5 research outputs found
Administration of Contrast Media
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
Satb2 neurons in the parabrachial nucleus mediate taste perception
- Author
- A Aguero
- A Carleton
- A Hayar
- AC Spector
- AC Spector
- AC Spector
- AM Rosen
- BB Gore
- C-S Li
- CA Campos
- CB Halsell
- CB Saper
- CE Fulwiler
- CH Lemon
- D Zocchi
- DA Yarmolinsky
- DV Smith
- EA Alcamo
- FW Flynn
- G Scalera
- H Ogawa
- J Li
- JC Geerling
- JC Kim
- JD Boughter
- JD Sammons
- JW Biondolillo
- JY Chen
- K Hashimoto
- K Nakamura
- K Tokita
- KC Berridge
- L Wang
- M Sugita
- ME Carter
- ME Carter
- ML Fletcher
- N-C Liang
- O Fu
- PJ Ryan
- PM Di Lorenzo
- RPJ Barretto
- S Han
- SP Hunt
- T Ohkuri
- T Shimura
- T Yamamoto
- T Yamamoto
- T Yamamoto
- T-W Chen
- Y Peng
- Y Treesukosol
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Temporal Characteristics of Gustatory Responses in Rat Parabrachial Neurons Vary by Stimulus and Chemosensitive Neuron Type
- Author
- A Fontanini
- AC Spector
- AM Rosen
- AT Roussin
- AT Roussin
- BA Cross
- BP Halpern
- C Pfaffmann
- CB Halsell
- CE Fulwiler
- CR Legéndy
- DB Katz
- DL Sheinberg
- DV Smith
- E Cubero-Castillo
- H Herbert
- H Nishijo
- H Ogawa
- H Ogawa
- IY Fishman
- JB Travers
- JC Boudreau
- JD Victor
- JE Lisman
- JM Breza
- JR Stapleton
- JY Chen
- JY Chen
- K Scott
- Laura Geran
- LC Geran
- LC Geran
- LM Beidler
- LM Kay
- ME Frank
- ME Frank
- MJ Kim
- MS Weiss
- N Khosravi-Hashemi
- N Khosravi-Hashemi
- N Larson-Powers
- PM Di Lorenzo
- PM Di Lorenzo
- PM Di Lorenzo
- PS Villars
- R Gutierrez
- R Lestienne
- R Norgren
- RF Lundy Jr.
- RF Lundy Jr.
- RM Pangborn
- RN Sachdev
- S Saito
- SP Travers
- SR Laviolette
- Susan Travers
- T Kobayakawa
- TR Scott
- V Danilova
- WR Softky
- Yoshiro Ishimaru
- Z Bujas
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Gustatory Function in the Parabrachial Nuclei: Implications from Lesion Studies in Rats
- Author
- Abies MF
- Aguero A
- Ahern G
- Barry MA
- Bechara A
- Block CH
- Block CH
- Braun JJ
- Braun JJ
- Braun JJ
- Brazier MM
- Breslin PAS
- Brunjes PC
- Cechetto DF
- Cedarbaum JM
- Coffey PJ
- Davidson TL
- Davis BJ
- Davis JD
- Dickman JD
- DiLorenzo PM
- DiLorenzo PM
- Domjan M
- Dunn LT
- Edwards GL
- Fanselow MS
- Finger TE
- Flaherty CF
- Flynn FW
- Flynn FW
- Frank ME
- Frank ME
- Frank ME
- Fulwiler CE
- Gallo
- Garcia J
- Grigson PS
- Grigson PS
- Grigson PS
- Grigson PS
- Grill HJ
- Grill HJ
- Guttman N
- Halsell C B
- Halsell CB
- Hanamori T
- Harada S
- Herbert H
- Herbert H
- Hermann G E
- Herrick JC
- Hill DL
- Ivanova SF
- Ivanova SF
- Jhamandas JH
- Kitamura T
- Koh SD
- Kolesarova D
- Krukoff T L
- Lasiter PS
- Lasiter PS
- Markowska A
- Mehler WR
- Miller IJ
- Miller SD.
- Milner TA
- Moga MM
- Morrison GR
- Morrison GR
- Nachman M
- Nakamura K
- Nakamura K
- Nejad MS
- Nishijo H
- Nishijo H
- Norgren R
- Norgren R
- Norgren R
- Norgren R
- Norgren R.
