6 research outputs found
Stringent control of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase translocation revealed by multiple intermediate structures
- Author
- A Weixlbaumer
- AE Gorbalenya
- AJ Mccoy
- AJ Sholders
- AL Gnatt
- AT Brunger
- B Shu
- CA Lesburg
- CB Papworth
- D Temiakov
- D Wang
- DL Theobald
- DW Gohara
- E Minskaia
- F Brueckner
- G Zhang
- H Huang
- H Jia
- JQ Wu
- JW Conaway
- JY Kang
- M Imashimizu
- N Komissarova
- OB Peersen
- P Emsley
- P Gong
- P Gong
- P Gong
- PD Adams
- R Guajardo
- RT Batey
- SM Uptain
- T Kouba
- TA Steitz
- VS Anand
- Wei Shi
- X Liu
- Y Li
- YW Yin
- Z Jin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Google Trends and cycles of public interest in biodiversity: the animal spirits effect
- Author
- A Fischer
- A Fischer
- A Troumbis
- AH Maslow
- Andreas Y. Troumbis
- C Perrings
- CB Barrett
- CD Saunders
- D Cohn-Bendit
- D Coondoo
- D Johns
- D Takacs
- DR Richards
- G Ceballos
- G Hofstede
- GA Akerlof
- GF Ficetola
- GR Wilde
- H Choi
- J Farley
- J Ginsberg
- J Gowdy
- J Gupta
- JH Mills
- JM Keynes
- JR Miller
- JY Kim
- K MacDonald
- KE Gangaas
- L Andrew
- L Greenhalgh
- L Kristoufek
- LTP Nghiem
- M Anielski
- M Shellenberger
- MC Nisbet
- MJ Farnworth
- MJ Novacek
- MK Mueller
- ML McCallum
- ML McCallum
- N Silver
- P Jepson
- PH Kriss
- R Proulx
- RK Merton
- S Diaz
- S Dietz
- S Dressel
- S Parks
- S Vermeulen
- SHM Butchart
- SK Papworth
- SM Funk
- T Preis
- W Beatie
- WRL Anderreg
- Y Do
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The hematopoietic regulator, ELF-1, enhances the transcriptional response to Interferon-ÎČ of the OAS1 anti-viral gene
- Author
- AA Tarhini
- AG Hovanessian
- AHH Van Boxel-Dezaire
- AHH Van Boxel-Dezaire
- B Göttgens
- C Papworth
- CB Thompson
- CY Wang
- D OâReilly
- DL Burkhart
- EC Borden
- F Baran-Marszak
- F Uchiumi
- F Uchiumi
- F Uchiumi
- F Uchiumi
- F Uchiumi
- FA Dick
- FJ Calero-Nieto
- G-H Wei
- GA Maston
- GR Stark
- H-J Choi
- I Moraga
- J Boros
- J Boros
- J Van Helden
- JD Dignam
- JF Schlaak
- JG McHutchison
- JM Leiden
- JW Schoggins
- LC Platanias
- M Gunther
- M Thomas-Chollier
- M Thomas-Chollier
- MB Fuertes
- MN Rutherford
- NM Clark
- P Benech
- P Bruggmann
- R Cagliani
- RA Bermel
- RA Rudick
- RL Friedman
- S John
- S Knapp
- S Larsen
- S Mandal
- S Naik
- SH Friend
- T Tamura
- V François-Newton
- X Huang
- Y-T Juang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dealing with non-native species: what makes the difference in South America?
- Author
- A Guézou
- A Novillo
- A Pauchard
- AH Ladio
- AH Ladio
- AJ Novaro
- AW Crosby
- BMH Larson
- C Perrings
- C Quiroz
- CB Anderson
- CS Elton
- D Pimentel
- D Simberloff
- D Simberloff
- D Simberloff
- D Simberloff
- D Simberloff
- DE Grigera
- DF Sax
- DR Paini
- E Estomba
- E SchĂŒttler
- EH Rapoport
- F Sergio
- FM Jaksic
- FM Jaksic
- G Ceballos
- G Decocq
- G Kier
- I Fazey
- IM Parker
- J Carruthers
- JA Iriarte
- JD Fridley
- JJ Ochoa
- JM Pfeirffer
- José L. Tella
- JP Rodriguez
- K Norris
- K Speziale
- Karina L. Speziale
- KL Speziale
- L Coradin
- L Walters
- M Carrete
- M Clavero
- M Clavero
- M Davis
- M VilĂ
- MA Mares
- MA Nuñez
- MA Pascual
- Martina Carrete
- MD Nosetto
- MF Jaksic
- MF Seldin
- N Myers
- P Acevedo
- P PyĆĄek
- PE Hulme
- PM Vitousek
- RN Mack
- S Matthews
- SA Lambertucci
- SA Lambertucci
- Sergio A. Lambertucci
- SK Papworth
- SR Ziller
- TJ Stohlgren
- TR Young
- UP Albuquerque
- WM Lonsdale
- Z Tablado
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prognostic Value of Carbonic Anhydrase IX Immunohistochemical Expression in Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature
- Author
- A de la Taille
- A Di Napoli
- A Driessen
- A Krieg
- A Thiry
- AH Girgis
- AS Parker
- AZ Dudek
