51 research outputs found

    Correlation between HOMO alignment and contact resistance in molecular junctions: Aromatic thiols versus aromatic isocyanides

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    Understanding electron transport in metal−molecule−metal (MMM) junctions is of great importance for the advancement of molecular electronics. Critical factors that determine conductivity in a MMM junction include the nature of metal−molecule contacts and the electronic structure of the molecular backbone. We have studied the electronic transport property and the valence electronic structure on rigid, conjugated oligoacenes of increasing length with either thiol (−S) or isocyanide (−CN) linkers using conducting probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS). We find that for these conjugated systems the Au−CN contact is more resistive than Au−S. The difference in contact resistance correlates with UPS measurements that show the highest-occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the isocyanide series is lower in energy (relative to the Fermi level of Au) than the HOMO of the thiol series, indicating the presence of a higher tunneling barrier at the contact for the isocyanide-linked molecules. By contrast, the difference in the HOMO positions for the two series of molecules does not appear to affect the length dependence of the junction resistance (i.e., the ?? value = 0.5 Å-1)

    Transcutaneous treatment with vetdrop® sustains the adjacent cartilage in a microfracturing joint defect model in sheep

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    The significance of the adjacent cartilage in cartilage defect healing is not yet completely understood. Furthermore, it is unknown if the adjacent cartilage can somehow be influenced into responding after cartilage damage. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether the adjacent cartilage can be better sustained after microfracturing in a cartilage defect model in the stifle joint of sheep using a transcutaneous treatment concept (Vetdrop®). Carprofen and chito-oligosaccharids were added either as single components or as a mixture to a vehicle suspension consisting of a herbal carrier oil in a water-in-oil phase. This mixture was administered onto the skin with the aid of a specific applicator during 6 weeks in 28 sheep, allocated into 6 different groups, that underwent microfracturing surgery either on the left or the right medial femoral condyle. Two groups served as control and were either treated intravenously or sham treated with oxygen only. Sheep were sacrificed and their medial condyle histologically evaluated qualitatively and semi-quantitatively according to 4 different scoring systems (Mankin, ICRS, Little and O’Driscoll). The adjacent cartilage of animals of group 4 treated transcutaneously with vehicle, chito-oligosaccharids and carprofen had better histological scores compared to all the other groups (Mankin 3.3±0.8, ICRS 15.7±0.7, Little 9.0±1.4). Complete defect filling was absent from the transcutaneous treatment groups. The experiment suggests that the adjacent cartilage is susceptible to treatment and that the combination of vehicle, chitooligosaccharids and carprofen may sustain the adjacent cartilage during the recovery period

    Subchondral pre-solidified chitosan/blood implants elicit reproducible early osteochondral wound-repair responses including neutrophil and stromal cell chemotaxis, bone resorption and repair, enhanced repair tissue integration and delayed matrix deposition

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    BACKGROUND: In this study we evaluated a novel approach to guide the bone marrow-driven articular cartilage repair response in skeletally aged rabbits. We hypothesized that dispersed chitosan particles implanted close to the bone marrow degrade in situ in a molecular mass-dependent manner, and attract more stromal cells to the site in aged rabbits compared to the blood clot in untreated controls. METHODS: Three microdrill hole defects, 1.4 mm diameter and 2 mm deep, were created in both knee trochlea of 30 month-old New Zealand White rabbits. Each of 3 isotonic chitosan solutions (150, 40, 10 kDa, 80% degree of deaceylation, with fluorescent chitosan tracer) was mixed with autologous rabbit whole blood, clotted with Tissue Factor to form cylindrical implants, and press-fit in drill holes in the left knee while contralateral holes received Tissue Factor or no treatment. At day 1 or day 21 post-operative, defects were analyzed by micro-computed tomography, histomorphometry and stereology for bone and soft tissue repair. RESULTS: All 3 implants filled the top of defects at day 1 and were partly degraded in situ at 21 days post-operative. All implants attracted neutrophils, osteoclasts and abundant bone marrow-derived stromal cells, stimulated bone resorption followed by new woven bone repair (bone remodeling) and promoted repair tissue-bone integration. 150 kDa chitosan implant was less degraded, and elicited more apoptotic neutrophils and bone resorption than 10 kDa chitosan implant. Drilled controls elicited a poorly integrated fibrous or fibrocartilaginous tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-solidified implants elicit stromal cells and vigorous bone plate remodeling through a phase involving neutrophil chemotaxis. Pre-solidified chitosan implants are tunable by molecular mass, and could be beneficial for augmented marrow stimulation therapy if the recruited stromal cells can progress to bone and cartilage repair