- Nowlis GH
- Oakley
- Oakley B.
- Ogawa H
- Paulus RA
- Perrotto RS
- Pfaffmann C
- Pfaffmann C
- Rabe EF
- Reilly S.
- Rescorla RA.
- Rhinehardt-Doty JA
- Ricardo JA
- Riley EP
- Rolls ET
- Sakai
- Sakai RR.
- Saper CB
- Scalera G
- SchoenfeldΤ A
- Schwaber JS
- Schwartz M
- Sclafani A
- Scott TR
- Scott TR
- Shapiro RE
- Shaw N
- Sheffield FD
- Shipley MT
- Simbayi LC
- Skofitsch G
- Smith JC
- Spector AC
- Spector AC
- Spector AC
- Spector AC
- Spector AC
- Spector AC
- Stellar JR
- Sutin EL
- Swank MW
- Teitelbaum P
- Travers SP
- Travers SP
- Van Buskirk RL
- van der Kooy D
- Van· Buskirk RL
- Veening JG
- Voshart K
- Waraczinski M
- Winn P
- Wolf G
- Wolf G
- Yamamoto T
- Yamamoto T
- Yamamoto T
- Yamamoto T
- Yamamoto T
- Yamamoto T
- Yasui Y
- Publication venue
- 'Walter de Gruyter GmbH'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Integration of vestibular and emetic gastrointestinal signals that produce nausea and vomiting: potential contributions to motion sickness
- Author
- A Graybiel
- A Rolnick
- A Shupak
- AA McCall
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AD Miller
- AI Berman
- AL Bianchi
- Andrew A. McCall
- AP Knox
- B Cohen
- B Cohen
- BC Jonghe De
- Bill J. Yates
- BJ Yates
- BJ Yates
- BJ Yates
- BJ Yates
- BS Cheung
- C Bountra
- C Gardner
- CB Halsell
- CB Saper
- CC Horn
- CC Horn
- CD Balaban
- CD Balaban
- CD Balaban
- CD Balaban
- CD Balaban
- CE Fulwiler
- CJ Gardner
- CM Oman
- CR Wilpizeski
- CY Saab
- D Ruggiero
- Daniel J. Miller
- DB Tyler
- DF Cechetto
- DF Cechetto
- DF Cechetto
- DG Herrera
- DJ Reynolds
- DJ Snyder
- DM Miller
- DM Miller
- F Portillo
- FM Boissonade
- FM Boissonade
- G Scalera
- G Tong
- G Ugolini
- GE Riccio
- GW King
- GW King
- GW Knox
- H Ariumi
- H Fukuda
- H Fukuda
- H Fukuda
- H Fukuda
- H Fukuda
- H Herbert
- H Ito
- H Ito
- H Welzl
- HL Borison
- HL Borison
- HL Borison
- HL Borison
- I Billig
- I Billig
- I Billig
- I Billig
- I Billig
- I Pyykko
- IM Lang
- J Baker
- J Reason
- JA Andrezik
- JD Moy
- JD Porter
- JF Golding
- JF Golding
- JF Golding
- JF Paton
- JH Lois
- JI Morgan
- JR Lackner
- JT Reason
- JW Watson
- K Brizzee
- K Okahara
- KE Money
- KE Money
- KE Money
- KJ Berkley
- L Grelot
- L Rinaman
- LE McCarthy
- M Eyeson-Annan
- M Gallo
- M Kobashi
- M Treisman
- MA Ballesteros
- Michael F. Catanzaro
- MS Arshian
- N Sakai
- N Sakai
- NH Barmack
- P Bard
- P Denise
- R Kennedy
- R Somana
- RA Fox
- RA Leslie
- RE Shapiro
- RH Schor
- RH Schor
- RM Kelly
- S Gonsalves
- S Reilly
- SC Carleton
- SC Wang
- SC Wang
- SC Wang
- SD Grabus
- SM Ebenholtz
- T Koga
- T Onishi
- T Suzuki
- T Yamamoto
- T Yamamoto
- T Yamamoto
- TM Saleh
- TM Saleh
- VG Aleksandrov
- VJ DeStefino
- W Bles
- W Bles
- WE Thornton
- WH Johnson
- Y Sugiyama
- Y Takeuchi
- YL Cai
- ZH Zheng
- ZJ Gieroba
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study