16 research outputs found
Ultrasonographic technique and appearance of adrenal gland in neonatal foals: a pilot study
Abnormal adrenal activity is involved in several neonatal diseases. Objectives of this pilot study were to assess the feasibility to investigate the adrenal gland in neonatal foals using the sonographic technique and to describe the ultrasonographic appearance. Eighteen neonatal foals less than 10 days of age were included in this study. Adrenal gland ultrasound was performed with a transcutaneous abdominal approach; anatomic localization, shape, and appearance were recorded. The right and left adrenal glands were located medial and cranial to kidney's hilus, between kidney and the caudal vena cava and ventral to the aorta, respectively. The right had a peanut shape in the majority; the left varied from crescent to oval-elliptic shapes. Ultrasonographically, the cortex (hypoechogenic) was well differentiated from the medulla (echogenic), except in three foals. Adrenal glands can be assessed consistently using abdominal ultrasonography in foals
Horner's syndrome associated to disseminated thoracic melanoma in a lipizzaner horse
A20-year-oldgeldingLipizzanerhorsewas referredforonsetofprofusesweating andincreased
heat on the right side of the head, neck, and thoracic limb. On physical examination, the horse
presented tachycardia, muffled heart sounds with a pansystolic murmur, and signs of heart
failure such as ventral edema, jugular distention, and pulsation. Ultrasonography examination
revealed a bilateral pleural effusion and a large intrathoracicmass extending into the anterior
mediastinum, which shifted the heart dorsocaudally. Thoracocentesis revealed serosanguineous
fluid indicative of a melanocytic tumor. Thoracoscopy revealed a large dark mass
extending into and filling the cranioventralmediastinum. Themass appearancewas consistent
with amelanoma, and because prognosis was poor, the owner elected euthanasia. A necropsy
supported the presence of disseminatedmelanomaswith a greater thoracicmass involving the
right cervicothoracic ganglion, leading to clinical signs of sympathetic denervation
Artrite settica nel puledro: valutazione di alcunitra i fattori che influenzano esito e prognosie confronto di diverse strategie di trattamento
L’artrite settica nel puledro è una patologia frequente
e grave, che può comprometterne in alcuni
casi la stessa sopravvivenza. Si sviluppa in
genere in associazione ad altre condizioni patologiche
che consentono una diffusione per via
ematogena di batteri e la loro conseguente localizzazione
a livello articolare. L’esito dipende
strettamente dalla rapidità con cui si riesce ad
effettuare una diagnosi e ad impostare un’opportuna
terapia, dal tipo di terapia, dalla gravitÃ
della condizione e dal grado di compromissione
sistemica del soggetto. Diverse sono le strategie
di trattamento attuabili, ma quelle che
prevedono l’esecuzione di lavaggi articolari e
somministrazioni locali di antibiotici specifici
sembrano avere maggior successo
Is there a statistical correlation between ultrasonographic findings and definitive diagnosis in horses with acute abdominal pain?
Abdominal ultrasonography has
become a part of the diagnostic investigation for the acute
abdomen in many equine clinics. There is limited information
on the correlation between abnormalities detected on
abdominal ultrasonography and the specific category of small
intestine (SI) and large intestine (LI) diseases.
Objectives: To investigate the relationship between abdominal
ultrasonographic findings and disease categories that cause
abdominal pain requiring surgery.
Methods: Medical records were reviewed for horses
undergoing surgery or post mortem examination for colic.
The ultrasound examination was performed to assess free
peritoneal fluid, the left kidney, stomach, appearance and
motility of the duodenum, identification, appearance,
motility and thickness of small intestine loops, and the
appearance and motility of the colon. Logistic regression
analysis was used to identify associations between disease
categories and ultrasonographic findings; a Chi-squared test
was used to test for associations between each variable and
disease categories.
Results: The study included 158 horses. Distended and
nonmotile SI loops were associated with strangulated
obstruction (n = 45); increased free peritoneal fluid,
completely distended SI loops with abnormal motility and
thickened loops were associated with definitive diagnosis
involving SI (n = 58). Failure to visualise the left kidney was
associated with renosplenic entrapment (n = 16); thickened
large colon (LC) was associated with LC strangulating
volvulus (n = 9).
Conclusion: The use of abdominal ultrasonography can be
used for the accurate definitive diagnosis involving SI and
LI diseases.
