61 research outputs found

    Management of Repeat Breeding Syndrome in Cows

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    The aims of this study were to identify the status of repeat breeding syndrome (RBS) in a dairy farm, to establish the main cause of RBS and to reduce the number of RBS using the Ovsynch protocol. 20 cows were diagnosed with RBS using computer analysis of the herd and a specific diagnosis for the cause of RBS was attempted. Subsequently, they were divided into 2 groups: cows in group 1 (n=10) received no hormonal treatment while those in group 2 (n=10) were treated using the Ovsynch protocol. Artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis was performed in all cows. The 70% pregnancy rate obtained for Ovsynch showed that the hormonal effect as well as correct timing of insemination had a significant influence on RBS, pointing out towards the managerial factor as one of the main causes of RBS. The cow factor was also included, as endometritis, follicular cysts and anovulatory heats were diagnosed

    Application of estrus synchronization and artificial insemination during the reproductive season in goats

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    The aim of this paper was to test the effectiveness of an estrus synchronization method during the reproductive season in goats kept under extensive conditions as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of natural breeding versus artificial insemination with freshly collected and diluted semen. Estrus synchronization was performed using 2 successive administrations of PGF2alpha in 20 cycling does. Next, 2 groups of 10 does and 2 fertile bucks each were randomly created. In group 1 the females were naturally covered by the two bucks, as soon as heats were expressed. In group 2 semen was collected from the two bucks by electroejaculation, diluted using an original extender based on skimmed milk and artificial insemination was performed. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed in all females using ultrasounds and all pregnancies were monitored until full term. Thus, after performing estrus synchronization followed by natural breeding or artificial insemination in the two experimental groups, the following reproductive indices were obtained: group 1: conception rate 80% and prolificity 170%; group 2: conception 90% and prolificity 220%. The two biotechnologies - estrus synchronization and artificial insemination - are thus complementary, with a major advantage resulting from grouped parturitions, which fully justifies their use in goats breeding

    Study of semen parameters in captive brown bears (Ursus arctos)

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    As the Carpathian brown bear still represents one of the biggest populations of bears across Europe, the study of its semen parameters as well as cryopreservation can help advancing the research regarding conservation of genetic diversity for the endangered sub-species of European brown bear. The aim of this paper was to study the parameters of the Carpathian brown bear semen and to attempt its liquid storage at 4°C. The study was performed on two bears, one belonging to the Turda zoo and another to the Libearty bear sanctuary in Zarnesti. We obtained one sample of semen by electro-ejaculation from an 18 years old captive brown bear from the Turda zoo, while the Libearty bear sanctuary provided us with a pair of testicles from a 2.2 years old male, from which we obtained semen by retrograde flushing of the epididymis. We analyzed those samples in 2 different extenders, before and after 24h refrigeration, using the CASA system for concentration and motility and the flow-cytometer for viability. The results showed that semen obtained by electro-ejaculation had good motility, which decreased after 24h of refrigeration, while viability was adequately maintained. The epididymal extraction also provided semen with high motility and viability, but liquid storage at 4°C was unsuccessful. This study is just a beginning, as it needs to be further continued, in order to reach the goal of creating a sperm bank for the Carpathian brown bear and offer new data that could help the preservation of endangered populations of other European brown bears