14 research outputs found
Elevated levels of serum type I collagen C-telopeptide in patients with rapidly destructive osteoarthritis of the hip
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Preliminary experiments on resource competition between a migrating and a non-migrating clone of the hybrid D. galeata × hyalina
- Author
- A Seitz
- BJG Flik
- C Guisande
- CE Williamson
- CEE Goulden
- CEE Goulden
- E Gool Van
- EL Enserink
- G Milbrink
- GH Johnsen
- H Stibor
- HJ Maclsaac
- I Tátrai
- J Bengtsson
- J Jacobs
- J Macháček
- J Macháček
- J Macháček
- J Ringelberg
- J Ringelberg
- JD Allan
- JM Loaring
- L Meester De
- L Meester De
- LJ Weider
- LJ Weider
- MA Mort
- N Perrin
- P Spaak
- P Spaak
- P Spaak
- PC Schulze
- RRL Guillard
- T Reede
- T Reede
- T Reede
- V Matveev
- W Lampert
- WR DeMott
- YE Romanovsky
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Health education program improves QOL in students with irritable bowel syndrome after the Wenchuan earthquake: a five-year multi-center study
- Author
- A Mykletun
- CE Flik
- D DA
- DA Andrae
- DA Drossman
- Dai-Wen He
- DL Patrick
- G Liegl
- G Ringström
- GJ Holtmann
- H Edebol-Carlman
- H LI
- HF Hsueh
- HS Cho
- Hui Gong
- Jing Wu
- K Boersma
- KT Laird
- L Saha
- Li-Li Wang
- M Camilleri
- M Mahvi-Shirazi
- M Mazaheri
- M Williams
- MJ Schmulson
- NC Suares
- P Hu
- Qiang Zhang
- R Wang
- S Khan
- S Zheng
- Shi-Cheng Zheng
- SK Padhy
- Xue-Fen Liao
- Yi-Ping Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Self-help guidebook improved quality of life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
- Author
- A Ahl
- A Kennedy
- A Robinson
- A Rogers
- AG Barnett
- Anne Kennedy
- Antonius Schneider
- B Löwe
- B Löwe
- Bernhard Haller
- C Canavan
- C Rathert
- CE Flik
- E Boger
- E Donnachie
- E Grodzinsky
- G Elwyn
- G Hauser
- GF Longstreth
- J Schwille-Kiuntke
- Jessica Bungartz-Catak
- Johanna Bobardt
- John Green
- K Kroenke
- KA Gwee
- MC Jones
- MF Stanculete
- O Chassany
- Oxana Atmann
- P Enck
- P Layer
- Paul Enck
- S Elsenbruch
- S Wessely
- SA Muller-Lissner
- SC Bischoff
- SD Dorn
- SD Dorn
- Stefanie Rosenberger
- TJ Kaptchuk
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dietary geraniol ameliorates intestinal dysbiosis and relieves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome patients: a pilot study
- Author
- A Lapczynski
- A Thompson
- Antonietta Comparone
- AQ Khan
- AV Turina
- B Pavan
- C Canavan
- C Darkoh
- CE Flik
- Chiara Ricci
- D Currò
- D Thapa
- DA Drossman
- E Malinen
- ED Sonnenburg
- Elena Cavazza
- Elisabetta Giovanardi
- Enzo Spisni
- EO Oviedo-Rondón
- F Solorzano-Santos
- Fernando Rizzello
- FR Ponziani
- HM Staudacher
- HN Liu
- IB Jeffery
- JL Buono
- K Medicherla
- KB Holten
- KR Rekha
- KS Swanson
- L Fazio De
- L Saha
- Luigia De Fazio
- M Bashashati
- M Rajilić-Stojanović
- Marco Candela
- Maria Chiara Valerii
- Massimo Campieri
- Michela Scandella
- R Pasqua Di
- RC Edgar
- S Maccaferri
- S Turroni
- Silvia Turroni
- SM Collins
- T Bai
- TG Dinan
- Y Bhattarai
- Y Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for the Management of Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Author
- A Labanski
- AC Ford
- AN Ananthakrishnan
- AS van Peski-Oosterbaan
- B Ljotsson
- B Ljotsson
- B Ljotsson
- C Li
- CE Flik
- DJ Gracie
- E Jonsbu
- EA Mayer
- EB Blanchard
- EL Calvert
- G Molina-Torres
- G Moser
- H Everitt
- H Jones
- H Person
- HA Everitt
- HA Everitt
- I Aziz
- I Klimes