Potential relevance: This retrospective study may be used as a
basis for prospective studies to assess the ultrasonographic
findings in horses with medical colic and to compare these
with surgical findings
Sedazione profonda per chirurgie in stazione quadrupedale nel cavallo: due protocolli a confronto
In order to avoid the high risk of general anaesthesia, surgical or diagnostic procedures should be performed in the standing sedated horse, whenever feasible. Romifidine, xylazine and detomidine are alpha2-agonists frequently administered to restrain horses for clinical
management. For longer sedation they often need to be administered repeatedly, resulting in possible major cardiovascular compromise and ataxia. The present study aim to compare two continuous infusion regimens for detomidine and romifidine, administered to induce a steady state plasma concentration to provide deep, safe and stable sedation in 77 standing horses undergoing elective surgery
Efficacia della Xilaxina nell'analgesia intrarticolare post-operatoria nel cavallo
Visto il crescente impiego della chirurgia artroscopica anche in medicina veterinaria e l'interesse per la ricerca di tecniche analgesiche di facile applicabilità ed efficacia, è stato indagato l'impiego intrarticolare di farmaci analgesici in cavalli sottoposti a chirurgia artroscopica. Sulla base di studi in medicina umana è stata valutata l'efficacia di alfa-2 agonisti rispetto al più comune utilizzo di oppioidi
La Tomografia Computerizzata per la valutazione di alcune patologie della testa in 11 cavalli. Computed tomography for evaluation of some head diseases in 11 horses
Negli ultimi 15 anni si è andato progressivamente diffondendo l’utilizzo della Tomografia Computerizzata (TC) come mezzo
diagnostico nelle patologie della testa del cavallo. La TC in questa specie è stata ampiamente utilizzata per la diagnosi di
patologie a carico del sistema nervoso centrale, del sistema endocrino, delle arcate dentarie, dei seni paranasali, del setto
nasale, dell’articolazione temporo-mandibolare, dell’articolazione temporo-ioidea e di fratture maxillo-facciali e della scatola
cranica. Grazie alla sua capacità intrinseca di fornire sezioni di parti anatomiche senza sovrapposizioni la TC permette di
rilevare alterazioni ossee e dei tessuti molli non sempre individuabili radiograficamente e non accessibili con l’esame ecografico.
Lo scopo di questo studio retrospettivo è quello di descrivere gli aspetti tomografici riscontrati in 11 cavalli di razza,
sesso ed età differenti, sottoposti a TC per diverse patologie a carico della testa, e di illustrare in quali situazioni può essere
indicato questo esame diagnostico. Tutte le immagini sono state ottenute impiegando una TC spirale di quarta generazione
con i pazienti mantenuti in anestesia generale. In 5 cavalli, 2 con frattura del basisfenoide-basioccipitale, 1 con massa
retrobulbare, 1 con ciste della conca dorsale e seno conco-frontale e 1 con interessamento del setto nasale, la TC si è rivelata
indispensabile per formulare la diagnosi. In 3 casi, tutti presentanti tumori di origine odontogena, questo esame ha
consentito l’esatta valutazione dell’estensione delle neoplasie e il grado di coinvolgimento dei tessuti molli circostanti, elementi
indispensabili per la programmazione degli interventi chirurgici. Infine, in 3 casi, 2 con sospetta epilessia benigna del
puledro arabo ed una sospetta neurite del nervo ottico, la TC ha permesso di escludere la presenza di alterazioni delle
strutture ossee della scatola cranica e di lesioni occupanti spazio della stessa. La TC si è dimostrata uno strumento diagnostico
estremamente utile, in grado di fornire importanti informazioni per la determinazione del tipo di trattamento a cui
sottoporre i pazienti. È da sottolineare comunque che anche la TC, come gli altri mezzi diagnostici, presenta degli svantaggi
e delle limitazioni, come la necessità di dover porre il paziente in anestesia generale e la ridotta sensibilità nei confronti
di alterazioni parenchimatose del sistema nervoso centrale
Evaluation of transabdominal ultrasound as a tool for predicting the success of abdominocentesis in horses
The aim of this study was to evaluate the transabdominal ultrasonography as a tool for predicting the success of abdominocentesis in horses. Patients were included in the study if a complete transabdominal ultrasonography examination and abdominocentesis were performed as part of the clinical work-up. Ultrasonographically, the amount of peritoneal fluid was assessed using a 4-point grading system, as well as the amount of peritoneal fluid collected. A χ2 or Fischer exact test was performed to test for an association between the ultrasonography findings and fluid retrieved, and between the two grading scales. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement values were calculated using k statistics. Values of P<0.05 were considered significant; 109 horses met the inclusion criteria. Peritoneal fluid was identified ultrasonographically in 72 per cent of horses, and it was collected from 93 per cent of these cases. In horses with no peritoneal fluid identified at ultrasonography (28 per
cent), fluid was collected in 70 per cent of cases. There is a significant association between transabdominal ultrasonography detection of peritoneal fluid and the likelihood to obtain a diagnostic amount of peritoneal fluid at abdominocentesis; however, even when peritoneal fluid is not detected during abdominal ultrasonography examination, an amount of peritoneal fluid useful for gross, clinicopathological and cytological evaluation can frequently be obtained
Uso dell’ecografia in corso di sindrome colica nel cavallo: studio retrospettivo su 158 casi chirurgici
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of abdominal
ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in colic horses requiring surgery. Left kidney,
stomach, duodenum, loops of the small intestine (SI), large colon (LC) and amount of
peritoneal fluid were assessed. One hundred fifty-eight horses with signs of acute
abdomen were included. The results support previous data obtained for definitive
diagnosis involving SI, in particular strangulating obstruction, and strangulating LC
volvulus. Thickened wall loops may be present in horses with obstruction,
intussusception, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Ultrasound examination is very
sensitive for renosplenic entrapment. Large colon should be carefully evaluated since LC
lesions could represent the primary disease even if abnormal SI loops are identified