- B Soyupak
- BC Leibovich
- BY Zhang
- C Dahinden
- C Pena
- C Potter
- C Xu
- CB Begg
- CW Da
- D Cho
- G Li
- Guixiang Liao
- GX Zhou
- H Koul
- Hequn Zou
- HK Jensen
- HK Jensen
- HL Kim
- HL Kim
- HS Kim
- J Dornbusch
- J Edeline
- J Garcia-Donas
- J Sandlund
- JE Eckel-Passow
- JJ Patard
- JS Lam
- K Papworth
- LC Muriel
- LC Muriel
- M Atkins
- M Brunelli
- M Choschzick
- M de Martino
- M Egger
- M Gigante
- M Ilie
- M Takacova
- M Zerati
- Marianne Koritzinsky
- ME Gore
- MH Bui
- MH Bui
- N Kroeger
- NB Phuoc
- O Shvarts
- PH Maxwell
- R Siegel
- RI McCormick
- RW Joseph
- S Biswas
- S Mocellin
- S Pastorekova
- S Rasmussen
- S Signoretti
- SA Tripodi
- Samitha Fernando
- SH Sim
- Shulu Zhou
- SM Gilbert
- T Dorai
- T Klatte
- T Klatte
- T Klatte
- T Klatte
- TK Choueiri
- W Yu
- X Xing
- Y Zhang
- Yongqiang Li
- Z Jiang
- Zhihong Zhao
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Sri Lankan âMicrolithicâ Tradition c. 38,000 to 3,000Â Years Ago: Tropical Technologies and Adaptations of Homo sapiens at the Southern Edge of Asia
- Author
- A Bahuguna
- A Graham
- AD Ilangakoon
- AG Wintle
- AR Wallace
- B Allchin
- B Allchin
- B Allchin
- B Basak
- B Roy
- B Roy
- B Roy
- B Satyanarayana
- BE Crowley
- BM Holt
- BW Brook
- C Bronk Ramsey
- C Clarkson
- C Gosden
- C Miller
- C Pavlides
- C Shipton
- C Tribolo
- CA Peres
- CB Stringer
- CC Austin
- CG Seligmann
- CG Seligmann
- CG Seligmann
- CG Seligmann
- CJ Bae
- CN Prabhu
- CS Henshilwood
- CVS Gunatilleke
- CW Marean
- D Fuller
- D Hicks
- D Reich
- DP Chakrabarti
- DQ Fuller
- DQ Fuller
- DS Wilkie
- E Cornelissen
- EA Smith
- EA Smith
- EF Kelaart
- EJ Rohling
- EJ Wayland
- F Bossuyt
- F Brock
- F Bulbeck
- F Lewis
- F Lu
- F Noten Van
- FA Reed
- FHR Bezerra
- G Bailey
- G Barker
- G Chaubey
- G Deplazes
- G Driem Van
- G Yu
- GG Vaz
- GJ Prideaux
- GN Bailey
- GN Bailey
- GR Summerhayes
- H Gaussen
- H Parker
- H Rashid
- H Reyes-Centeno
- H Schulz
- HVA James
- HVV Noone
- IAUN Gunatilleke
- IAUN Gunatilleke
- J Carswell
- J Erlandson
- J Fortier
- J Golson
- J Katupotha
- J Kingdon
- J Krigbaum
- J Mercader
- J Pole
- J Refisch
- JA Schulte
- JE Tennant
- JF Eisenberg
- JJ Shea
- JJ Shea
- JM Bowler
- JM Erlandson
- JR Lukacs
- JS Field
- JT Stock
- JWA Dijkmans
- K Douka
- KAR Kennedy
- KAR Kennedy
- KAR Kennedy
- KAR Kennedy
- KAR Kennedy
- KD Morrison
- KL Hutterer
- KM Puvaneswaran
- KS Brown
- L Lewis
- L Ranaweera
- LA Gliganic
- LG Straus
- LG Thompson
- M Ichikawa
- M Igreja
- M Lombard
- M Meegaskumbura
- M Rasmussen
- MA Pemadasa
- MA Smith
- MC Stiner
- MD Bateman
- MD Petraglia
- MI Bird
- Michael Petraglia
- MM Lahr
- MS Ashton
- N Boivin
- N Kourampas
- N Myers
- N Perera
- N Perera
- N Saitou
- Nicole Boivin
- NP Perera
- NR Gunawardene
- P Bellwood
- P Endicott
- P Mellars
- P Sarasin
- P Wang
- PA Colinvaux
- PA Mellars
- Patrick Roberts
- PEP Deraniyagala
- PEP Deraniyagala
- PEP Deraniyagala
- PEP Deraniyagala
- PEP Deraniyagala
- PEP Deraniyagala
- PG Cooray
- PJ Reimer
- PL Koch
- PN Ranasinghe
- PR Chauhan
- ProWildlife
- PS Ashton
- R Bailey
- R Blench
- R Bonnefille
- R Premathilake
- R Premathilake
- R Somadeva
- R Sukumar
- RA Pyron
- RF Ellen
- RF Inger
- RF Nyrop
- RI Silva De
- RJ Illeperuma
- RJ Illeperuma
- RJ Illeperuma
- RJ Rabett
- RL Carneiro
- RT Premathilake
- RT Premathilake
- S Kulatilake
- S Levis
- S McBrearty
- S Mishra
- S Mithen
- S Papworth
- S Rule
- S Somaratne
- SB Kusimba
- SH Ambrose
- SH Ambrose
- SU Deraniyagala
- SU Deraniyagala
- SU Deraniyagala
- SU Deraniyagala
- SW Kotagama
- T Caley
- TC Rick
- TFG Higham
- TFG Higham
- TN Headland
- TNC Vidya
- V Begley
- VN Misra
- W Balée
- W Erdelen
- W Erdelen
- WA Lovis
- WPJ Dittus
- Z Jacobs
- Z Jacobs
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study