- I Masuy
- JL Kiebles
- JM Lackner
- JM Lackner
- JM Lackner
- K Tillisch
- KT Laird
- KT Laird
- L Keefer
- L Keefer
- L Van Oudenhove
- M Durazzo
- M Orive
- MB Lowen
- ME Riehl
- ME Riehl
- OS Palsson
- OS Palsson
- P Spinhoven
- P Tyrer
- PC Konturek
- PJ Whorwell
- R Moss-Morris
- RA Mayou
- SC Ng
- SW Kinsinger
- T Surdea-Blaga
- TG Dinan
- TT Haug
- V Miller
- WM Gonsalkorale
- Y Sun
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pelvic Trauma and the Pregnant Patient: a Review of Physiology, Treatment Risks, and Options
- Author
- A Lucia
- A Prokop
- A Walfisch
- AC McLaren
- AJ Shah
- B Hayes
- CE Copeland
- CH Peckham
- CM Oxford
- CS Kovacs
- D El-Kady
- D Kady El-
- D Trichopolous
- DP Kissinger
- DS Radvinsky
- ES Steinberg
- G Almog
- GA Timberlake
- H Mendez-Figueroa
- HA Vallier
- HC Pape
- HT Cheng
- IA Greer
- J Ali
- J Fildes
- JK Timins
- JL Matzon
- JM Matta
- JN Yamazaki
- K Flik
- KL Mattox
- KS Toppenberg
- L Brateman
- LF Amorosa
- LJ Matthews
- LK Cannada
- M Baethmann
- M Bhandari
- M Velde Van De
- MC Chames
- MD Pearlman
- MD Pearlman
- ML Busam
- ML McCarthy
- MT Gilles
- MV Muench
- P Bapat
- P Pettrone
- PM Osborn
- R Cohen-Kerem
- RE Leggon
- RL Goldenberg
- SE Porter
- SM Bates
- TJ Esposito
- V Jain
- V Katz
- VL Katz
- WM Crosby
- Y Bentur
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Technische Informatik
- Author
- A Goldberg
- AM Lister
- AN Habermann
- AS Tanenbaum
- AV Aho
- AV Aho
- AV Oppenheim
- AV Pohm
- AV Pohm
- B Buchberger
- B Elspas
- B Stroustrup
- BW Kemighan
- BW Kemighan
- BW Kernighan
- C Ghezzi
- C Mead
- C Mead
- CE Mackenzie
- D Hilbert
- D Swinehart
- D Tabak
- D. T. Ross
- DA Protopapas
- DA Protopapas
- DE Knuth
- DE Knuth
- DE Knuth
- DE Knuth
- DE Knuth
- DE Knuth
- DE White
- DL Parnas
- DP Siewiorek
- E Horowitz
- E Horowitz
- E Yourdon
- E Yourdon
- ER Berger-Damiani
- EW Dijkstra
- EW Dijkstra
- EW Dijkstra
- F Anceau
- F Anceau
- F Giannesini
- F Grund
- F Hillebrand
- FJ Kauffels
- FJ Kauffels
- G Blaschek
- G Blaschek
- G Blaschek
- G Blaschek
- G Haas
- G Jones
- G Oulsnam
- G Pomberger
- G Pomberger
- G Pomberger
- G Pomberger
- G Pomberger
- GJ Myers
- GJ Myers
- H Balzert
- H Balzert
- H Balzert
- H Balzert
- H Balzert
- H Hermes
- H Liebig
- H Liebig
- H Liebig
- H Rohlfrng
- HH Momuth
- HJ Schneider
- HJ Stetter
- HL Hausen
- I Sommerville
- II Multibus
- J Encarnaçao
- J Nievergelt
- J Theus
- JD Foley
- JD Warnier
- JG Barnes
- JG Kemeny
- JL Baer
- JL Baer
- JR Rice
- JW Backus
- JW Hughes
- K Hwang
- K Hwang
- K Jensen
- K Lagemann
- K Mehlhorn
- K Weber
- K Winkler
- KE Iverson
- KJ Schmucker
- L Frevert
- L Preuß
- LF Lind
- LR Marino
- LR Marino
- M Ben-Ari
- M Marcotty
- MA Jackson
- MG Zilahi-Szabo
- MH Halstead
- N Weste
- N Wirth
- N Wirth
- N Wirth
- N Wirth
- O Spaniol
- P Bocker
- P Henderson
- P Horster
- P Hruschka
- P Hruschka
- P Rechenberg
- P Rechenberg
- P Rechenberg
- P Rechenberg
- P Rechenberg
- P Rechenberg
- P Rechenberg
- P Schnupp
- PM Kogge
- R Hahn
- R Hedtke
- R Hoffmann
- R Hoffmann
- R Kimm
- R Kowalski
- R Lauber
- R Sedgewick
- R Sedgewick
- RE Griswold
- RE Matick
- RH Perrot
- RL Kruse
- RL Kruse
- RS Pressman
- RS Wiener
- RW Hamming
- SC Johnson
- SR Bourne
- T. McCabe
- Th Flik
- Th Flik
- TW Pratt
- U Kastens
- van Wijngaarden
- W Effelsberg
- W Elben
- W Giloi
- W Giloi
- W Hesse
- W Sammer
- W Wulf
- WF Clocksin
- WK Giloi
- WK Giloi
- Z Manna
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study