed a novel retrosynthetic approach to evaluate technologies and their design based on the demands of the system in which they would operate. We have applied it to chemical looping combustion (CLC), a promising technology, which enables carbon dioxide emissions to be inherently captured from the combustion of fossil fuels. Our approach has provided unique insight into the potential role and value of different CLC variants in future electricity systems and the likely impact of their integration on the optimal capacity mix, the operational and system cost, and dispatch patterns. The three variants investigated could all provide significant value by reducing the total investment and operational cost of a future electricity system. The minimisation of capital cost appears to be key for the attractiveness of CLC, rather than other factors such as higher efficiency or lower oxygen carrier costs